
He's awake

Third person's POV.

In a damp-looking cave-like room, a young girl which looked not a day older than fourteen stared at a blue glowing orb that was suspended mid-air.

"He might wake up soon," she spoke after a short while.

It was the deiza witch queen, she had been staring at the blue orb none stop for hours.

"He'll be here any day soon, I'm sure he was able to piece the puzzles together already."

After saying this, the blue orb stopped levitating and slowly came to rest on an open hand-shaped pedestal.

The Dieaza witch queen then smiled before leaving the cave and walking out of the cave where Darhl had come to see her a few weeks ago.

She was hiding something, and she was well aware of the fact that Dharl knew that which was why she was sure he was going to return to meet her.

She had intentionally withheld that piece of information from him, knowing fully well that that was the only way to get him over there to see her again.

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