
9- Ben vs Michael part 1


The director thought he has given the new adventurers and stadium a long enough break within the 2 hour break everyone was given all the examinees studied everything they could about there class to help them in battle.

" Now that everyone is here and ready me and the kings have created the bracket for the tournament and these are the brackets

1: Benjamin vs. Michael

2: Isabella vs. Delilah

3: Jeremiah vs. Burnett

4: Cain vs. Leonard

5: Malcolm vs. Timothy

6: Danielle vs. Abel

7: Sebastian vs. Carter

8: Olivia vs. Caleb

9: Penelope vs. Grace

10: Aurora vs. Addison

11: Roman vs. Savannah

12: Claire vs. Genesis

13: Carson vs. Lucas

14: Bryson vs. Cora

15: Gabriella vs. Nevaeh

" Now that you all have your opponents prepare yourselves. As you know no weapons are prohibited in the arena. You may use magic or any means to win." Said the director to the examinees.

" in this arena we have 4 rules"

1: No killing.

2: If your opponent yields the battle is over.

3: Any outside help is a automatic disqualification.

4: No weapons

{ Benjamin and Michael please make your way to the stage. }

While walking up to to arena Ben was thinking about his stats now that he picked a warrior class. Also how now he doesn't have to be so polite to Michael anymore.

Michael was also thinking about his new class and how he felt much stronger now that he as a few action skills. He also couldn't wait to embarrass the Noble Prince in front of the whole kingdom.

{ Young men are you ready ? }



{ begin }


Tatatataata tatatatatatatat!!!!!!


{ For the ones up high in the stadium the speed and momentum in that attack. I know everyone up there could feel the wind pressure off the way Michael blocked Benjamin's [ Flare Punch.] That's some strong defense he has there pay close attention not to miss anything .]

"Tuh haha his body is strong what kind of body enhancement did he use if I didn't have my magic around my fist it would surely have broken." Ben thought while coming up with a solution to his problem that was in front of him. Meanwhile casting different body enhancements spells on his body.

"Hahahahahahhaha I hope you didn't think this was going to be an easy fight for you. I told you I hate Nobles like you who are oblivious to the struggles of the real world. I have trained by body to it's limits everyday by having a local gang beat on me. But now I don't have to do that anymore I have acquired the skill [ Emerald armor.] it puts a translucent green armor on my body and boosting my defense up by atleast 200 points. Now your attacks really don....


In the middle of Michael talking Ben started to get agitated and casted [ Superior body ] to enhance all his stats by 3 for 2 seconds. Meanwhile Ben couldn't take it anymore so he focused half of his magic into his legs and half into his first at casted [ Flare Punch.] Ben hit Michael so hard in his stomach Michael flew 30m in the air and dropped back down just as fast as he went up due to Ben already being in the air and using his skill [ Hawk Dive. ].

{ The winner is Benjamin with beating Michael by TKO. }

{ Next up is Isabella vs. Jeremiah.}

Ben was walking down from the stage when Leo met up with him. Grabbing him by his shoulder whispering to him. " you sly devil you I knew you'd end up using that skill of yours ha."

" Shut up I didn't want to waste time with the fight or waste my mana. So I calculated best plan possible to save time and energy." Telling Leo while shrugging him off his shoulder. With Leo not knowing that the draw back to that skill is the recoil. Yes it give you an extra stat boost for 2 seconds but you take 2/3rd of the damage you give out. " Let's just watch the next match."


9- Isabella vs. Jeremiah : part 2

{ Are you ready !!!!!!!!! }



{ Begin !!!! }

Tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh

Ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping

Pah pah pah pah pah tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh

{ is anyone else not seeing the crazy Exchange in blows and the Monstrous defense both young ladies are putting up. }

Pant pant pant pant.

Drip drip drip drip

Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh !!!!!!!!!

Ting ping pang tsh tsh tsh

{ These two females are giving us the best show we have had in a long time neither one of them seem to want to give up if this keeps up whoever wins might not have enough stamina left for the next round.!!!!!!! }

Pant pant pant " I can't keep this going on if I don't end this now I'll be done for before I even fight in the next round. I didn't want to have to use this in the first round but I have no choice." Isabella thought as she was preparing her unique skill [ Evo Skill: Holy cross. ] ( It allows to user a portion of and angels power in the form of a cross. Can be used bare hand but with a weapon the attack does 3,000 damage easily. )

Hmph hmph hmph hmph " This puny no name noble thinks she can stand toe and toe with me who does she think she is I'm going to end this in one move." Delilah said to herself. Afterwards she prepared her unique skill ( Evo Arctic Blizzard.) a skill passed down the family for generations from her Great-great-great-great-great-great Grandmother the stronger member her family has ever have.

{ OHHHHHHHHH this battle looks like it's heating up. }

( " Holy Cross !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


( " Arctic Blizzard !!!!!!!!! )


BOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If one was standing above the arena one would see nothing but a GIANT dust cloud. Due to Isabella and Delilah's battle nothing can be seen not even the power houses can see but one thing they can do is feel presence. And King Frost went wild.

" Hahahahahahahahahahaha I told yo my Princess was a born prodigy." King Frost shouted in King Avalon's face.

" I don't know why your so happy Benjamin finished his battle in under ten minutes. Your daughter and that girl have been fighting for at least 25 mins now and she's the prodigy." King Avalon boasted in King Frost face. Only to get a slight chuckle out of Queen Julia. While King Arthur couldn't help but look at Queen Julia and think about how well she would fit into his Harem.

" If you keep thinking like that. Like if I would ever give you the time of day. Sir King Arthur I will use all the power I have in me to beat you and put you in a loop. While so it feels like you have gotten beaten up to death and revived and beaten to death again multiple times for all of eternity. Queen Julia said to King Arthur while holding the 6 main elements inside orb objects spinning rapidly.

" It was just a thought my dear nothing more nothing less. Let bygones be bygones." King Arthur replied.

"For a heroic King he sure is perverted." Queen Julia thought.

The whole time King Roma could careless what any of them thought he was here just to see his daughter fight and she lost to a Damn Snow elf. " only if she used the power she inherited from me she would have one easily but she lock it away with that damn Holy magic she inherited from her mother. The Vice-guild master of The Celestial Temple Alexandra Shar. That DAMNED women my daughter could have ruled the underworld if she wanted to.

{ The winner is Delilah Frost !!!!!!! }

"Hmmph like I said weakling." Delilah said while walking out of the arena.



WE WANT MORE !!!!!! WE WANT MORE !!!!!!!! WE WANT MORE !!!!!!!! WE WANT MORE !!!!!!!!!!

{ Do you hear them examinees they want more, they want more POWER , thay want more BANG. So give them what they want fight to your limits.}

{Next up Jeremiah vs. Burnett. }

Next chapter