


Why are you, even so, forcing about this baby thing??? You never wanted one in the first place...remember at our wedding night, you forced me to take the birth controls, you declared that you never wanted children!!"

Tinsley argued back. Kian fixed his eyes on hers, listening to her side, trying to frame herself as the victim as always.

"Oh, so you are punishing me for that??"

He implored. Tinsley shook her head no right away. What was she five to do such a thing??

"Of course not!!"

"We were strangers back then, married right away ok?? I did not know what the future held for us...how we will be together. But after everything, after I poured my real self out to you...you still have doubts about my intentions for us??"

Kian interviewed. Tinsley closed her eyes, breathing in and out, not finding enough words in her mouth.


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