
The Final Fight 2

Dodging all the rocks while flying the Outsider is just below me standing.

*I should do something, I can't dodge all of this forever.*


I accelerated towards the Outsider.

When I get close to the Outsider, I clench my fist and push it towards the Outsider's face.

It uses both of its arms to block my fist.

"Big mistake!"

I spin around until I reach the back of the Outsider then punch its back.

"Now! Go burst!"

Surrounding my fist with flames, giving an explosion effect to Outsider's back.

The Outsider flew away and dropped to the ground.

"Did I kill it already?"


The ground suddenly shakes.


The ground collapsed.

"Not again!"

I tried to fly away but when I did, I feel something in my stomach.

When I look at it, it's the fist of the Outsider.

"When did you..."

I crash to the ground after that.

"Dang it... it hurts... I feel like a rib or two got broke."

I look up and the Outsider jump toward me.

"Let me rest first!"

I throw a fireball toward the Outsider.

The Outsider just slap my fireball.

When it gets close, it raises its leg and tries to kick me.

I kneel and put both of my hands on the ground.

"Now burn!"

Burning the ground, the flame reaches even the sky burning everything along with the Outsider.

Having this amulet makes me invisible against the fire.


After that, everything around me is nothing but dust.

I look at the sky then...


There's a ball of rock above me.

"Don't tell me!"

The ball of rock explodes.

The Outsider is inside of it.

Looking down on me.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is no good."

The Outsider raises its hand and all of the rocks fly towards it.

After just a few seconds, the small rocks become huge rocks.

"Oi, oi, oi, oi!"

I turn around and start running.

The Outsider throws the huge ball of rock at me.

I manage to dodge it but it keeps chasing me.

"Don't tell me that Outsider manipulating that huge rock?!"

The rock keeps rolling.

I fly and keep my distance from the rock.

After that, I stop and extend my left arm towards the rock.

I fold my fingers except for the middle and index one.


Storing up all my powers on my two fingers then...


My thin flames pierce the ball of rock.

It doesn't do anything but if my calculation is right... behind it...

The rock stop spinning after a few seconds.


I fly and accelerated towards the Outsider behind the rock.

The Outsider already laying on the ground and dead.


*Thankfully it's finished.*

I turn around and then start walking away.


I feel something crawling below the ground where I'm standing.

"What is this?"

The ground starts cracking and after a second, something appears from the ground.

A fist flies towards my chin.

*Wait what?... Don't tell me!*

When I look at my back, the Outsider's body is nowhere to be found, only a piece of rock that is shaped like a human body left there.

*No way, did this Outsider predict my next move then use a decoy and hide below the ground to catch me off guard? To think an Outsider like this could do something like this. This one is not a pure-blooded Outsider, right? Then how is it able to think like this?*

I already met so many kinds of non-pure-blooded Outsiders in my life, this is the first time I meet something like this.

After punching me, the Outsider surrounded my body with rocks.

*This is no good, I lost my momentum after I thought the Outsider is dead.*

The Outsider walks toward me with a sharp blade made from rocks.


*What the hell I'm doing. If I die here, Blue will lose me again.*

Everyone especially my team would feel sad... I guess...

How about Blue?

*Will she cry if I die?*

Did she cry when she lose me for the first time?

Blue is not the kind of person who will show emotion.

But thinking she's crying because of me is...

"Pissing me off."

The Outsider is already in front of me and ready to use the blade.

I store up all of the powers in my hand and then release them all at once making the rocks that surrounded me explode.

The explosion pushes away the Outsider.

"Hey... let's go for round two."

The Outsider slowly raises its arms and the huge rocks around it raises too.

The Outsider throws its arms toward my direction and at the same time the huge rocks fly towards me.

I fold my fingers except for the middle and the index one the same as what I did to the ball of rock but time this, I attack will last longer making it look like a long blade of fire.

I swing my arm horizontally destroying all the rocks that flying toward me.

"That won't work on me."


The Outsider disappears attack that.

"Oi, oi... where did you go?... Huh?"

The Outsider appears again from the ground and grabs me.

Pushing me upward, the Outsider used the rocks to make both of us go up in the air.

"What this guy is planning to do?"

We went further and further from the ground.

*Don't tell me?!*

The Outsider trying to kill itself along with me.

Probably dropping itself into the air and trying to drag me down too.

"Sorry but I'm not going to die here!"

I place my left hand on the Outsider's chest.

"Thanks for the great fight but... I will end it here now!"

Storing up all my powers to my back.

"... Fire Stance!... Angel of Fire!"

Three pairs of fire wings appear behind me.

My wings wrapped up the Outsider in front of me.

"Now... let's shine!"


Somewhere near the place where the Outsider is hiding.


I raise my arm and rock appears in front of me to block the upcoming fire that was released by the Outsider.

The Outsider continues firing at me while I just hide behind the rock.

Swinging my hand to the towards, spikes of rocks run towards the Outsider.

The Outsider jump back to dodge it and other spikes of rock appear at the place where it will land.

The Outsider flies high immediately.

*It has intelligent and good reflexes, the same as those pure-blooded Outsiders. This one is different from those werewolf Outsiders that we fought before, or are they just different looks but the same powers? I wish this one doesn't scream and make me unable to move.*

"Now, let's go!"

I run towards the Outsider.

The Outsider throws some fireball at me.

I jump and slide to the rocks.

Release a flat rock and stand on it, it looks like I'm surfing off the ground.

This makes me faster to get closer to the Outsider.

Although I'm on the ground while the Outsider is on the air.

I created a slide made of rock not far from me, when I get closer I try to speed up.

Getting closer, the Outsider tries to fly away but a flat rock hit its back and pushes it towards me.

I grab the Outsuider's neck.

"You don't expect that didn't you?"

I throw the Outsider to the ground while the flat rock is still on its back.

When I landed, I look at the flat rock on the ground.

"That's enough I guess... hm?"

The flat rock is moving upward.

"You still alive huh."

I raise my right arm and created a huge ball of rock above me.

I throw it towards the Outsider.

But before it landed, it exploded right in front of me.

The explosion created a dush of smoke that block my sight.

"What just happen?"

While looking around, I notice a red-orange light behind the smoke.

"What was that?"

It's coming this way.

"Oh no!"

I raise my hand and rock appears in front of me.

There's a fireball hitting the rock which I expected.

"You're still alive huh."

The smoke is still there and hasn't disappeared.

*This is bad.*

A ball of fire hit my back before I know it.


*I have to do something about this smoke.*

The Outsider keeps hitting me.

I cover myself with rocks but the Outsider burns it outside which makes it hotter inside.


*I regret doing this.*

"This is enough blocking."

Using my powers, I raise myself to the air.

I look down and I can't still see the Outsider that hiding in the smoke.

I raise both of my arms and spikes on the ground started growing.

The smoke disappear and I saw the Outsider being trapped in the spikes.

I went down and walk towards the Outsider.

"You seem to have a hard time there."

The spikes pierce one leg and arm of the Outsider.

*I have to finish this quickly.*

I raise my arm and more spikes grow in the ground where the Outsider is trapped.

"This is going to be hurt... but you can finally rest after that."

But before the spikes reach the Outsider, it manages to escape by melting the spikes around it.


The Outsider dashes towards me.

I created a rock in front of me but the Outsider manage to destroy it and smash its feet towards my left shoulder.

I kneel after that.

Not only does the Outsider almost break my shoulder but it's also burning.

"That hur--"

The Outsider kicks my chin and I drop to the ground.

*This Outsider abandons the long-range attack and goes with the short one. I can't believe I getting beat up like this.*

Even my chin feels like burning too.

The Outsider cover all of its body with fire.

I don't know if it also affects the Outsider but I will assume it's not for me not to underestimate this one.

"So... let's get serious!"

Covering my arms with rocks, I dash towards the Outsider.

The Outsider pushes its fist towards me.

I dodge its attack and then push my fist to its stomach.

The Outsider blocks my fist with its hand. The Outsider inhales in front of me for some reason.

*Don't tell me!*

I jump away and the Outsider blows fire on its mouth.

I raise my hand and a huge rock appears in front of me to block the fire.

"That was close."

I run to the left side of the rock and then dash towards the Outsider.

I spin around then raise my leg and throw my feet throws the face of the Outsider.

The Outsider sees me and then blows fire in my direction.

I immediately stop and then jump to the left.


*Its reaction time is fast, I can't land an attack.*

I want to go in a long-range attack but this Outsider is going to get close to me which will just force me to attack at close range.

*I have to become faster... but how?*

Covering my body with rocks will make me slower. Not only that, the Outsider is covered with fire.

*Think Elizabeth...*

The Outsider throws a fireball at me this time.

I keep dodging it while thinking.

I push forward with my left hand and small rocks around me fly towards the Outsider.

Some of those rocks hit the Outsider.

*That's it!*

I remove the rocks on my arms and then dash towards the Outsider.

The Outsider inhales again.

Using my amulet, I created so many flat shape rocks and surrounded the Outsider.

When the Outsider blows again, it blocks by rock.

I push my fist towards the flat rock that is placed in Outsider's stomach.

*It hit.*

The Outsider raises its hand and swings it towards me.

A flat rock run towards its hand then I place my fist on it.

I grab a rock and swing it upwards towards the Outsider's chin.

It's enough to make the Outsider fly into the air.

Placed a huge flat rock above the Outsider.

I jump above it and then push it towards the ground using my feet.

"Haaaa... was that enough?"

*I'm getting tired of this.*

The heat feels like draining my energy faster than before.

I loud sound comes from the direction where the Outsider is.

"Not again."

The Outsider flies away from me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

*It keeps standing up and fighting.*

I surf on the ground using the rocks.

When I get closer, I created a slide in front of me and accelerated like what I did before.

The Outsider is flying up towards the top of the mountain.

I grab the neck of the Outsider when I get closer.

Thankfully its body is not covered with fire now.

"Then let's try this one!"

I throw the Outsider with my all might towards the top of the mountain.

I extended both of my arms side by side.

"This time, you won't escape."

The mountain split into four creating a cross line.

The Outsider fell on its center, going down into deep darkness.

Then clapping both of my hands to close the gap.

*If that Outsider manages to live then I won't able to kill it anymore.*


*What was that?*

There's shining in the sky not far from where I am.

It's like there's an explosion happening above.

*I'm so tired but I have to hurry and go back to the others immediately...*

Next chapter