"Fetters that the eye cannot see are harder to break than iron chains." - Cal. One day a young man, who is in oppressive thoughts about money and success in general, finds a notebook once written by an unknown person for achieving his own grandiose goals. Reading the notes, he decides to take them as a guide, which gradually reveals to him the essence of things, finally leading him to action. The process of development is also aided by the pact that Cal and Timothy make between themselves, as well as other characters and important events. Upon reaching certain heights in business, Cal is approached by those like him, the owners of the records, revealing to him the real state of affairs. Cal then has to take sides and fight, risking absolutely everything, including his own life. Cal's final decision will be made when he meets Timothy and finds the terms of their agreement fulfilled. Dear reader, thank you for choosing my book, I hope your reading will be pleasant and useful. (The original is being written in Russian, an amateur translation is presented to your attention.) Tip to the author :)
One's desires correspond to one's understanding, and those who reflect make the best choices.
The young man who never gave up trying to make his way in life understood what qualities he needed and what he had to leave behind in order to get what he wanted. Day after day, he played out different future scenarios in his mind, but the problem was always an emotion that was leading him further and further away from success. Do we know ourselves as we think we do? And what questions remain to be answered and the answer to be understood?
02:34... Holding his breath, he looked at his watch and tried to figure out how much more time would be spent like this before he would act. The desire to find himself, to become successful had been living in him for years. The question remains, still unanswered.
02:42... The fleeting thoughts in the young man's head seem to knock him off his feet and once again he is at the starting point of his consciousness, simultaneously wanting to move forward and sitting idly on the couch with a pen and a piece of paper that still haven't touched each other. The pleasant sound of silence combined with the sound of the refrigerator, which even that, was all in operation. While the young man's gaze on the clock once again led to the obvious thought, "Time waits for no one."
It was as if a thousand paths stood before him and each one called out to him to follow it, which made it harder to choose and confused his thoughts. The young man's mind was already a mess, even though it seemed to him that the control was entirely his own. The moment of emotional explosion was approaching, the probable outcome of which would put an end to the endless doubts and lead him to not fully planned, but decisive actions, which had long been longing to see the light of day. Putting aside the piece of paper and other things on the table, he decided to go for a walk. It was well past midnight, and the star-spangled sky displayed a beauty that had gone unnoticed, for so often we look only at our feet and thus miss all the opportunities we have. We look, but do not see, and to our regret we remain among those numerous people for whom success in life and inner peace are as distant as the stars that decorated the sky that night. Almost any question that sounded in his direction had an answer, very competent, with a share of understanding, but still not having a useful reflection in real life. What was the secret? Asked the young guy in the process of his reflections, walking along an empty street in the company of parked cars and the sun about to rise. Lots of people get up at first light, with different goals and different ways to achieve them. Only a tiny fraction of them are awakened by the inspiration of their idea and the certainty of the path to be traveled. He did not include himself in either the first or the second category and was looking for the key that would open the door to the world of those very few and successful people. The first person he saw was a man of about 30-35 years old, looking like an office worker in a dark suit of not expensive brand with a briefcase in his left hand, walking in a hurry. What he saw was not something unusual and caused him only unwillingness to be like this man, who in the opinion of the guy preferred the so-called stability, and left the attempts to be the master of his time. Everything he saw around him, on TV and heard from most people caused nothing more than a smirk towards others and sadness that still, even if not completely, the guy was among those who did not want to become. The decision came of its own accord, the impetus was a reflection that had more and more weight day by day. One of these days I will find my place in successful circles and I should start immediately, he said aloud for the first time on his way back from a walk.
The dark brown door, behind which he could always find shelter from outside stimuli and the weakness of his personality lost weight, was his parents' home. A place like a fortress, where safety reigned, for at any moment it would be sheltered, fed and cared for in the best possible way. I couldn't wait to approach the moment of reciprocity, to show gratitude not only in words, but also the result of deeds, expressed by luxurious gifts, flowers and all possible ways. The dream was to see in the eyes of relatives the pride for a son, grandson, brother... This was the source of strength, the fire without which this path was impossible to pass. The kettle made the sounds of boiling and the morning began no different from the previous one with one exception, the picture of the world in an instant became brighter and clearer, with an exact indication of the place where the guy was. This could not have been more gratifying, for the fog of uncertainty began to clear and a confident look into the future was reflected in the boy's eyes. The failures of the past were both invaluable experience and a kind of shackle, urging not to make another attempt, the result of which would again be failure, repeated the cowardly voice that was part of his personality. But it was a cowardly voice, and that was what he first noticed: "Wow! Had I previously been so consumed by fear that the clarity of purpose was an illusion! And I was leading myself down a false path." - In deep reflection, Cal stood frozen on the threshold of his parents' house.
- Since when did walking at dawn become your favorite thing to do? We'll mark this day on the calendar," his father said with a smile. He looked with surprise at his son, who liked to sleep until evening.
- As you once said, the morning is my best conversationalist.
- And what was the conversation about?
- Mmm... probably about the distance between me and my place in this world.
- Son, a person's place in this world is not the address where you live alone or with your family, not the job or the business you do from morning till night, people say - I am in my place, finding peace, tranquility and contentment with the moment they are in, regardless of what is going on around them. I think people see the world through the qualities they possess, so what's inside is more precious than what's outside. Recognize and strengthen your best qualities and you'll easily find what you're looking for.
- You've been talking for over 30 seconds, bravo! - A voice came from the room.
Cal rarely talked to his father about anything serious; it was mostly standard questions and answers, and the length of conversations was minimal. The invisible barrier that had arisen when Cal was still in school was not a negative thing, but rather an expression of reverence, as he had been raised in the manner of the old days. As for the lessons of morality and etiquette, they were repeated day after day, but they were expressed in two words, and so at that time, still very young Cal had to learn the subtleties of the short lessons given to him by his father. It was not long before all the inhabitants of the house gathered around the table and began to eat their breakfast. From the street came the joyful cries of the children, for whom the new day was no different from a holiday.
- Why can't adults do that? - Cal asked, looking out the window.
- What can't they do? - Mom asked in a loving voice.
- They can't enjoy life the way children do.
- Interesting thoughts! - Emphasized the father, and then looked at his wife with an interested look, thus expressing his desire to hear his mother's answer.
- Children have just come into this world and are trying their best to learn it, climbing everywhere, touching and tasting everything that attracts their attention, and failure in anything can not stop them. Now, what's the main difference?
- I'm afraid my answer won't match yours, Mom," Cal said with a smile. Perhaps we are braver at an early age because we are not aware of the act and its consequences?
- You're right, but I think the main difference is that children are specific about what they want. Speaking the language of adults, they clearly see their goal and go to it with such persistence that the obstacles in their path like fluff blown to the wind. And what could bring greater joy than achieving a goal. Most people as they grow older are increasingly wrapped up in the fear of failure, and from that determination in action is minimized. Many factors influence this, but children are free from external circumstances and other people's opinions.
- So we were more successful as children than we are now, - Cal said with a deep exhalation.
- Not necessarily, son! When a person is born, he is already successful to some extent, because he has the ability to do the right thing. To understand yourself better and to realize the situation you are in it is enough to look at yesterday, which resulted in today. People often talk in the circle of acquaintances and friends trying to find the reason for the difficult situation they are in, but they do not hear what they are talking about. Words without thinking and understanding confuse people sometimes more than the life situation. Therefore, always look at the situation from the moment of its beginning, and the right conclusion will be easier to make.
- Thanks mom, - Cal smiled with understanding of the importance of the advice.
Standing at the window and forgetting about the breakfast that was waiting for its hour, Cal looked at what was happening, one boy ran shouting something to the whole yard, another ran after him with the same sincere smile on his face, and as if pushed the others to run along with them, while waving his hand at them, they all played the same game and were carried away by it as much as it was possible. Everyone knew his role and fulfilled it, and there is no reward or praise in the game, and only the process itself every day brings joy to children playing in the yards of thousands of houses. Apparently this is the reward, he suddenly thought and began to compare adults and children, trying to sort out the flow of various thoughts that had not visited him in such large numbers for a long time.
Children reminded him of that light feeling in his chest and that sincere smile with which he spent every day as a child, and he wondered how to transfer this state to his present self? Where should I start? Perhaps by acquiring this state, I will find my place in life! Cal suggested.