
Girls Moment

"Today, we're going on a trip!!!", Ernesta shouted.


"Rick, we already told you that only girls are allowed."

"Ehhhh, why?"

"Lisa is always busy and tired, so I arrange a trip for us. To avoid getting stressed, we excluded you, boys."

"Wait, aren't you the one who's causing stress to Commander?"

"Okay girls! Ready?"

"She ignored me..."

"Now, now. After them, we might have tripped on our own.", Darius said.

"Yeah! You're right, we will show them that we can have fun too!"


"Wait! You guys really going without us?!"

"Wait, it is okay to leave the boys behind?", I asked.

"Don't worry about them. They already big enough to take care of themselves."

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Hey, brat."

"It hurts!"

Relaine chopped Ernesta's head.

"Leaving them behind is rude."

"Come on, we girls should have a moment once in a while. They can have one once we're done."


Not only A-1 girls are here but also Rina and Relaine from A-2.

"I feel bad about them but isn't great, we can have a trip together, talk together, eat together, right?", Rina said with a gentle smile.

*So pretty.*

"Yeah, we can explore and eat all we can here, right Lulu?", Barbara said.

Lulu nodded on her who's riding on her back.

"Lisa, what do you want to do?", Ernesta asked.

"Anything you wanted."

"Ehhh... you're no fun."

After a few hours of the trip, we finally reach our destination.

"We're here!"

"Just how many times you're gonna say it in your life?"

The place is fancy and very entertaining, no wonder why there are so many people here.

"So, what are we gonna do here?", I asked.

"Good question. Shopping!!!"

"Not again.", Relaine said.

"Come on, you even enjoy the last swimsuits I buy for you."

"Shut up before I'll kill you."

"That's all?"

"Nope, we can also explore and enjoy the view of the mountain out there."

I can see the huge mountain behind this place.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's... go!!!"


Barbara joins her.

"This two..."

First, we went to a cloth shop.

"Relaine! Try this one."

"No way."

"Eh... but this is not a swimsuit."

"It's more revealing than a swimsuit!"

"My, sure they're close.", Rina said.


"Hey, Vinna.", Barbara rushed towards me.

"W-What is it?"

*I have a bad feeling about this.*

"Try this one."


That's almost the same as what Ernesta holding.

"Not in million years."

"Now, now. How about this one?"

Rina show me a dress.

"It's pretty, this one should do."

"Yeah, you can wear that after this.", Barbara still trying to make me wear that.

"No thanks."

After that, I went outside to find Lulu and Commander.

Commander is standing outside waiting for us while Lulu sticks her face on the windows of the shop.

When I look closely, she's looking at the huge doll.

Commander notice it and went to her.

"You want that?", Commander asked.

Lulu nodded excitedly.

*I guess they're fine.*

After that, we went to different shops and finally went up to the mountain.

"Ho! That was tough.", Ernesta said while wiping her sweats.

"It looks like you're forgetting how to exercise.", Relaine said while poking Ernesta's belly.

"Come on, I'm still sexy."

Ernesta lifts her uniform and shows her belly.

"Stop that, you idiot!"


Relaine smacks her head.

"Woah! We're here!", Barbara shouted.

We have already reached the top of the mountain.


We can clearly see the whole place here.

"So, what now?", Ernesta said.

"Aren't you the one who arrange this trip?"

"All I do is to bring you here. I don't have a plan aside from that."

"So we're just going to the flow all this time?"

"Hehe, then let's go to the remaining shops here."

"We're going to all of them in one day?"

"Come on, let's go down."


"What is it, Rina?"


Rina pointed to the entrance of the place.


There are some people running from that spot.

"What going on?"

"Let's go."

As we go down, we see many people running away.

"Wait, aren't people running away only from the entrance?"

"Get ready, there might be an Outsider here.", Commander said.

We run towards the entrance.

As we run, the people there are getting fewer.

"So, what do we got here?"

Two Outsiders are standing in front of us.

"A wolf Outsider?", I said.

"I think it's a werewolf.", Ernesta said.


"Yeah, they're a half-human half-wolf."

"But they don't look like a human at all, they just wolf that standing in two feet."

"That's that, they standing like a human."


"Let's take these two down before something happen."


Before we can make a move, one of the Outsiders shouted.


"What the."

*Wait, what's going on?*

I can't move my body all of the sudden.

My body is shaking so much without any reason.

Even though I can't move my head, I know that the others also can't move.

After five seconds, the Outsider stops shouting.

We were finally able to move our bodies, but the other Outsider was already in front of me.

His claws were already close to my neck.

*I can't dodge it.*

The Outsider's head went down to the ground before he hits me.

"One down."


Commander holding the Outsider's head on the ground.

"You okay?"


"Be careful, this one can paralyze our body by its voice, it might the same as that one.", Commander warned us.

"So, what's the plan?", I asked.

"Isn't obvious? Kill.", Barbara said who already dashes towards the Outsider.


Barbara is already at the front of the Outsider.

She swings her kukri towards it but the Outsider immediately dodges it.

*He outspeeds her?*

The Outsider raises its hand and swings it towards Barbara.


"Don't worry."

Rina pointed her swords towards the Outsider.

It created vines that crawl towards the arm of the Outsider which stops it from hitting Barbara.


Barbara repositioned and kick the Outsider.

The Outsider removes the vines from its body and jumps away.

"You can't run away from me!"

Barbara can't keep up with the Outsider.


I feel something pass through me.

I saw lightning running towards them.

It's Relaine.

She's already at the back of the Outsider.


"Now die!"

Relaine stops the Outsider from running giving Barbara a chance to thrust her kukri towards.

The kukri pierces the Outsider's chest.

Relaine lean backward to avoid getting hit.

"Two down.", Barbara said.

"Haaa...", I exhaled.


I look at my behind and saw the other Outsider is standing up.

I immediately grab my sword but I was too late.

The Outsider immediately scream.



We can't move our bodies again.


The other Outsider removes the kukri from his chest.

After that, it dashes towards with an incredible speed on each of us.

Using his claws, he gives us wounds on our bodies.

*What is he doing.*

The Outsider stop screaming while the other one licks his claws that have our blood.

"What's with them?"

After licking his claws, he went to the other Outsider and bite off his neck.

"What the?!"


The Outsider is screaming while being bitten. It's like he's crying in pain.

"I have a bad feeling about this, everyone, kill them.", Relaine said.

She immediately dashes towards them.


Before she manages to touch the Outsider,

A chain appears out of nowhere wrapped to her body.

"What the?"

Relaine looks behind.


"Eh?! That's not me!"

Relaine look at the Outsiders.


"Don't tell me..."

"They stole our amulet powers?", I said.

"No, Relaine can still use hers, maybe they copy it and inject it to the other one.", Commander said.

"What are we gonna do now?"

"Kill them, obviously.", Barbara said who's ready to dash towards them.

"Wait, let's be careful. They copy all of our amulet's power, which means Lulu's sleep is also with them, once they use it we all gonna die."

"Yeah, we can't fight back if we're unconscious."

"If I'm not mistaken, Lulu's amulet can reach up to ten diameters, which means we have to keep distance from them for five meters."

"What now?"

"People that don't have range attacks should wait for the perfect timing to attack."

"Got it!"

"By the way, where's Ernesta?"

"Don't be reckless you idiot!", Relaine shouted.


We look at her and saw Ernesta running towards her.

"Instant Creation!"

Relaine got trapped in a steel box.

After that, the box moves towards Ernesta.

The box disappear and Relaine got away from the Outsiders without difficulty.

"Even though we're friends for a long time, I'm still surprised on weird ideas you got.", Relaine said.


Relaine removes that chain from her body.

"Let's finish this and go home."



The Outsider begins to use Relaine's amulet powers.

"That Outsider is fast and looks strong, he might handle lightning stance but... the original won't lose."

Relaine steps forward towards them.

"Lightning Stance... thirty percent."

Relaine's body is being wrapped up by her powers.


Relaine dashes towards the Outsider.

The Outsider uses also the same ability.

Both of them start fighting but I can't clearly see what's going on since they're too fast.

"I will help Relaine, all of you will take down that one.", Commander said.


"Don't worry, I will try to hold him.", Rina said.

Vines crawl towards the Outsider.

The rocks appear from the ground block the vines.

"Instant Creation!"

Ernesta created a spear and throws it towards the Outsider.

The spear pierces the rock that almost hit the Outsider.

Barbara and I start to move.

I went to the left while Barbara is on the right side of the Outsider.

We swing our weapons at the same time.

The Outsider jump away from us before he got hit.

The Outsider pointed his arms towards us.

A chain appears out of nowhere trying to wrap on us.

But before that happen, so many metal sticks appear on the ground stop it.

Ernesta runs towards the Outsider.

The Outsider pointed his arm towards Ernesta.

Lightning appears in his hands.

He tries to hit Ernesta but Ernesta dodges it easily.

"Too bad, only Relaine can hit me that."

She stop running and said...

"Instant Creation! Iron Maiden!"

An Iron Maiden appears from the ground.

It opens and chains appear from inside which moves towards the Outsider.

The chains wrapped up to Outsider's body.

The Outsider tries to resist but Rina uses her vines to wrapped out too.

The Outsider screams and the ground suddenly shakes.

"He's using Commander's amulet ability."

"Lulu!", Ernesta shouted.

Lulu jump towards the Outsider and shouted.


The Outsider stop moving and the chain starts pulling him towards the iron maiden.

The iron maiden swallow by the ground.

"We made it."

"Yeah! Goodjob Lulu!"


Ernesta jumps into Lulu and starts hugging her.

"Where's Relaine and Commander Elizabeth?", Rina asked.

Commander and Relaine chasing the Outsiders.

The Outsider and Relaine are running while Commander is stepping on a flat rock and surfing on the ground.


The Outsider might learn that he won't win against them.

"Sixty percent!"

Relaine becomes faster.

"I'm aware that you can only use fifty percent moron."

Commander uses her amulet and blocks the way of the Outsider.

The Outsider tries to jump but that causes him to slow down a bit which gives Relaine a chance to catch him.

Relaine grabs the Outsider's head and pushes it towards the rock.

The rock was destroyed immediately.

Other blocks of rocks appear.

Relaine is still holding the head of the Outsider and continues smashing his head towards the rocks.

"Aren't they going too far?", Rina said.

"Don't mind them.", Ernesta said.

"Eh? Why?"

"Relaine is mad and Lisa is aware of it. She's using the Outsider as anger reliever."


That's the first time I feel bad about Outsider.

After a minute of head-smashing, Relaine finally stop.

She drops the dead Outsider on the ground.

The ground swallows the Outsider and leaves no trace.

"Woo, that was tiring."

"You okay now?", I asked.

"A little."

"So... what now?", Rina asked.

"There's a close village here. We might enjoy it there."

"Let's check the people here first before going."


"Let's go."

"You're really no fun Lisa."

Next chapter