
See Men on My Skin

A/N: Anticipate some R18+ content in here. 'Tis all scientific though.


Nonetheless, the near-perfect visual offered tonnes of opportunities for the two students to gain a plethora of varied insights that they would have missed through the usual investigative methods. For instance, after removing some of the flaking skin cells from the surface, the two were able to closely observe the process of Mitosis in skin cells.

"As you can see, the old skin cells underneath create a copy of themselves through Mitosis and push themselves higher until they reach the surface. With skin, it usually takes about a day for this process - so this representation is obviously accelerated to make it easier for you guys to understand," Guy elaborated.

"This process is similar with other organs and body parts as well. The old cells replicate themselves and fall off, and new cells take their place."

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