
Just a friend!

Elizabeth's pov:

I got abruptly awakened when the loud sound of a clock ringing filled my ears.

Immiadetaly, I pushed myself on the night table and shut the clock.

While lifting my head, I felt how painful my head was aching.

Grunting from the pain, I simultaneously stretched my arms facing the wall that had the colour blue mixed with white. Since when do I have painted pictures hanging in my room? And why does my bed smell like Alice's lavender and roses? Am I dreaming? No, it can't be, right?.

From focusing, I looked around clearly.

The first thing that came to my mind was, what am I doing in this room?

Why am I in Alice room?

This is the last room I want to walk in.

But wait, why should I care? It is anyway my house. I can sleep wherever I want to sleep. I laugh evilly, but a tear escaped from my eye.

Wait, am I crying now? No way, why would I?

I am... happy, right? I question myself while laughing louder until my throat hurt, and I start to cough.

Ughhh, I drank soo much last night that I don't remember what happened. That is it, nothing else. I tell myself.

As I reach my room, the housemaid comes running to me. What is her problem now? I have already a headache enough?

"Ma'am, breakfast is ready. Would you like to eat your food upstairs, or are you coming down?" she asked while facing the ground, half shaking.

Why are you looking at the ground like you can dig it with your pair of eyes?

I am pissed at the fact she can't look in my eyes. Is this her first time seeing me? Or is she ignoring me? How dare she act like this in front of me.

"N... No, ma'am, I am not. I am sorry." she says, stuttering in her words and still facing the ground while she scratches her fingernails.

I am already not in the mood. I say that I will come down in a minute.

While nodding her head, she leaves me alone. As I sigh in disbelieve,

I went to my bathroom to take a shower.

This is just the start of my day.

The start of all disasters.

Ryan pov:

Although it has been a week since her father passed away since that day, she is still not in her right mind. It hurts me to see her in that state. Whatever Mia and I did, nothing was helpful or can change the fact that her father isn't here anymore and will never be.

It makes me angry that I can't be that much helpful towards her. Even if I could bring the world to her feet, nothing will replace the relationship she had with her father.

While messing with my hair and gritting my teeth, I let a frustrated moan out of my mouth.

"Think harder, Ryan! Think deep! What can make her happy?

I can't let her life be like this. I must think of something but what?" I slapped my head, but nothing was helpful as I thought so.

" Hey, you okay? You seem stressed," says Mia, who was staring at me while she was leaning against the door.

How long was she there? I feel kind of embarrassed. I must seem a crazy person to her.

I shook my head in disbelief. What am I thinking?

I am fine. I am just worried about Alice, and I can see you are as well.

You haven't been eating that much. Do you want me to get something for you?

"No, Thankyou. I don't have an appetite," She says while giving a shy smile.

You can't go on like this. What about I make something for both of us, and we eat together. Is that a deal? You can't say NO to me.

Pleaseeee, he says like a baby begging for candy.

Not being able to resist the cuteness, Mia just says Oke.

Ryan goes into the kitchen and begins to prepare something.

"Is there something I can help you with?" asks Mia, going into the kitchen as well.

Yeah, can you cut the green, yellow and red peppers while I prepare the rice and some potatoes?

"No problem. I can do that much."

When Mia picked up the knife to cut the pepper, Ryan comes behind her and tries to put an apron around her.

In shock, she stays in her place.

His cologne hit her. How can it smell so good? she says to herself.

Ryan came soo close that she could feel his warm breath which made her feel butterflies in her stomach and like there was some electricity going around all her body.

You forgot to put on your apron, says Ryan.

"Mhmm, thank... you," says Mia, stuttering.

Are you okay? Your face is red. Do you have a fever? He says while going closer to her.

She takes a step back, touching her cheeks.

"I am okay. It is just hot in here, that is why."

Oh, okay, If you say so.

"What are you making?" Mia asks him, hoping to change the subject.

He smiles.

That is a surprise.

Today you get to taste my food. You should be thankful.

"Oh, and why so?" She says in a playful tone.

Because not everyone can taste my food, You have to be an exceptional person.

"Really? and am I? she says, teasing him while going closer.

In a spit, he looks her way and stops.

Why is she so close?

Of course, you are. You are my friend.

She gives him a fake smile.

"Your highness. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend," she says while bowing, trying to hide her disappointed face.

Your Welcome, milady, he says while laughing out loud.

They both were silent during the cooking. Both of them didn't dare to say something.

It was kind of embarrassing for Mia.

She felt hurt that Ryan sees her as a friend, just a friend, nothing more than that.

It was too much for Mia, so she just left the kitchen and told him that she would use the restroom.

She was lying. She wanted to go to the balcony to get some fresh air, hoping she will feel a little better by not seeing him.

When she opens the door to the balcony, she lets out a sigh.

She walks towards the end and grabs the console brackets.

She unknowingly begins to cry. Somehow it was hurting more than she thought. She didn't know her feelings for him grow so fast.

After a while, she goes to the restroom to wash her face.

The food is ready, says Ryan as Mia made her way towards the dining table from the living room.

"It smells good. Let's hope it tastes good as it looks," she says in a teasing way.

Are you doubtful of my cooking ability? he asks her while smiling.

No, I am just saying, she says while holding up her hands.

While eating, Ryans phone rings, and he picks up.

It looked urgent.

Ryan stands up.

I am sorry.

They need me in the office. There is an emergency.

I need to go now.

"It is okay. Go. I can manage from here."

I have an idea.

Why don't you look around the house? Anne will show you around.

"I would love that," says Mia.

After Ryan went upstairs, Mia decided to go upstairs as well to check on Alice, but then she saw that Ryans door was open.

Mia looks at him without blinking.

He looks so handsome, she says to herself.

She looks weirdly at him like something was missing.

The maid notices it and answers her.

"I know what you are thinking. Where is the tie? Ryan never wears a tie because he doesn't know how to do it. It is always in his wardrobe, but he doesn't want to learn it," says Anne, the maid, lovingly.

She looked like a loving person. A person that is always ready to help.

" I know how to do it. Sometimes I do it for my father. Do you mind if I try?" asks Mia shyly.

Oke, he says, not really believing if this is a good idea.

He gets a tie that matches his suit and gives it to her.

She goes closer and puts it on him slowly, trying not to mess up and embarrass herself in front of him.

" It is finished. See! That was easy," she says happily.

Thank you, I have to go now. I will make it up to you some other time.

He leaves quickly, without looking back.

Hii guys

Another chapter!

I hope you like it.

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Lots of Love:)))))


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