
Preparation before the Final Fight


When I open my eyes, I found myself in my room.

*That's only a dream?*

A huge relief I feel inside my heart.

"Oh, you're already awake, " Ernesta said, sitting beside my bed.

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"Just looking after you."

"I see... by the way, where's Hiro?"

Her eyes widen when I asked her.

"What is it?"

"You really don't remember?"

"Don't tell me..."


"What's with that joke Hiro. Just revive Rick if you can."

Hiro suddenly grabs his scythe and swings it towards Commander.


Captain Red grabbed Commander's collar and pull her away before she got hit.


"That was close.", he said.

"Hiro, what are you doing?", Captain Red said.

Hiro pointed his finger at us.

"Kill them all.", he said.

"What are you..."

We hear broken glasses everywhere.

"Haaaa!!!", Lulu shouted.

I look at our surroundings and saw so many Outsiders going inside the headquarters.

"W-What the hell?!"

I turn my face to Hiro.

"Hiro... are you..."

"Yeah, just like what I said."

"Everyone!", Winter shouted while using her amulet's powers to bring all our weapons here.

"Let's kill them all!", Captain Red said.

My sword is already in my hand, and yet, I can't bring myself to use it to kill any Outsiders who are attacking us.

"Vinna!", Commander calls me.

"Dang it! Sorry but I will burn some things inside here.", Captain Red said.

She snaps her finger and all the Outsiders along with things around us burn.

But it doesn't end there, the Outsiders keep going inside.


Darius cast a barrier around us to keep the Outsiders from attacking.

Commander uses her amulet to cover all the windows while Captain Red keeps killing the remaining Outsiders.

I look at Hiro.


"It looks like my plan doesn't work."

He turns around and walks away.

He uses his scythe to break the wall.

"Hiro! Where do you think you're going?!", Captain Red shouted.

"I'll come back, like I always do, but not as a friend but as an enemy."


"Let's go."

Some Outsiders follow him while the rest went inside to attack us.

"My plan doesn't work but it doesn't matter, because next time, it will."

Walking away while surrounded by Outsiders.

You won't even think that he's our friend.


I don't remember anything after that.

"You pass out after that, maybe because you're so shocked at what happened."

"I see..."

"Come here."

She extended both of her arms toward me.



"What are you doing?"

"Isn't obvious? You can cry on me again."

"No, I won't..."


"I don't want to cry, or feel anything until I find out what Hiro is really trying to do."

"That's my girl!", she said.


"That's right, we have to investigate and find out why Hiro betrays us!"

At a time like this, Ernesta should be crying right now, but instead, she's here with me.

"Thank you...", I said.

"For what?"


"Come on tell me, tell me!"

She jumps toward me and shakes my shoulders.

*I wish she became less annoying in this kind of situation.*


Hiro was walking towards the cave while surrounded by so many Outsiders.

"You're back... my friend."

Cerex waiting for Hiro at the entrance.


He extended both is his arms.

"Let's show... a big explosion that will surprise them!"


After I woke up and talk to Ernesta, we have been called for a meeting.

All of us are in one room sitting and facing each other at a round table.

"So... about this matter... what should we think of Hiro?", Commander said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Should we think of Hiro as our friend or enemy?"

"Aren't he that one who said that he will come back as our enemy?" Ernesta said.

"That's not what I meant, what I'm saying is whether we're going to bring back Hiro our side or... do what are we trying to do to Outsiders... in short, eliminate him."

I stand up immediately.

"Wait, Commander! He's still our friend! Maybe Hiro just has a reason why he's doing this!"

"That's what I also think but... between learning what Hiro is planning and the Outsiders making a move... I'm sure we will lose. Considering Hiro reveals himself as a traitor, it means everything is on set. They will do what they plan they have any time they wanted. Unless someone or Hiro himself tells us."

"So, what now?"

"We will prepare ourselves for upcoming attacks. We will focus on that first but we will also be searching for an answer regarding Hiro."

"I see! That's a good plan isn't it, Vinna?", Ernesta said.

"Also, in addition to our plan, we will tell the people about Hiro's betrayal."

I was surprised when Commander said that.

"Wait! Are you serious about this?!"

"Calm down, I don't know how the Outsiders will attack, and also, we won't able to protect every single people here. Announcing Hiro's betrayal will make people more cautious and ready. We'll make sure that the casualties will be near zero or zero."

"But still..."

"Don't worry, if Hiro is not guilty, we will just clean his name. We will ask for help from Miss Altina to make things go smoothly."

"I see..."

"I know all of you are confused about what's happening right now. That's why let's plan this carefully if we want to save people, and also Hiro if needed."

Everything that Commander said is right. I'm really thankful we have a leader like her.

"Before we end this meeting, I will tell you to be prepared."

"For what?"

"For a war. We might be the ones who will make the first move. In short, we will attack the Outsider's base."

"How are we going to find the new base of the Outsider?"

"Of course, the same thing we do to find their old base."

After those words, someone knocks on the door.

"It's me."

"That voice..."

"Come in."

"Good news, I find the new base of those bastards."

It's Relaine.

"Good timing."


Ernesta jumps immediately toward her and wrapped her arms around Relaine's body.

Relaine doesn't mind it at all.


"Yeah, I already know what that Hiro did. Don't worry, I won't do anything to him unless it's needed."

"Thank you."

"Okay, that's all for today, you can go back and have some rest now."


"Haaaa...", I sighed.

The meeting is over thankfully.

I haven't rested properly to think of a way to deal with this.

"Blue, you should rest now too."

"No, I'm okay. I have many things to do."

"But you still need a little rest."

"I'm okay."


"Haaa... got it."

I went to my room and sit on the bed.

I was thinking something every since that accident.

*How come I didn't notice that Hiro is the traitor.*

When I think about it, all the things that happen are telling me that Hiro is the traitor.

From the beginning.

When Hiro said that Cerex come to him.

I should consider Hiro as someone I couldn't trust.

The same with when he left the headquarters. He's trying to avert our attention at that time.

*Why? Why didn't I think of him as a traitor at that time? What's stopping me back then.*

"Blue. I told you, you should rest."

"Sorry, I was thinking of something."


She sits beside me and grabs my head and put it on her chest.

"Haaa... you sure you love them aren't you?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You always take care of them until you overwork yourself."

"I'm not, I'm just doing my job, that's all."

*Love them huh...*

"Don't tell me..."

That's right.

The reason why I didn't suspect Hiro is because...

*I don't want them to become traitors in the first place. I really care to them that I reject any of them will stab me in the back someday.*

"When did I become this weak?"

"You never become weak, Blue. In fact, you're always strong. No one can beat you.", Red said.

"I don't know about that."

She wrapped her arms around my body and then pull me to the bed.


"I told you, you should rest. How many times I'm going to say that before you actually rest?"


"Sleep for now. I'll wake up later."


She hugs me tightly.

After that, I didn't notice that I fell asleep already.


"Hey, tell me, do you really think a human will betray us?"

"I don't know. I probably believe it if I see it myself."

To be honest, I might not believe it even if I see Hiro teaming up with Outsiders.

We're walking in the forest towards the A-1 headquarters to assist them.

After announcing to their Commander about Hiro's betrayal, the king immediately order us to went there.

"That, kid, I think he has a reason why he's doing this."

"Come on Gavril, what reason could make you betray your own kind?"

"Do you want to know my reason?"


"T-That's him! Hiro!"


He appears out of nowhere.

Standing in front of us.

"He's alone, he can beat him."

"Wait! Don't rush it!"

"Who said I'm alone."

So many Outsiders appear and surrounded us.

"What now?"

"We're going to defend ourselves obviously, and after this, Hiro, we're going to talk."

"I don't mind, if... you survive."


It's been three days since that day.

Commander Elizabeth announced Hiro's betrayal yesterday.

"Your father might send people here.", she said.

"Eh? Why would he do that?"

"Because you're his daughter and you're here."

I'm currently alone with Commander in her office.

She's already telling me in advance what she plans she has before she tells this to the whole team.

"Since this might happen, I have to think of an alternative plan for them."

While we were talking, we hear some noise coming toward this room.

Ernesta pushes the door forcefully that it made a loud sound.

"You're going to break the door, Ernesta."

"Sorry, but forget about that, those people. Gavril and his men are dead."


"No way..."

"Even Gavril? That's impossible."

"I know, Relaine is on the way here to tell what she found."

*Gavril is dead...*



"Sorry for your lost."


After Relaine arrived, we gather again in the meeting room.

"So, what did you find?", Commander asked.

"Nothing much, all of the corpses have big wounds that killed them. Probably Outsiders is the one who kills them not Hiro."

"Not Hiro huh..."

"Do you want Hiro to kill them?", Relaine asked.

"Well... knowing what Hiro is doing can give me a clue what he's planning to do."

"I see."

"Is that all?"

"No, there's something weird about their corpses."

"What is it?"

"There are some small cuts in every person's body there."

"Small cuts?"

"Yeah, you can see them in their upper body. Most likely in the part where it's easy to attack. This is probably Hiro's doing."

"Hiro's doing?"

"Yeah, if I remember, Hiro still has a small knife along with that scythe right?"


"I see... he probably fights Gavril and his men before the Outsider kills them. Every single one has different wounds and different parts of their body. The only thing that they're similar is the small cuts. I don't know why everyone has those cuts but I'll leave those to you guys."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Everyone, please leave now."


After everyone leaves including Red, I lean back on my chair and stare at the ceiling.

"Small cuts..."

*Why did Hiro even do that? Was it just a coincidence? Does really Hiro do that? Was he even there in the first place?*

If I assume that Hiro indeed did that, things might become more confusing.

But because of that, I only need one thing to figure out everything.

"Just one thing... The reason why Hiro betrays us."

Why did he join the Outsiders? And how long has he been known Cerex?

If I think about it, it's impossible for him and Cerex to communicate if he's always here.

*Probably when he joins Red? No, what if he had already known him for a very long time before he join here? But Vinna mentioned that they never went out to Moirai before not until they join here. So that means... Cerex is the one who went to Hiro in Moirai. Hiro and Cerex have known each other since he was a kid?*




It's Red who's staring at me while her arms are close.

"You're thinking again?"

"Yeah, I need to. Things won't go anywhere if I didn't."

"Jeez, tiring yourself again."

"I'm not doing anything other than this anyway."

"Haaa... even if I hug you tight, you will still do that aren't you?"

"Probably. After all, people's mind is always free, unless someone manipulates them."


"Wait. That's it!"

"Woah! Blue, chill!"

"Hiro might be being manipulated by Cerex."


"I don't know... maybe a hostage?"

"Hostage? If I'm not mistaken, Hiro doesn't have any relatives except her mother who's with us."

"Probably someone close to him? After all, if Cerex doesn't have any hostage, he won't send Miss Alicia here to us."

"Yeah, that makes sense. After all, even though Miss Alicia is his mother, they didn't spend a long time, unlike Vinna."

"Vinna huh..."

*Vinna is with us. So who might be Cerex's hostage?*

"I need a reason how Cerex manages to get Hiro to his side. What or who did Cerex use to manipulate Hiro."

"Do you want to know it?"

When I look at Red, she shakes her head telling me it's not her.

It's a familiar voice but it should be impossible to hear it now.

When the two of us look behind us, there's someone there.

"Aren't you..."

"Shhhh, I have to do this fast, just behave and listen to me."


"Yeah, I have to ask something to Commander."

The meeting is just finished a few minutes ago.

I went back to the meeting room hoping Commander is still there.

When I reach the door, I was about to knock when I heard Captain Red shout.

"This is stupid!", she said.

I also heard some other noise that sounds like a table that is smashed.

*What's going on?*

I decide not to do some noise and listen to them.

"There's nothing we can do about that, it happens."

"That bastard! He's dead to me if I see him."

"Calm down."

"How can I calm down after knowing that Hiro is a living bomb!"


I open the door immediately.

"What do you mean by that?!"


"Captain... Commander... tell me, it is true?"

"Sorry, but yes, it's true."

"No way..."

"Sorry, Vinna."

"Woah! What's going on here?"

It's Ernesta who just arrived.

"Ernesta, call everyone."

"Eh? Again? O-Okay?"

After calling everyone, Commander tells us about Hiro.

"No way..."

"What the hell!"

Crystal smashes the table.

"Why... how come that Outsider does that to him?"

"I don't know, he's an Outsider, if he is a human, it might easier to explain."

"Commander, where did you learn all of this?"

"From a friend... maybe."

"What does it mean?"

"That's not important for now. We going to plan B."

"Plan B?"

"Yeah. Now we know why Hiro is doing this, and he is indeed our ally, there's only one thing to do."

"What is it?"


"Hiro, Hiro, Hiro..."

Cerex calls my name three times.

"What is it?"

"Are you ready now?"


"Now... let's destroy this world."


Three days have passed.

I was inside my room while wearing my uniform.


I look at the mirror and saw the black circle in my eyes.

"I haven't slept properly for days."

It's raining at that time and I'm sure this is a big problem for us.

When I went outside, I saw Greg just pass by.

"Let's go together."


We walk together in the hallway.

"It looks like you haven't slept for days."

"You notice? Ugh... it's embarrassing."

"You keep thinking of him aren't you."

"Yeah, it can't be helped."

When we get downstairs.

Everyone is already there.

"Now all of us are complete. Are you ready all of you?"


All of us shouted.

"You guys won't wait for us?"

It's Relaine and her team along with their Commander.

"Yo.", he said while waving his hand to us.


*I just think of it now, what does A-2's Commander amulet power has?*

He looks at Captain Red and walks towards her.

"So, this is the person who has opposite amulet powers of mine."

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"You didn't know? Steve's power is water."


He snaps his finger and after that, the rain stops.


"Just to make sure no one is eavesdropping on us."

"Now everyone is here! Let's save stupid Hiroro and this trashy world!... Ouch!"

Relaine punched Ernesta's head after that.

*Wait for us, Hiro! We will definitely save you!"

Next chapter