
What is she up to?

Third persons Pov

Darhl entered the room the look on his face turned serious the moment he saw her go into the bathroom.

He brought out the phone from his pocket and dialled up Karl's number while pressing the phone to his ears.

"Speak," he said calmly.

"I'm afraid there's a little bit of a problem," Karls's voice filled his ears making him close his eyes slowly.

"You know I don't like having to ask," Darhl said calmly when he waited for Karl to continue but the line was silent.

They were friends but Darhl was undeniably their boss and everyone one of them answered to him without a doubt and when matters are serious he forgets all about the fact that they were his friends and Karl was well aware of this.

Hearing how calm darhl sounded he knew not to push his lock because the man was not to be messed with whenever he was sounding this calm, it was like one of those deafening silence you hear before a bomb goes off which made him quickly clear his throat and started to speak.

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