
My Costar will miss me

Yao Shen excuses himself and follows Xin Hulei into a secluded corner of the set. It's a good thing everyone is so busy with everything else going on, because no one pays them any attention.

Privately he has an idea as to why Xin Hulei might have called him away. He's grinning from ear to ear when they reach a tiny nook between a pavilion and the gigantic crane that has been mounted for the aerial stunts, and is now hastily being dismantled. 

"Did you get jealous when you saw me talking with Gao Wu?" Yao Shen asks, smirking at Xin Hulei's serious expression.

The beginnings of a plan are starting to take shape in Yao Shen's mind, regarding what to do in relation to Xin Hulei and the ghost kings, but for now, he just wants to soak up any nugget of affection Xin Hulei throws his way.

Which is why he's a little disappointed when Xin Hulei raises one sharp eyebrow in confusion, and says, "No."

Next chapter