
A Petty Crime

Today was the day after I got the cat out of the tree. I had tried to find something else heroic to do yesterday, but surprisingly City Z was really peaceful, despite its reputation for having a ghost town.

Actually, now that I think about it, there weren't really any monsters in the ghost town either.

Maybe they were underground?

I ain't gonna dig into the earth or, God forbid, go into a sewer.

I was patrolling again today. There was something peaceful about just walking around town and taking in the sights.

Of course, I was looking around to see if there was anything decent I could do, but nothing really caught my attention.

"Eek! Thief!" A girlish scream followed by solid footsteps running away.

Despite my thoughts though, the person who was stolen from was a man dressed in rather bright clothes, while a woman in high heels sprinted away with a fanny pack in hand.

'You go girl.' I was impressed at her consistent running speed in heels.

"Oh shit, I am a hero."

I sprinted after the woman who had just ran by me. It wasn't too long before I caught up as she seemed to be an average human, and the fact that she was in heels.

I subdued her slowly since she was in a tight skirt and I knew the pain that scraping your knee could give.

I took the fanny pack off her hands and gave it to the man who had also run after her.

'How the hell did she actually even manage to get the fanny pack off? That needs some serious skill.' I thought as I handed back the fanny pack.

"Thank you! You saved me! I had all of my savings here."

'The hell are you keeping your savings in a fanny pack for, bank that shit.'

Weird people today.

"No problem, just what a hero does."

I picked up the woman, kicking and screaming. Well to the best that she could.

I brought her into an alleyway and dumped her onto the ground, to which she tried to get a quick kick to the crotch.

It might have hurt if she hit there with the toe of her heel, but she only hit me with her ankle.

"I am a girl you know." I grabbed her arm as she tried to run.

"Let me go, I did nothing wrong!"

"Didn't you steal that guy's fanny pack?"

"It was originally him that stole it from me, but he made it into my crime after I stole it back! It's very important research material!" She huffed and nearly started crying.

"My job relies on it, please."

"Alright, come with me then and we'll go together, if he starts acting suspicious, I'll deal with it."

She had anger in her eyes, but the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes betrayed that façade.

She clearly couldn't talk or else it would reveal that she was truly upset about it being stolen.

I led the way as she followed behind me, a little dejected.

We wandered a little in the general direction and I saw the guy far down the street after we made it to an intersection. He was down the right road and was speed walking, not even wearing the fanny pack, but rather holding it in his hand.

If that wasn't at least a little suspicious I don't know what is.

I don't have a warrant, so I can't search the bag, but I can sure as hell tell if he's acting suspicious.

He turned around to see me and the girl a little ways away from him. His face visibly changed from what I could tell, and he turned and ran.

"Alright he is already way too suspicious and we haven't even gotten to him yet." I sprinted after him quickly now that he was clearly in the wrong.

He could have played it off much easier and I would be inclined to believe him since he was the victim, but it seems I read the situation wrong.

The lady followed from behind the best she could, but was easily left behind by myself as I apprehended the man.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and stopped him from running away.

"Where are you going so fast?" I asked nicely.

He noticed that I was being polite and readjusted himself.

Me being polite was clearly fake, but he couldn't tell for some reason.

"I was originally going for a run when she stole it from me. So I was pacing myself up."

"In those clothes?" He had thick jeans and a hoodie on.

Not clothes fit for the current weather, let alone a jog.

"Ah, yes, I am training my endurance."

'His improv is good but I already caught him.'

I had distracted him long enough for the girl to catch up to us, huffing and puffing since the run was over a block.

"Give me back my research!" She managed to get out.

The man immediately backed away and threw off his jacket leaving him in just jeans and a robotic upper body.

Wait... robotic?

"A cyborg?" I recognized.

"This research can't be completed!" His voice turned rather harsh as he actually put on the fanny pack and his hand opened up in the center, revealing a hole.

Which could only mean a long-range attack.

"Everyone, get out of here!" I called out which caught the attention of everyone in the immediate area.

"You, get back too." I shooed the woman away.

She nodded and backed away.

The street was chaotic as everyone ran to the sides, but the more curious ones stayed close, creating a strange arena made of humans.

'Goddammit, can't they see this thing can misfire and hit them? I have to take care of this quickly.'

I was going to back up a little to get them all back away more, but the cyborg took it a different way.

"You're not getting away, hero!" He placed a device on the ground that expanded into a bubble made of several interlaced holo-shields.

Super advanced tech. From who? Probably from someone smart.

'This saves me the trouble of protecting the civilians.'

It seemed that you could enter the bubble, but not leave, as demonstrated by my knocking on the shields, creating a clang then a buzz that shocked my hand a little, leaving it numb for a moment.

'And it's electrified.'

"You'll die first, hero, and then I will get this research to my master!"

"At least use my hero name." I baited.

"Fine then, hero, I will give you the honour of telling me your hero name."

"I don't have one." I smirked.

The cyborg's face warped slightly in anger.

"I do, however, have my current name on the hero registry. Name's Fukui, nice to meetcha!"

I think I was a little too relaxed, but I needed to act like everything was under control for the audience just outside of the bubble. It was under control, but I was going to take this as a good attitude to go forward with in the future.

The cyborg growled for some reason, then he dove at me. Despite what I thought, the opening in his hand ejected a spike, but it didn't launch it.

He just... had one on his hand.

"What kind of circus trick...?" He pushed his palm toward me, which I wouldn't ever get hit by.

He was probably quite fast to the average C-Class hero, but he obviously wasn't to me. I dodged to the side, grabbed his arm, used my leg to slam him into the ground and then, I pulled.

The arm came off a lot easier than expected.

Maybe using Genos as a reference for the power of all cyborgs was unnecessary. He was an S Class hero after all.

"I have... disarmed the villain." I announced with a smile forcing itself onto my face.

The audience clearly didn't like my amazing pun, but I laughed anyway and threw the arm to the side.

I had managed to knock the cyborg out, because the thing that makes it a cyborg is its brain, and I could still rattle that.

That was a better heroic duty, I can probably report that one.

I smiled and left the cyborg on the ground. The Hero Association was quite fast when it came to dealing with defeated villains, so I could leave it to them.

I took the bubble machine from the ground and decided to bring it home as a gift for Genos.


A/N: Had fun with this one!

Not gonna lie, I just wanted to make a one shot story in here. This will probably never come up again, but I liked it.

Maybe the bubble generator could be good for Genos? Or better yet, good for Dr. Kuseno.

Hope you liked the chapter!

I totally forgot about the meteor.

Like, slipped my mind entirely.

So I guess I have to do that first.

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