
Miyazaki Shiori (1) *

"I remember when I first saw you, Shio."

I said before I took her lips into a kiss. It was trembling but at the same time it was waiting. Shio couldn't help but close her eyes to feel my lips as it overlapped hers.

This is not the first time we kissed but Shio seems to be more nervous this time. I parted her lips and took our kiss deeper. Her arm that was holding onto me tightened its hold.

"The first thing I noticed was your ring."

Continuing my sentence, Shio couldn't help but raise to see her ring finger that was previously adorned by her wedding ring. She removed it after they started to fight.

Maybe I'm also the catalyst of that fight. She's seemingly happy before our meeting. Once she was entangled with me, problems started to rise.

Seeing there's no more ring there, Shio put down her hand and looked me in the eye. Our lips separated briefly when I said that and I stopped to see her reaction.

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