
A Present

The glimmer of hope had been shown to her, it was warm and promising but just as she stretched her hand to grasp that light, everything disappeared.

Nesrin was on her bed, her eyes looking at Jeremiah in a daze and her voice was horrified as she asked

"What are you talking about?"

Nesrin asked horrified.

"It is true," Jeremiah rubbed his temples, "The maid had massacred everyone..."

"Her name was...really Ophelia?"

"It was. Apparently, even the knights that saw her leave the palace were too petrified to stop her. When the went inside the grand emperor's palace, there was nothing but death and blood,"

There were seven healers, five care takers and twenty knights guarding the place. However, when the morning came, none of them were alive. For some reason, a few of the dead bodies had even disappeared.

Nesrin's throat went dry.

She had been unconscious for two days, and when her eyes opened, she was greeted by such a news.

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