

At this moment strange man with black eyes wearing a robe was standing in front of a kid.

"What are you doing alone here? And who are you? I have never seen you here. Oh, by the way, my name is Asura"

Though he looked scary, his words were reassuring.

"I-I... I don't know"

A: "Hmmmm? Strange. A kid abandoned in forest? Something like this shouldn't have happened in this world.

Boy, there is a village nearby where I am living. Do you want to go with me?"

"O-Ok, I will go."

After a while they entered the village. There were a lot of houses but it was too quiet like a ghost town.

"Why is it so quiet here?"

A: "They are probably scared of new thing such as you are.

We need to go to village chief. There you might be accepted as a member of our community."

"If you say so."

In the middle of the village there was a house that was standing out from other. It was separated from other ones and taller. It looked kinda like a watchtower.

Inside the house was one person. Old man with short sideburns, moustache and beard tho his hair was longer and combed back.

O: "Hmmm, so this is the story."

A: "Yes, even I don't know how it might have happened."

"Ummm, how should i call you?"

O: "Just call me old man, it's easier that way, isn't it?"

"You don't have a name? Or maybe you just forgot it..."

O: "Are you the one to talk here?"


O: "Pfff... Ahhahahahah

I have a name but everybody here calls me chief or old man so I kinda forgot about it.

But here is the problem. If you don't have a name then maybe I can just give you one.

Hmmmm... What about 'Chron'? Do you like it?"

C: "Y-Yes, I like it"

O: "So let it be it.

Now Chron, tell me what happened that you ended up in the forest."

C: "Ok, but i don't know if you will believe it."

O: "Hooo? I have lived for a long time and I don't think that a story of a few years old brat could possibly made me shocked. Then. Let us hear your story."

Sorry for laet updale.

I have a lot of family matters and i simply don't have time :/

As a compensation I should release few extra chapter tomorrow.

Hope you will understand.

Project_Eterdisecreators' thoughts
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