
Please, let me go.

Mia's Pov:


After my father left like that, I stand up with all my might.

I help my mother to sit up.

Do you have pain?

Does it hurt a lot? I ask her, a tear falling.

She touches my cheek.

"I am sorry, darling. Because of me, you have to undergo this," says my mother.

Don't say that, mom.

Even if it is hundreds of years of pain, I am willing to take it for you.

I am willing to be there for you. I say while trying to smile.

Mia looks at her mother's wounds.

She knew she couldn't do something for her, but even if it was something small, if it was worth it, Mia was always ready to do it, so she could make her mother's pain less.

Wait here for me.

I will get some ice to put on your bump on your forehead.

I am afraid your bump will get huge tomorrow, says Mia.

She was trying to walk well so that she wouldn't make her mother worried.

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