With her luscious lips kissing the tip of my cock, Yua started stroking its length using both of her hands. With her soft palms and fingers circled on it, I could feel the rush of blood filling it to the brim.
If it's not held by her hand, it would've already pointed up comparing the height of her head to it.
The sound behind the door already stopped but the presence of someone slumped down with his back resting on it was still there.
That guy, even after what we said, still chose to stay there. Well, he's already the least of my worry. The girl kneeling in front of me had her eyes stuck to my face. The expression on her face was as if she's waiting to be praised by me.
Lifting my hand and putting it on top of her head, Yua closed her eyes contentedly as she's probably relishing the feeling of my hand as I stroke her hair.
If this was before, I would've taken a picture of her like this with her lips firmly fitted on the tip of my cock.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: