

Getting accustomed to his 'Fortress of Solitude,' a fitting name he may add, Kal-El is now ready to begin his set of studies and training. Moreover, having one of the greatest scientific minds on Krypton as a father did help.

In the mornings through noon, Kal-El is tasked to learn mathematics, sciences, history, and all other subjects important in Krypton. Given his intelligence and studious nature, it wasn't too hard for him to learn through it all. Much like training with his body, Kal-El is able to exert a level of concentration through his senses in order to learn at an accelerated pace.

Kal-El will need this level of pace since there were literally many complex concepts that he was expected to learn. Some example of these topics were the combination engineering, physics, and language in order to transcribe their language upon molecules and in order to create structures like the sunstones.

Despite these levels of complexities, Kal-El is actually having a fun time learning through the basics in order to reach those levels. While he was taught some subjects in Themyscira and their technology is advance compared to the outside world, their level of understanding of the universe still paled in comparison to Krypton's.

Apart from the studies, Kal-El was training his body to hone and sharpen his Kryptonian abilities granted under the yellow sun. Unfortunately, there weren't any records pertaining to his ability. While this may be so, Kal-El still had access to Kryptonian martial arts. Any fighting skill will hone his control over his body and this can help him tune in his abilities and learn to control his strength.

Kal-El knows that he is growing stronger everyday. The warmth of the sun's ray and energy literally fuels his strength. As his body develops, Kal-El hopes that by learning supplementary fighting skills will make him an all-around warrior. He doesn't want to entirely depend on his powers to get through a fight. Depending too much on anything during a fight can prove disastrous if it goes wrong. Too many stories Kal-El has heard about tales of heroic greek figures that succumbed to their deaths over things that could have been avoided. Kal-El was no tragic hero, he aspires to be someone greater.

Looking over the sets of fighting styles before him. He is able to make out 3 main ones that caught his interest.

They are Torquasm Rao, Klurkor, and Horu-Kanu. Interesting names, Kal-El thought.

Torquasm Rao is an ancient Kryptonian mediation technique that allows an individual to tap within themselves from their bodies. According to these classified files, some Kryptonians had unique and latent psychic abilities.

Kal-El's eyes widen a bit to this revelation, maybe this can help explain and control over some of his abilities. He can somewhat understand that under the yellow sun, he is able to exert some bio-electric aura of some sorts which helps fortify himself and allows him to fly. Maybe learning through this manual, he is able to further his abilities and learn to control it.

Looking over the second text of the manual, Klurkor is essentially a combination of karate and exploiting Kryptonian physiology. It isn't as interesting as the first, but it is still helpful.

Lastly, Horu-Kanu is favored among elite Kryptonian guards since it focuses on pressure points and learning techniques to effectively exploit them in a fast way. To subdue and destroy is the name of the game here.

Smiling Kal-El is ready to implement all of these manuals into this daily regiment.

Normal Kryptonians were not allowed access to the military techniques unless designed by birth. For example, a Kryptonian scientist was unable to comprehend these fighting styles or had no real talent since they weren't selected at birth for these skills. The growth codex within Kal-El had for many years selectly chosen roles within Kryptonian newborns. The science council, as his father called it, had enacted these actions in order to create a 'perfect' society.

In reality, this type of action created an environment where individual agency and the ability to choose were suppressed. It limited one's ability to speak out against the ruling body when some Kryptonians were bred with fanatic loyalty. Learning more about Krypton's society; now, Kal-El could come to grips on how Krypton was destroyed. It was less of an utopia than he had previously thought.

Fortunately for Kal-El, he is not restricted by any of those things. In fact, he is a naturally born Kryptonian who is free to make his own choices in life. With the infusion of the modified codex within his DNA, it meant that Kal-El literally had every talent of every role within Kryptonian society. The one thing that restricted his people for so long is now ironically giving him the talents to learn anything he desired.

Kal-El shook his head, hopefully with all these new things to do and learn, he can go on better himself. He still has yet to venture to the outside world, but he knows that learning his people's history and learning to control himself is crucial to fitting in. Maybe the people from the outside will come to accept him.

Looking at the weathering winter storm outside his sunstone fortress, Kal-El could help but think of Diana. He wonders if she was alright, whether or not she would learn to forget him and move on. Unfortunately just thinking of her moving on without him hurts too much. Maybe he should ask his father about this, Kal-El wasn't sure why just thinking about his friend hurt him so much. He is literally the sole survivor of Krypton and the thought of that brings hurt less than just thinking about Diana.

Kal-El groans before standing up straight. It's probably just puberty, but asking his father about it wouldn't hurt.

He needs to learn to move on, for both their sake.



As queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta had committed many acts throughout the centuries to safekeep her people's safety, but the feelings of guilt right now are starting to tear her apart.

Her beloved daughter, Diana, has over the past few weeks transformed from a sweet and kind-hearted young girl into a warrior that is more brutal and unforgiving.

Remembering it now, just mere days after the news of Astra's 'abandonment,' Diana had begun to shut off her heart to everyone. Hippolyta could see that her daughter was hurting on the inside, but she still chose to stay silent.

The weeks that follow, Diana had begun to challenge all of the instructors on the island. Instructor after instructor her daughter fought and kept fighting even when her body was battered and bruised. Half of those days was her daughter spent in the infirmary recouping her injuries just to fight the same day. While Diana was a demigoddess and had a strong body, it did not mean she was invincible. Even after instructors begged their princess to stop fighting and rest, Diana did not relent and ordered them to fight her even when she was injured on the spot. Her daughter's senseless training continued until every instructor was beaten down.

Still Diana did not have enough, she had then challenged every single peer her age to a match to see who was the strongest. One by one her sisters fell and submitted.

The one person that did not submit after being defeated was Donna Troy. Seeing this, Diana gave her the choice of either becoming her second in command or crippling her beyond repair. Of course Donna relented and she too fell into line.

The old Hippolyta would actually be proud of how her daughter is changing, but seeing how happy Diana was months ago with Astra has changed that type of thinking. If it weren't for the circumstances of the approaching challenges ahead, Hippolyta would not have hesitated to tell her daughter the truth. Hippolyta wants her daughter to be both happy and strong, but fate only left her with one choice. Diana's survival and the Amazon's survival depend on her shutting her mouth.

Sitting in her throne now, Hippolyta sighs deeply. Hearing the approaching footsteps, Hippolyta looks up to see her beloved daughter.

Diana's black raven hair was tied back into a ponytail, dressed in her Greek armored attire, Diana looked up to her mother. Diana's eyes have lost it's once vibrant shine, it was now hollow and almost devoid of emotion.

"Mother, I wish to request something of you."

"Proceed daughter."

Their exchange was cold and unfamiliar. It hurt her heart to be conversing with her daughter like this, but Hippolyta continued.

"I wish to travel into the open fractures of Tartarus and train myself."

"I see…"

Thinking about it now, Astra was supposed to train in that hellish area before the incident. Did her daughter know? No, Astra did not tell anyone besides her of his plans. Maybe this is just a coincidence.

"I accept my daughter, but know that the portal will not open up until the following year. Do you have what it takes to survive in such a land?"

"I do."

Hippolyta wasn't too worried about her daughter venturing off in that place since despite the title, the gates of Tartarus are still locked. The small portals that form are basically the left over energy that seeps through in which creates areas of monster spawns. They aren't so powerful that her daughter isn't enough to defeat. Maybe this way, her daughter will have time to think from herself and away from the fellow sisters that keep spewing their hatred of men around her.

Even after everything, Hippolyta still has some hope that maybe one day Diana and Astra could reunite. Hippolyta never believed in the notion of fated lovers, but she hopes that somehow her daughter will be the one to prove her wrong.



Ok guys, after this release, I'm going to basically rewrite some parts of the earlier chapters and reduce some of the system and rpg stuff. I'm going to make it into a more fluid mechanism that will not hinder future chapters. I heard the feedback and concerns over it and I will act on it. As a mentioned previously, the whole reason why I had it in the first place was because I wanted a structure to organize the main character. In so, it acted like a training wheels of some sorts because I'm kind of new to writing these type of stories.


-We are at a part where I'm about to basically start aging the main characters into adulthood and really start the stage of the story. I hope it wasn't too fast or too slow, but yeah that's the current pace right now.

Next chapter