
You Belong Here...

Celestia/ Serena's Pov:

Tiny and loud sounds of whispers woke me up from my sweet little slumber. My head was hurting and the continuous buzzing of what seemed to be coming from human-sized mosquitoes was not helping in any shape or form.

"She is so pretty!" said a female voice. " Is her hair made of real gold?"

That voice was strikingly unfamiliar and that very thought made me highly concerned. My eyelids were heavy and my eyeballs were tingling. I tore my eyes open with all my strength because God knows I did not want to wake up. I sprang up from the bed with a jolt as I saw the alien surroundings. Where the hell am I?

This place looks so medieval. A young girl with beautiful, smooth, and bronze skin was staring at me. Her eyes were bright and her features were sharp. She glowed with feminine beauty and fierceness at the same time. I shifted my gaze from her face to her 18th-century clothes. Have I been backtracked now? So is the time travel thing real? 

"The Dawn is awake," the young girl cooed. 

The Dawn? Why is she calling me the Dawn? My face felt very numb, my tired body did not possess the strength to talk for now. Or maybe my mind was too stunned to react in a verbal manner. But that totally changed when I saw Aunt Daviana wearing the same 18th-century clothes as the young girl. 

"Finally, you are awake. Are you alright now?" Aunt Daviana implored in such a nonchalant tone that she sounded borderline psychotic.

And with that a bitter feeling rose in my chest, I recalled everything that happened. A shiver went down my spine. Was a man able to touch and kiss me? And I just let that all happen?

Why wasn't I able to resist him? This has never happened to me before. I was obeying everything he told me to do like I was under a spell. Maybe I was really under a spell!

Daviana was about to say something, but suddenly a young woman entered from the main entranceway, which was a huge Victorian-style door made of pinewood and beautifully painted glass. The room on the other hand had high ceilings and grayed stonewalls. 

"It is the Dawn," she cried. She knelt on the floor and bowed down to me that her head almost touched the ground. "It is a blessing to see you after these many years."

I was petrified. Perhaps she mistook me for someone else. "I am sorry, but I am not the person you think. And please get up from the floor. I don't deserve bowed in front like this."

She got up from the floor after taking her sweet time, but she was still gazing at me in complete astonishment. "You are the Dawn! And you are the reason why I am still alive."

"I am sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying. This is the first time I am meeting you," I replied earnestly.

"You don't remember it? A spirit of drude possessed me! No one was able to save me from it. But you were able to do it. If not for you, then I would have been dead by now."

I blinked at her. "What is a drude?"

"Okay, that is enough," Daviana interrupted. "Marilyn, she just woke up. Why don't you give her some time to rest?" 

"It was so rude of me to disturb you, Dawn," she said and bowed again. After that, she left the room.

I glared at Aunt Daviana. "Okay, please sit down. This is going to take a while," she said and glared at the bronze-skinned girl. "Ember, get the other three warriors here."

So her name is Ember. I liked her name. It matches her fierce personality. She left in swift elegance and left me with my Aunt. Before I could implore about what was going on three young men came in. 

One of them captured my eye. He was so tall, gorgeous, and just effortlessly handsome. But he wasn't as stunning as the mysterious guy I saw yesterday. Oh my! Why am I still thinking about him? He lured me to kiss him by pulling me into a magical trance. He is not someone who deserves to live in mind.

The young man in the center was a little short but still seemed like the stereotypical definition of a warrior. The man to his right was very muscular. I bet that he could smash rocks and stones with those sturdy hands jacked up biceps.

"Celestia, do you remember us," asked the tall man. 

I scrunched my eyebrows. How does everyone claim to know me? But I don't know any of these people except Daviana. 

"She doesn't remember a thing," my aunt covered for me. 

He looked at me with sympathy in his intense eyes. It was a beautiful paradox, such fierce eyes with so much kindness twinkling in them, heavenly.

"I am Edwin," he said and pointed his finger at the little shorter guy. "This is Laris, and the guy next to him is Vivian."

"And I am Ember," the young girl said. "You trained us all as The Fathomless warriors."

"What?" I gaped at her. " I trained you all?" Woah! Wait a minute!

"Yes. And we all understand what you are going through right now. We are your warrior friends and will always be there for you," Ember said. 

I didn't know what to say. These people are so kind to me. And I feel like I don't deserve it. They must have gotten the wrong person. 

"I am just a Half Vampire," I finally said out. "I am not the person you think."

"Celestia," my aunt muttered. " You were an Angel warrior in your last birth. Even now, you have got the powers."

I started laughing at the joke she made. I always saw myself as a bloodthirsty half-breed. But now she tells me that I am an angel? This is hilarious.

"It is true," she repeated. "You lived in this realm thousands of years ago. You have fought so many dark creatures, and you have saved the lives of countless people. You were about to fulfill your purpose, but a demon made you sin. That's why you were cursed to become a Half Vampire."

What she said sounded so dramatic to me. Is that the truth that has been holding me for so many years?

"Okay, let me get this straight. You're telling me that I was a powerful warrior, but I went to the dark side and got cursed because of a demon? Who is that vicious demon?"

"You met the demon yesterday. He tried to get you again, but we managed to save you". 

I started shivering. Was he a demon? It was too hard for me to believe. Well looking that good is certainly a sin so maybe...

"But he was very divinely attractive! And his powers felt so holy. How can he be a demon?"

"Because Celestia, he is a trickster. He appears to everyone as an angel of light. But he is the complete opposite of that."

So he is the reason why I am a half-demon? Why can I not acknowledge this as a fact? I feel like something in my brain tells me not to believe them. Am I still under his spell?

"Okay, what do I have to do now?" I blurted out. 

"Celestia, you were born again to fulfill your actual purpose. But the Silver Shadow is trying to pull you back in his cage. So your mission, for now, is to eradicate the Silver Shadow."

"You gotta be kidding me. I am not capable of doing that."

"But only you have the power to destroy him. Because you are the Dawn," Edwin intervened. "All of us tried to stop him, but we are not powerful enough for that."

If powerful warriors like them can't stop the Silver Shadow, then how can I do it? This is ridiculous! These people shouldn't be relying on me. Otherwise, I will be just letting them down. 

"I might have had the power in my last birth. But now I don't. I am sorry for wasting all your time. I feel very out of touch." I looked at my hands. What have these done?

Edwin seemed to be disappointed by my answer. "This is so sad to hear. You have forgotten your true self."

"I am sorry again if I disappointed all of you. Can you please send me back to Alaska? My boss would be traumatized if I didn't show up for work," I said. 

Daviana stepped closer to me. "Celestia, this is where you belong."

"No, I don't belong here. I want to go back."

"That is impossible," she finally said. "Once you are here, there is no going back."

What? I don't get to leave this place. How can I live in a place where I don't belong? 

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