

"You don't have time to worry about him," Theo stated coldly while waving his hand down, ordering his chess pieces to attack the dog.

The queen was the first one to make her move. As she opened both her arms, a few golden lights appeared around her.

All golden lights flew forth like a beam, making a parabolic movement and raining the dog down.

The dog used three roads to create a layer of shield.

Road of Fortification.

The dog frowned as those lights actually managed to crack his roads. Theo became more and more like his friend that could hook everything.

The king piece raised his sword and slashed downwards, releasing a green-colored sword strike.

When it touched the roads of fortification, it didn't destroy these three roads. Instead, the green light turned into vines that spread in all directions. The vines were following the shape of the roads and gradually making their way to the base of the roads, which was the dog's body.

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