
Chapter 83 - A new life

*( mood song: "Dropkick Murphys - The State Of Massachusetts")

Meanwhile, at the old octopeople's tribe location, the octopeople and hybrid crab people were setting up the basics for the new hybrid crab tribe using the recovered materials from Trutk's tribe, and a stone wall fence around, setting up the basics for the future dome, a benefit of building underwater, airbags can easily replace cranes, filling them using hydrólisis pumps working with batteries that the octopeople charged at their city.

The hybrids were taught how to harvest algae and care for the chicken clams and mussels, it was a relaxing life for the mostly traumatized hybrid crabwomen after being raped and eaten alive for so long, and that had also made them docile and fearful, as only the elders had been spared of that fate and retained their sanity.

Anhuka was one of those women, she really liked the farm work or building their new houses, as for the first time in her life she felt like she had hope, life was peaceful as she worked at her own pace, she had even built herself a cozy hut with stone walls using blocks provided by the octopeople, and a fish leather ceiling supported by bones.

She had one regret though, the unfriendly looks the octopeople gave them 'It's all those old farts fault for attacking our saviors, good riddance, if I see that exiled bastard again I would kill her myself...' she was decided to succeed in her new life though.

The next day, she woke up on her hut, her nest made in a corner with lots of leather sheets, the water much colder here than in the caves. She put on a leather vest and made sure to look presentable as she came out of her hut, taking a deep breath to calm herself as she stepped in front of a guard, she was giving her a harsh stare, but still Anhuka calmed herself and said with a slight bow "greetings savior, I'm Anhuka and would like having the honor of learning your language if it's possible"

The guard kept her stare for a while and finally said "I will contact my superiors" and went away.

Anhuka almost collapsed as the guard went away 'first I will learn their language and make myself more and more useful, with some luck I might even catch the eye of an important person' she remembered the shiny biped, at that time she had been just raped and was lying down in the middle of the village, so she saw the entire fight with Trutk, her shining savior... her heart beat faster just thinking of meeting him 'I need to become more and more useful quickly...' feeling motivated, she quickly went to work on the farm.

--- Back at the base ---

Erik was working on some bombs to set on the cliff wall as a scout entered.

She bowed and announced "Fifth Elder, there's a crab demon that wishes to learn our language, what should we do?"

Erik sighed and asked "well, I'm a bit busy so, why asking me and not the other elders?"

Scout: "only the First and Third elders remain at the base, and the other elders are busy patrolling the border, the Third Elder was busy maintaining the soldier's weapons and armors, so we asked the First Elder and she instructed us that the demons were your responsibility, Fifth Elder"

Erik facepalmed and resigned himself "okay fine, bring her here for an interview and I will see what I do about her"

The scout bowed "as you command Fifth Elder" and went away.

[don't worry, make one and I can scan it and make the rest]

Erik: [yeah, I was actually counting on that, no way I can make hundreds of underwater charges anyway, what I can't quite decide is the trigger, I don't wanna waste material adding cameras or things like that, while pressure plates would be useless, and a naval mine wouldn't work either]

[what about making them look like food?]

Erik: [well that's a good idea but that would just work once, also they will be focused on climbing so-... climbing... focused... kukuku~ I had a great idea, can you make the triggers look like rocks? we will make them look like good holds to climb and leave them inserted on the walls, that way... if a soldier activates one of them, then with a slightly delayed explosion, the entire area will explode, that could end entire enemy squadrons in one move, beautiful right?]

[quite the elegant solution indeed (⌐▨_▨) ]

Erik: [right? and it can be done in different shapes so-]

At that moment he was interrupted by a knock in the door "Fifth Elder, I brought her"

Erik: [okay, you know what to do]

[leave it to me ┏('▀_▀')/♬♪]

Erik then turned to the door and said "let her in"

--- minutes earlier ---

Anhuka had been taken and her head covered with a bag, only taking it off once she was inside the base.

She was really surprised when she had felt no water around her and it had been hard to keep calm, but she was really glad she had, the interior of the base was so incredible she stood there gawking at her surroundings, until an octoperson warrior nudged her.

Warrior: "go in, the Fifth Elder is waiting inside"

Anhuka gulped nervously as she went in with a bow, she wasn't prepared for what she saw inside when she looked, gawking again as there stood her hero, her savior in his shiny exoskeleton, his face also different than hers or the octopeople, some time passed as she managed to control herself and strongly blushed as she stammered struggling to form coherent phrases "I- I Anhuka, learn... you... I - useful, life you know I, so if I learn... you..., so I... for you... to you- useful" while inside she was shouting 'please someone stop me! I can't stop!' her face getting redder by the second.

Erik couldn't take it anymore and stepped up, putting his hands on her shoulders "calm down okay? calm down- what the hell..." he was trying to calm her down, but the moment he put his hands on her, she just collapsed with a red face.

[...guess you have a fan...]

Erik: [...this... what the hell really...] he bent over and lightly slapped her face, making her wake up as she just looked focussedly at his face, her eyes dilating as she then closed her eyes and pouted her lips [damn...], Erik ignored her and stood up, leaving the messy Anhuka there to compose herself with her delusions, he coughed, getting her attention as she blushed and opened her eyes "I am Erik, also called the Fifth Elder, start by telling me your name, and why you wanna learn a new language when your necklace already translates for you?"

Anhuka took some time to compose herself and with a whisper-like voice said "my name is Anhuka, I... I saw how you saved us and I wanted to be useful to you..."

Erik smiled widely to that "I see, I see... I actually have something you could help me with"

Anhuka: "anything! please let me help you! I'm really good at my work at the farm, and if I don't know I will learn! please! let me help you!"

Erik put on a compassionate face and said "I'm really glad you think that way but... nah, maybe that would be too much..." he put on a worried face.

Anhuka reacted hurriedly "anything that troubles you, please let me help!"

Erik sighed and said "well if you insist... you see, I couldn't bring myself to kill the rock crab people you see, so I've been keeping them alive until they repent and change their ways..., and I need someone to just bring them food... and punish them if they misbehave..., think you can do that?"

Anhuka paused to that 'me? feeding and punishing those beasts?... but it's something troubling Erik... I need to help him!' she seriously nodded as she said "yes! please leave it to me!"

Erik stood up "perfect! follow me, I will guide you to your new workplace"

--- greenhouse lab ---

Erik walked side by side with the scared Anhuka, the crabmen in the cells looking at her with anger "this is it, think you can do it?"

Anhuka cowered slightly under the angry gazes "I-... I don't know, are you sure they can't escape?"

Erik put an arm over her shoulder, making her blush, and gave her a stun baton that was hanging on the wall, putting her hand on the handler and her thumb on the switch "you see..., every time any of them does something annoys you even slightly..." he pushed the button.


The electric arc surprising Anhuka as Erik continued "just hit them with this..." and touched one of the glaring crabmen with it.


The crabman collapsing in pain.

Erik whispered to her ear "come on, try by yourself... put them in their place"

Anhuka was nervous but she did as told and electrocuted one of them, the crabman squealing and falling to the floor, something seemed to click inside her at that moment, as she grinned soon seeing one of those that always ate her legs, and quickly approached his cell, electrocuting him "hehe~ hehehe~ not so tough anymore huh?" and kept electrocuting it until Erik came and held her hand.

Erik looked at her in the eyes and said "yes, that's perfect, but try not to kill them okay? they still need to... repent for what they did"

Anhuka nodded to that with a serious face "leave it to me!"

Erik smiled "alright Anhuka" she blushed at hearing her name as he continued " now, for your next task it's a bit harder, do you remember the elder we exiled?" she nodded "well, we didn't actually exile her, she's paying for her and her sister's mistakes by willingly bearing our children"

Anhuka paused to that as he grabbed Erik's arm "your... children.... p-p... PLEASE! CAN I HAVE THAT HONOR TOO!"

Erik paused to that "well, if you do a great job here I will consider it..."

Anhuka bowed deeply "I won't disappoint you, my lord!"

With that, they got inside and he fed the absentminded elder as Anhuka observed by the side.

Then they finally came to Trutk's cell, Anhuka trembling at the sight of him, only to watch him cowing in fear at the sight of Erik, and it only strengthened her resolve and her initial idea 'the lord is amazing!'

Finished with the prisoners he taught her how to take care of the algae and sent her away back to her tribe.

Erik: [see? it was easy to find a lab assistant]

[...you are way too lucky..., won't she rebel?]

Erik: [nah, she might sock one or two crabs to death though, but that's also fine, I want their adrenaline and regeneration organs, the regeneration organ especially, it's a deposit of readily available mother cells to repair any tissue when needed... I need that... but growing a new organ is hard... sigh... also... she appears to be my fan so it will be fine, I will see her work through the lab cameras once in a while and decide if she does a good job that way.]

[tell the other elders about it too, you know so they don't kill her by mistake...]

Erik paused: [you are right, I will do so later] and went away.

Back at her hut, Anhuka couldn't sleep that night 'Erik... Erik... the lord's name... ahhh... if I do well, then maybe...' her fingers too busy relieving herself, one of the problems of being raped every day, now that her body was used to it, she couldn't help but crave for a good fucking, but it couldn't be just anyone, it needed to be her savior, being so close to him and remembering his touch on her shoulders... 'I need it... I want to bear the Lord's children too..., I will do anything... so just fuck me!!!!' her fingers moving faster in and out of her slimy cunt as finally came with a loud moan, her cunt squirting a plume of pheromones in the water.

Similar cases were happening in the other huts, most accompanied by crying and regret, while others had found in their saviors a beacon of hope, trying to seduce the guards to no avail every day.

But Anhuka wouldn't settle for just a guard, she had been given a task by her savior, and she was decided to make it happen whatever it took! she could already imagine herself by his side, caressing his shiny exoskeleton while he gave orders to others, like a true king, and so, drowned in her own delusions she finally fell asleep.


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