
A Fuckin Genius Plan

I was simply dropped on the side of the road given my new identity.

Alan Black.

That's it I stood up looked around and then decided to just walk and see where this leads me.

~20 Minutes Later~

I found a demon he's described as a ordinary man but I'm 110% Sure he's a demon.

I walk up to him.

"Oh! Hello there! Is there something I might help you with?" (Demon)

I rip through his flesh and rip out his still- beating demon purple heart.

He falls to the ground, the large hole in his chest makes it pretty clear he's dead.

Lightning strikes me as a red transparent message appears before me.


[This triggers your step into the Monster World]

[As you entered because of killing a demon you receive a certain affinity and core weapon imbued into your soul]

[All you have to do is will it and it will become clear]

I'm pretty sure this is not from my systems but I'll just go with it.

I'm Chaos Affinity and my weapon is a mix between Swords, Chains and Guns.

A Level Appears above my head.

[LV: 1]

Yo ESP explain this.

{In this world aka Earth 7 there are many ways in steeping into the supernatural and when you do many phenomenon happen, For example The MC stepped into the Supernatural and gained a system, A Person Got turned into a Vampire and received godlike power it kinda all depends on luck and what gift/start you get}

The level measures power yes?

{Yup MC is like LV 45 and the Level can go up limitlessly there is actually a reward for getting to certain levels}

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by Atari as his successor!]

[Congratulations! You have been chosen as the next Supreme Demonic Void Emperor!]

[Congratulations! You have been chosen to receive The All Goddess Yura's Inheritance!]

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the Primordial Cosmic Origin Pantheon as their vessel!]

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by Nauri Godess Of Fate to decide the fate of the world!]

I think I rolled a Nat 20 + Infinity on luck.

All 5 Gifts take in place as they mold and shape my very being Atari was the supreme godking and the current ruler of god's so I was shaped and given the necessary things to be worthy of being a successor of Atari and this was similar to what happened with me for the other awards.

I came out of the rainbow burst of light as a tall pale figure exuding a Aura making people Either Fear or Worship me my hair was I think a translucent mix of Purple, Pink, Black, Red, Blue, Gold, Silver creating this weirdly magnificent colour as it reached below my shoulders.

Well shit I became all powerful literally off the bat just by luck is this how those Generic Isekai Protagonists feel when they get a overpowered cheat? Eh I'll just continue what I came here for which was to fuck around.

I continued walking around taking note of the area when.....

1- Do you hear, Chosen One? Is For Spoken Guidance And Word Fell On Deaf Ears?

I hear you

1- Good congratulations! You are Atari's successor and I am here to guide you to your path as the next Supreme God!

I heard another voice a much more darker and deeper than the Dramatic and Energetic tone of the first voice.

2- Hear Me! Oh Future Dark Lord!

I hear you

2- You As The Next Supreme Void Emperor will be Destined to rise above all and make foes fall to your power and Be drunk with power for you are The Lord Of Darkness all are nothing but stepping stones to your greatness

And now I'm hearing a 3rd Voice it had the same tone as when a shop assistant greets you when you enter a store with the all Cheerful and Fake Smile.

3- You! Oh Prideful Prince Of Riches have been chosen by the Almighty Goddess Yura to Inherit her wealth and legacy honor it with pride Oh High One as her previous assistant I will guide you to be the most riches of all the gods

And a now a fourth can this be the last one? I'm starting to feel like Deadpool on drugs the Fifth one Switched Tones From Masculine, Feminine And A Calm Voice

4- Hear us Promised One for you have been chosen by the future ruling gods soon we will be hailed as the top gods and we are here to help you be hailed as The God Of God's In The Our Ultimate Pantheon

Ok this fith voice better be the last at least it spoke in a more Mature and Soothing tone than the others

5- Do you hear me? Son Of Fate? Fate has chosen you to be one destined to decide the fate of the world and existence itself I stand by and guide you to this path whatever choice you make is your own

Alright I guess I have to continue on with 5 voices in my head, I encounter a cemetery when I witness a red haired girl in a bloody School uniform I recognize it as the same school the Reincarnates go to she is fighting against another girl who has white hair and Piercing red eyes they are surrounded with other people fighting against one another.

I think The Red hair girl is fighting with the white haired girl with her followers? Why tf are they fighting in a cemete- oh wait I think they're vampires..... Scratch that I just saw some guy get bitten in the neck they are definitely vampires.

1- Lowly Blood Suckers, they follow such limiting and foolish traditions Show them your aura! Make them the first few who will Worship and fall to your glory!

2- Tch! Those Weak bat ghouls dare to Ignore you and fight in your presence!? Show them that this shall not be tolerated as The Lord Of Darkness Make then cower and fear you!

3- They are noble vampires ones who are powerful and have great influence and connections naturally they would have great wealth offer them the honour of serving The Prideful Prince Of Riches!

4- Though there are many stronger, they will have to do for now regale them with your presence and they shall submit to you and you only!

5- My child, Your Decision is yours only I respect all of what you have and will do for it is your choice and no one but you only

I seriously need to make some bodies for these voices.

I stand atop a statue and unleash my aura of all 5 Gifts Supreme Heir, Lord Of Darkness, Prince Of Riches, Cosmic Ruler and Son Of Fate a ray of A Holy Shining White, A Demonic Overpowering Darkness, A Greedy Golden Light, A Cosmic Starry Night and A Red Striped combing into one.

They all stopped and looked in awe, magnificence and respect they fell to the floor and bowed they felt too ashamed to even look or raise their head as they thought they were not worthy.

"I Am Your God, Master and Owner you follow me with your eternal servitude and life and I shall give you the honour of being with me on my path to power" (MC)

Tears fell from their eyes



And now here I am sitting at a throne in a vampire castle being served by them they seem to enjoy serving Me..... A little too much.

I already have control over the Alucards one of the Great Monster Families so I have a some power but like Those Cosmic Gods said The Alucards is not the most powerful, my first plan of action is bringing down those other 4 Families.

5. Alucards/Vampire Family (MC's Control)

4. Lupin/Werewolf (Vampires Mortal Enemy)

3. Hallow/Spirits (Neutral)

2. Mortem/Witches (Pure Evil)

1. Hellsin/Demons (Most Widespread)

The Alucards and the Lupins are too busy hating on Eachother to actually grow and extend their influence.

The spirits give no shits and just want to relax but even so they are pretty powerful in their own right they even could have the potential to be either more or equal power to the Hellsins but through many centuries of neglect and laziness they lost most of their power.

Witches only want to torment literally anything as long as it can feel pain then it is on their list of Creatures to torture.

The Hellsins..... Are well demons they have their own thing going on mostly doing with outside forces meddling and their strict Hierarchy.

But now things are gonna change since I'm in charge.

Plan (Kind of)

This is a Malleable/Temporary plan meaning it might change in the future

1. Go full Romeo and Juliet and make the heir of both the Lupins and Alucards fall in love and after a Dramatic sacrifice of them both suiciding the families stop fighting and get along

2. Stir trouble with the Spirits by framing witches as trouble makers and eventually make them declare war on the witches

3. Go to the Hellsins and disguise as a ghost and threaten them that if they don't declare war on the witches I will kill tear down their family

4. Kidnap the Queen of witches and make her marry a human this will really shake the 5 Families as Witches are known since time memorial as Creatures who love making people suffer especially humans

5. Make the Head Of The Alucards and Lupins declare war on the witches for violating a decree that humans shall not find out about the paranormal

6. Queen overthrown and entire witch society collapse also make the new rulers of The Witches Kill A Demon breaking the non aggression pact

7. Hellsins declare war on witches but get mysteriously slaughtered by a group who call themselves spirits

8. Remaining Demons now declare war on all the families blaming them for the Slaughter of the Hellsins this launches a ripple effect making everyone go to war on Eachother

9. A Mysterious Hero (Guess who) saves the day by stopping the war and uniting peace creating The Malik the new family with all 5 Monster families as one and the head is the mysterious hero

I quite like this plan, well its time to start everything in motion.

AN: Big brain plan btw what you think of this chapter?

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