
Talk 2

Chron: "A... shrine?"

Old man: "Yes, a shrine. A place connecting us with Spirits."

C: "Aren't we in Spirits' world? Why do you need a shrine to connect with Spirits?"

O: "That's rigth that we are here. But it seems that you don't unserstand what a Spirit is.

Spirit is being born from mana is this world. lesser Spirits and medium Spirits are born here and have shape of floating orb. They go to you original world by creating small rifts. That's also how magic was created - due to this rifts mana is overflowing the world and people started to make use of it. High Spirits sometimes have form and people are even able to make contracts with them. When they enter your world they bring huge amount of mana and people that weren't able to control mana before suddenly can. It's kinda like miracle.

There are also one more kind of Spirits. Superior Spirits. All of them have name and 'body'. They also have their own minds and might not want to form a contract even with 'suitable' person if they don't like him/her. Most of them can't appear without shrines like the one that I mentioned but there are few that can. 'Kings' are special kind of Superior Spirits that can go in and out from world. They are the strongest one but they also require to find an artifact attached to them in order to form a contract. It's hard to make a contract but it is worthy, if you succeed then you might be the strongest in the entire country from the start and you can still grow even stronger."

C: "So the ones that contacted me want to form a contract with me?"

O: "That might be the case. I still feel strange that so many Superior ones contacted you."

C: "Speaking of which, one of them had nostalgic aura, like a old protector that keeps his eye on the world affairs and want to bring peace."

O: "Pfffff. 5 years old talking about nostalgia. Aahahhaha."

C: "Shud up. Anyway. I saw a lot of people here, doest that mean that all of you are Kings?"

O: "I was waiting for that question."

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