
A Slice

It's been a few weeks since I moved into this new apartment, of course, that's not including the few days I took moving the small amount of belongings to this apartment, but that doesn't matter.

I had gone out to the dojo a few more times as well, and learned a few tricks, or to Bang's preference, techniques.

I had seen Saitama a few times when I was leaving, often seeing him briefly as he jumps down past my window.

I lived on the third floor, just below him. It just so happened to be one of the rooms still furnished. I wonder how people just took some of their furniture with them when escaping?

In the few weeks I had heard about Saitama beating various monsters by word of mouth on his part. I would always happen to catch him coming up the stairs when he returns after fighting a monster or getting groceries.

Today was no different.

I had walked just outside and saw Saitama walking somewhat nervously up the stairs toward his room.

"Ah, Saitama, did you beat any monsters today?" It was hard to tell since he would always wear his hero outfit outside.

"Hm? Yeah..." He said, somewhat distracted.

"Did something happen?" I dropped the garbage bag off the side into the dumpster below.

No garbage truck came to pick it up ever, but Saitama would dump it somewhere from time-to-time.

"Uh... I may have accidentally destroyed a small part of a city..." He got quieter near the end, but for some reason, training your strength ability also trains your senses somehow, so I had heard him.

"Huh!? How'd that happen?" I had already gotten used to his absurd strength around a week ago, but he was usually extremely careful, so that's why I asked.

"Well, I reminisced a little after hearing the complaints of the monster and punched him toward City B, and since the monster was so big..."

"Oh so that was because of you on the news. Some guy nicknamed King got credit for it. Suffered a little media-wise for no reason it seems."

"He did? I'll have to thank him for taking the fall later. See ya." He hopped the stairs, now a little less nervous.

It seems he thought he would get in trouble for accidentally destroying a large part of a city.

Well it balances it out Karma-wise, since yesterday he had prevented more of a city from being destroyed by beating a so-called Vaccine Man.

So many monsters lately, at least there hasn't been too many around the house lately. Makes my daily commute a little easier than having to fight a small monster who wandered in here after hearing monsters hung out here.

I had also gone out to fight monsters a few times. Only small-time ones, and C-Class heroes usually got credit for it. Several times by the first-ranked C Class, Mumen Rider, and a few others. Who usually claims that he didn't actually do anything.

One I have noted down who loves to take credit for others' work is a Tank-Top Tiger. One of many in the Tank-Top group led by Tank-Top Master, an S Class hero.

So I don't have much of a good impression of his group, though I shouldn't judge. It could just be one bad apple.

I hope.


I woke up a little uncomfortable. I had tried another experiment

It felt like I was a little closer to being able to do it, but it seems I need some pain in order to actually do it.

I'm not into self-harm, so I am going to stop experimenting with trying to learn how to access my power at will. I will attempt to get the feeling next time I get my ass handed to me.

For the future of not getting beat up, I will get beat up. Strange how that works.

I was currently making lunch for myself. It was my first meal of the day, because I usually woke up at around noon. I would sometimes eat breakfast food for lunch though, so I do eat pancakes from time-to-time.

Or extremely often, but that isn't an important tidbit.

"Damn mosquito! Stay still!" I heard yelling from the balcony above me.

"You okay up there?" I asked casually.

It seemed Saitama was having a problem with a mosquito, which was funny considering how strong he was.

"I am about to run out of bug spray, this thing just won't leave me alone!" He complained.

"Do you have Raid or something!?" He asked as I heard slams from him trying to smack it.

Any harder and I was pretty sure he'd break something.

I was a little surprised. We didn't talk all that much since he enjoyed the peace and quiet, as did I. So I never really expected him to ask me for help.

He must really hate mosquitoes. Not that I would ever disagree, they had about as much use as hornets. Even less actually. Hornets kept insects under control, but mosquitoes just did the same job as butterflies and bees, but worse. Not to mention they spread disease too.

Wow, saying this altogether; mosquitoes are awful.

"Sure, I have some. Well it's off-brand, but it's pretty much the same thing." I tossed a no name can up to him.

No name brand really makes a lot of things these days.

I saw an arm shoot out and grab it instantly as I heard rampant spraying toward the mosquito, and it finally started to fly away.

"Oh no you don't! Not after all the grief you caused me!" I heard him shout as he followed the mosquito down, spraying himself in the face a little.

I watched him sprint off in a random direction before I went back to cooking. Well, I guess it's more like waiting for the oven to be done.

Chicken nuggets and fries for me! Though fries always taste better from fast food places, maybe I should get a deep-fryer...

Nah, I don't want to clean that out.


A/N: More slice of life today. Just a little bit of a break before we get into the wear and tear of one punch man.

Of course, she won't be with Saitama all the time, I need an actual unique story, at least a little bit.

I do want her to fight Deep-Sea King though.

I made this one earlier because it's pretty much a filler chapter.

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