
Useless Kissing Lesson

"You are a bad guy. That senpai you were kissing before, you forced her, right?"

"No. She accepted it by herself. Well, I did force her at first."

This is her being straight to the point again. She never minced words.

"See. So it's better to do this here. It will keep your hands in your pants."

"Alright. I accepted your request. I have to do my part."

She smiled and nodded. She's satisfied with my attitude.

"Thank you."

"This boyfriend of yours, is he really from our class or not?"

"I guess this much I can tell you, he's not."

"I see. So the rumor is false."

Whoever started that rumor, get your story straight before circulating it!

"What rumor?"

"That there's a secret couple in our class. And I thought it's you and your boyfriend. "

I was trying to guess who her boyfriend was, turns out he's not from our class. I guess that's a waste of thinking time. There's a possibility that the secret couple isn't Kanzaki and her guy.

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