

The waiter ran up the stairs with five more jars of osmanthus wine for the two young ladies in the private room. It was their, what, fourth or fifth refill now? Every time he went in to bring them more wine, he expected them to be slumped on the table or sleeping on the floor, thoroughly drunk. Every time, he was surprised to see them still talking loudly and encouraging each other to drink more. Martial artist women sure were built different.

In the room, Qiuyun reached for an open jar of osmanthus wine. "Jingyuan mei-mei, drink some more with me." Her speech was completely slurred now. Still, she tried to drink from the jar, which was unfortunately empty. "Waiter! Where is my wine?"

"Coming, miss!" The waiter quickly came into the room. He set down the jars on the table, having to push aside empty dishes and ceramic jars to make room. "Miss, you should really pace yourself. Drinking too much isn't good for you."

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