
Dieza witches queen is sly..

Third persons POV..

"You know you can't escape your fate forever right, even if you keep choosing to ignore it, it would find you... Actually I think it already did,"...

The words of the Dieza witches queen kept repeating in Darhl's head even though he tried his best to not be bothered about what she said, but trying not to think about it only lead him to think about it even more.

He couldn't help but wonder what she meant by actually it already found him.

He didn't understand why she said that, but he also tried to push out the thoughts claiming she might probably only be trying to get into his head because the Dieza queen was known for her manipulative acts.

Getting out of the throne room wasn't as hard as it was when he was trying to get in, he only had to go through one tunnel.

The fairies outside were still there and they bowed at Darhl's retreating form.

By the time Darhl was completely out of the old building, it was already night, which meant he spent hours in there without knowing that much time had went by as he tried to get out of those tunnels.

Darhl didn't go in with his phone because he knew it was useless there, there was no form of network in that place so the phone would remain dead until he was out.

So when he entered into his car, he took his phone from where he kept it wanting to call Dale and ask if Larry was back, but then he found about 10 missed calls from different numbers, some were from Dale, while one was from his wife's mom.

He wanted to call her first, but he had a more pressing matter as of then, so he called Dale instead and waited for him to pick up the phone, and he picked up after the first ring.

"Hello, where the fuck did you go to man," Dale yelled the moment he picked up the phone.

Darhl listening to Dale curse into the phone moved the phone out from his ear and stared at the screen surprised with a raised eyebrows before putting back to his ear.

He couldn't believe what his ears just heard, or maybe Dale didn't check the phone before picking up the call because even though they were friends, Dale had never used a curse word when he spoke to him before.

Dale was a fox who was far much younger than Darhl which was why Darhl was surprised at the curse words he just used.

"Did you check your phone screen to see who was calling," Darhl said back in a calm deadly voice and that seemed to snap Dale back into his senses.


"Shit"? Darhl asked again, and Dale pressed his lips tightly before speaking again.

"I mean to say Larry's alive, and we've been calling you, I even went over to the cabin but you weren't there," Dale said slowly, even though they were friends with Darhl, he still feels a little intimidated whenever Darhl uses that calm deadly voice of his.

"I know, where is he," Darhl said back.

"Wait, you know, how did you find out," Dale asked, but Darhl was quiet so he continued by saying, "We found him in a casket locked up in one of the empty rooms at the house," Dale finished.

And then Dahrl told him he was going to be coming over to the house before he ended the call and decided to call Glamour's mom.

She picked up the call after the third ring and spoke a soft hello into the phone.

"Hello, son," she said and Darhl couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips as the woman called him a son.

He was older than her and even her parents, that he was sure of, but because he hadn't aged a day since he became 27, that made the woman think she could actually call him a son.

"Hello, ma'am, sorry I missed your call I was a little busy," Darhl told her and she only said

"Oh, that's fine my dear I just wanted to check up on you since we didn't get any call that your flight landed safely," The woman said expressing her worries.

Darhl felt his almost dead heart skip its slow almost inaudible beat because no one has ever been worried about him before, and even if they acted as if they did it would only be because they needed something from him, but he had read the woman's mind before and he knows her worries were completely genuine, and that only made him feel a tiny bit of guilt for forcing her daughter to marry him.

However, no matter how guilty he felt right now, he couldn't turn back the hands of time, and divorcing her would be the most jerk ass move to do.

"Are you busy with something," The woman asked slowly after he was quiet for a while without answering her previous question.

Hearing her question again snapped Darhl out of his thoughts and then he answered with, "Oh, sorry, yeah my flight was great, thank you for your concerns," Darhl said.

"Oh honey, you're like a son to me now, you shouldn't thank me because I was worried about you," she said discarding his apologies and thankfulness.

Darhl smiled even though he knew she couldn't see him before he said ok, and that he would do that next time.

"Did Glamour tell you about the little party we're throwing to celebrate Hamdi's graduation, and also his taking over the company, you'll be able to make it right"? She asked and Darhl even though Glamour didn't tell him anything, he just told her mom that she did tell him about it and that he might be able to make it.

They both said goodbyes and then ended the call, and then Darhl drove off to the house where he was going to go meet with their Larry and Dale and the others.

He was going to finally have the meeting he had planned on having since last few weeks ago.



I didn't wanna write any notes under today but I just can't help it I hope they are not too boring for you guys right? Lol, see you in the next chapter ah don't forget to leave comments and also to vote 🤗👐

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