
The legend

Third persons POV

Darhl couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked ahead pretending as if she didn't know he was walking closely behind her, keeping an eye on her as she picked up things she was planning to use for decorations.

He had things that needed his attention right then, but he didn't want to leave her be for some reason.

However, after following them around while listening to her thoughts that only made him snicker to himself as he couldn't help but think she was a really weird person.

Because how else would you describe someone who randomly wonders if flying pigs were real, or if there was a green pig somewhere on the face of the earth while shopping?

After about twenty minutes of following them around the whole store, his phone started to ring, and seeing the caller ID, he knew he shouldn't ignore that call even if he wanted to.

"Hey, Karl? What is it is Larry okay?" He asked after pressing the phone to his ears.

"Yeah, he seems fine for now," came the reply from the other end of the phone and hearing that, he knew something must be up.

"Spill," he ordered calmly and Karl didn't need any more words to know what Darhl was asking him to do.

"You know the legend?.." He asked and paused for a while as if waiting for Darhl to reply even though he knew he wasn't going to.

"The one about the two-headed dragon?" He continued, "I think it's already here," he finished and silence fell between them.

Darhl had left the girls back in the shop still shopping while he went into his car to take the call.

He kind of already knew about this after he saw the tattoo on Larry's body, but he had hoped it was just the dieza witches queen playing tricks with his mind, but hearing it from Karl, he knew that was not the case.

"He won't rise until the beast does tho, right?" Darhl asked remembering the complete legend about the two-headed Dragon.

The dragon was the pet of the beast and one of the main weapons of the beast which was said to bring the end to the whole of life forms with the aid of his dragon, so Darhl knew the Dragon was almost useless if the beast had not risen.

"Yeah, it hasn't but since the dragon is beginning to appear, it's only a matter of time before the beast does," Karl explained.

Darhl closed his eyes his head spinning slightly at the information he just received.

Does that mean all his attempt to stop the legend from happening was just a feeble attempt and in the end he wouldn't be able to stop the damn legend from happening? He wondered and for the first time in ages, he felt helpless but he wasn't going to let that make him feel sorry for himself.

"Is there really no way to stop the beast? I haven't grown more powerful, and as you can already tell, I have in fact become even more weaker than I ever was... He can't rise if I don't gain my powers," Darhl said calmly but in reality, he was thinking of the possibility of that happening and it didn't seem quite unnerving.

"I don't think that is going to be working anymore," came the replies from Karl after a while.

Darhl only sighed and he knew he should see the dieza witches queen she probably knows something she's not telling him.

"Fine, I'll figure something out, in the meantime, you have to keep an eye on Larry," Darhl said and then he ended the call with him and drove off without going back to meet her.

His conversations with Karl, made him wonder for a moment if his decision about making Larry the leader back in the Bahamas was a really good one.

However pushing that thought to the back of his head, he thought of another decision he made again, which was getting married...

If the beast was going to rise, then him getting married shouldn't have happened in the first place not even if it meant he would loose his life.

The only reason why he had agreed to get married in the first place was because he wanted to stay alive just a little longer to find her, but that wouldn't matter if the beast woke up because it would only put her in danger.

He had to see Brent, he should know a few things that might be of help Darhl thought as he called him and asked where he was before driving over there to meet him.

"I know why you're here, I get a call from Karl," he said right when Darhl walked into the house where Brent was seated.

"And tell me you have something," Darhl said in a calm voice just like he felt on the inside.

"Well, I don't think you need to worry right now, as the beast wouldn't wake in a decade or even more," Brent announced with a smile.

"Why not enjoy your time with your beautiful bride while you still have the chance to, and leave finding ways to stop him from rising to us for now?" Brent teased earning himself a raised eyebrow from Darhl which he of course replied with a clear of his throat.

"I'm just saying you don't have to worry for now," Brent said raising his hands in a surrendering manner making Darhl stare at him blankly for a moment, before he turned to leave.

I should go back and pick her up, he thought to himself even though he wasn't planning on taking her with him until after the event she was planning for her brother.

But it wouldn't hurt to tease her, would it? He thought as a broad smile crawled up his face as he went back to the hotel he was staying in and then decided to call her after settling in bed.

"What?!" She asked her voice filled with a fury which only caused the smile on Darhl face to broaden even more.

He was enjoying this without even knowing it...

"Calm down little Missy," his rough voice vibrated calmly from deep within his chest...

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