
Chapter 15 The little one

I sighed as I headed back from the area of the pages, the pages finally stopped both asking me questions and nagging me about the king. I don't understand some vampires, what did they mean by the way the king looks at me? I sighed as I had towards the king study figuring that would be where everyone was. And if not I can get a jump start in today's paperwork. And maybe get us past the point of tomorrow. Paperwork is the bane of all leaders. Why, why just why do people have to misbehave just to make more work on their leaders. Walking into the office I just about run into King Logan.

"Are you okay Diana, you seem distracted?" King Logan asks as the world just kind of tilts and then tilts back into place as the bond snaps in between us. and the backlash of emotions coming from him is overwhelming. There was worry there was frustration there was guilt? I end up gripping his arms to keep me upright as the look on his face also tells me that the bond went into place for him as well.

"Okay okay." I said moving forward and resting my forehead on his chest laughing and hysterics. "No no not really things are just kind of a mess up here." I said stuffing back tapping my forehead so I didn't get far.

"How? Why now after all these years does a bond finally snap into place?" He demands which is his right.

"My dragon held back my magic which helped back the bond. But did you know about it? so why didn't you tell me?" I asked him as hurt leaked into my voice.

"Honey for me the bond started snapping into place about fifty years after your dad brought you home. You didn't feel anything so from the bond I didn't know what you would sink if I brought it up to you."

I looked at him and his sad eyes finally made sense. Fuck every protocol I though as I break protocol and wrap him up in a hug. I'm sorry you had to wait so long. He hugs me back, kisses the top of my head, and rubs my back soothingly.

"Whatever happened to make your dragon hold your magic back good show more than likely to protect you.And if that's the case then I was happy with just you having you around. Having you close now, this is the icing on my cake is the human say."

"So that's why dad put that backdown and why you made me first lady. It was the only way for you to keep me close without actually telling me how you felt or about the bond."

"Guess that was part of the decision to make you first lady however it was not the only deciding factor. You are a smart cutting kind devoted to anyone in the clan who needs help. You earned that spot more so from your actions, not some partial bond that I had no idea it was just my mind making things up or something was blocking it on your end. "

"Well you weren't losing your mind and you weren't making things up. My dragon thought the safest thing to do was to take my magic. She took my magic and also took the bond and then they also took all of my memories to a certain point because apparently, something really really bad happened to me. I was going to end. I'm kind of scared to find out. stop my dragon she said she's going to start giving me back my memories."

"I can see why that would be scary. There are things I wish I could forget and never remember. and if I lost those memories and then had them come back or the possibility of them coming back yeah. I would be scared too. But what have you always told the pages?"

"Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's what you do in spite of it." I say to him the same thing I tell every page when they first get here and that first night here I still end up with one or two in my bed for a night or two.

"With that in mind, you'll be okay. Because you have your father you have me you have everyone in the northern Clan with a few exceptions everybody loves you. You now have a mother to go and ask questions to because I know you were always hesitant on asking any of the females for female advice." This makes me blush. I look away from him. "There's nothing wrong with that sweetie. Now, do you have someone to turn to?"

"Well, that maybe you two really should stop apart from each other." Father says stepping out of the shadows.

I glare at my father as I step away from King Logan. "What did you really think I wasn't going to do to make you follow protocol?"

"Father." I said Softly. "Protocol needs to be followed, yes. However, nothing says I cannot comfort a friend with a hug after learning some troubling news."

"Yes this is true." Father said. "However, courtship protocol States is that until the dominant in the partnership speaks to the head of house of the submissive partner they're not supposed to be alone in the same room."

"I do my best not to roll my eyes at him. "Yes this is true with the exception of first meets because well that's kind of a sting you run into each other in the bond clicks. This was the first time I've ran into Logan since my magic was released allowing me to foreign bond. And if you knew of the partial bond that was already in place then he's already spoken to you."

The look of surprise on his face makes me laugh. "Of course you figured that out." Dad groans.

"So how was the conversation between Leo and Jason?" I asked ham.

"It seems Witch courtship and vampire courtship are very different and witch courtship is definitely not as strict. It seems that with witch courtship once courtship permission has been granted it's practically free rein between courter and courte.

"So simply following Northern courtship procedures for both Leo and Logan would be appropriate." I simply nod

"Yes and while I cannot kill you I can maim you if you have hurt her." Dad said glaring at Logan.

"I thought we were over you glaring at me every time we brought this up." Logan said

"Oh no no no no I'm still at theI'm going to glare at you everytime. Now that the bond has finally actually formed we can start moving past that. Hopefully." Dad said with a Savage grin

"You both realize there's another person we have to bury into this correct?" I remind them.

"You mean the mother who is currently standing behind you." Mom said from behind me.

"Do you know Dad sneaking up on me is one thing she can Shadow himself right up behind me how did I not hear you come up behind me?" I said turning and looking at her.

"Something I picked up a couple of years ago moving without sound and moving the air around me to move me faster than normal."

"Great someone who will pop out of thin air and pop out of shadows." I groan as I run my hand though my hair. "great great just great. Just where you're going to tell me my other dad's ghost is going to start popping in unannounced."

"Not that I'm aware of." Mom says. "But knowing your dad I have one surprise". I just looked at her

"Are you telling me it is possible for ghosts to be real?" I asked her

"There are people witches who can summon the dead will call them necromancers. Not being the nicest bunch. About 60% of them use the spirits in a malice way. Show most of us don't trust them. Unless you actually know the Necromancer."

"Oh Fun. I'll take the lightning. I really don't feel like seeing the spirits of the Dead."

" Now Why would you say lightning?" Mom asked

"Because when I was with the pages I had lightning running up and down my arms."

"So magic wives he'll end up taking after your father. Or more accurate both your fathers." She said looking at my dad.

"Shadows and lightning I want you to have full control over everything sure going to be a tough cookie to beat." Dad said, shaking his head. "Then again you've always been a tough cookie to beat."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well you are." Logan agreed. "Like I said anyone would be lucky to have you as there Hatoro." I rolled my eyes at him.

"But you know I would be yours." I remind him.

"I did but who knows what could have happened if the bond had not snapped into place. I wanted you close but at the same time it was hard. I felt like I was going insane some days."

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