
Chapter 75

"Let go! " She protested. She tried to take his hand off her chin.

He shouldn't know how terrified she was of him. She had seen how violent he could be when provoked but she was confident that when it comes to her, Nick was all bark and no bite. Besides he was the one who had some explaining to do.

Instead of releasing her, his hand held her firmer. His other arm was now on her back to pull her towards him. She was trapped.

"Did you mean what you just f*cking said?" She was shaken by his very cold voice but his question made her think if she wanted to really break up with him.

"Don't even think about leaving me honey! You won't get far! I can find you easily! And when I find you, which I will in no time, I will definitely teach you a lesson that you will never ever forget! "his voice was petrifying.

She felt her heart missed a beat. She believed him. She couldn't mess with him and honestly, she didn't want to.

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