
Alicia Sage 2

Come on, don't be shy.

I invite a little girl named Barbara to my house.

"Sorry if my house is not that big."

"I don't think is that small for someone who's living alone."


*She's smart... well she's only alone in her life so that's good for her.*

"Come on, take a sit."

Taking a seat, she places her hand on her leg and straightens her back.

*Is this girl really a beggar not from a royal?*

"So, where did you come from anyway?", I asked her while placing cookies and a glass of milk on the table.

"It's in the opposite direction where I'm running away."

*When I saw her running, she's more likely came from...*


"Yeah, there's a small village there."

"I see."




*She must be worried that those guys might come back and look for her there.*

"Hey, Barbara, you said who don't have a place to stay in right?"


"Then how about you stay here."

"...Eh?", she said while tilting her head.


"I mean, I'm only one here and I'm kinda feeling lonely sometimes."


"Just call me Alicia."

"Miss Alicia."


"But you're older than me."


"You should get a boyfriend."


*She's really smart.*

"I-I don't have time for that."

"Ehhhh...", she's looking at me as if I'm a criminal who's denying a crime.

"Back to the topic, you can stay here with me. But!"


"Why did you hesitate to tell your name when where are in the forest?"

"Because I thought you're a bad person."


*I know it...*

"But I remember that you save me from those people."



My telephone is ringing.

I pick it up and place it on my ear.



"Okay, got it."

"Who is it?"

"Someone needs some help."


"Yeah, want to know my job?"



"Where are we?"

"Hey, Barbara, stay here."

"How about you?"

"I'll take care of some things here."

Base on what they tell on me on the telephone, they see some Outsiders lurking around her.

I jump from branches to branches and look for Outsiders.


I saw some Outsiders. It's a gorilla and dog Outsider.


I jump on the gorilla Outsider and swing my knife towards him.

The gorilla Outsider moves fast and grabbed my arm immediately and throw me into the tree.

I land my feet properly on the body of the tree and jump straight towards the gorilla Outsider.


The dog Outsider is jumping towards me.

*I completely forgot about him!*

He is already close to me and ready to bite my body anytime.

"Miss!", someone shouted.


It's Barbara.

She kicks the dog Outsider.

I take that chance to slash the gorilla Outsider's neck. After that, I run towards Barbara.

"Why are you here?"

"This one is still alive."

She pointed to the dog Outsider who's standing in front of us while glaring.

"Stay back, I'll handle this."

I dash towards the dog Outsider. He lowers his stance then jumps on me. Opening his mouth wide open, I throw one of my knives into his mouth. The Outsider fell on the ground while spitting blood.

"Don't move, I'll end your suffering."

I thrust my knife to his neck which kill him.

"Miss Alicia are you alright?"

"You idiot."

I chop her head.


"That's dangerous."

"But I'm worried."

"Thanks for worrying but read the situation. You're just a little girl and I am an assassin. Which do you think will be more in danger?"

"Both of us?"

"It's you."


"Ahhh.", I sighed.

I patted her head and rub it.

"Don't do it again."


"It's getting dark now, let's hurry so I can cook."

Both of us run from the forest to our house. I can't believe that she's almost par on my speed.

After eating dinner, both of us sleep on the same bed while facing each other.

"Miss Alicia."


"Where did you learn that?"

"Learn what?"

"To fight. I saw you fighting and you look cool.", she said with a small voice.

"Well, someone taught me."


"His name is Silver."

"Silver? You mean the assassin guy?"

"Wait?! You know him?"

"Yeah, he's actually famous."

"Really? Where is he now?"

*I can finally thank him and show him what I am now.*



"He's resting."

"Yeah, maybe since it's already night."

"No, I mean he's resting... for good."


She averts her eyes as if says telling me something.

"Oh, I see. How did he..."

"He saves someone. A little girl from an Outsider."

"I see... how ironic because he always keeps telling me that he's a bad person."

"Sorry for the loss."

"It's okay, it's not we are that close anyway."

I lied.

My heart aches and it looks like I'm going to cry soon.

Silver looks like a family to me. He changes me which makes me learn how to survive and get what I want.

"Miss Alicia."


"It's okay if you cry."

*She's like an adult. I wonder how she would grow?*

People won't stay like this forever. They will encounter so many things that would change them someday.

"Goodnight, Barbara."

"So, you won't cry?"

"Do you really want me to cry?"


"Miss Alicia! I want to learn how to fight!"


"I want to learn those moves!", she said while posing a fighting stance.

"But...fighting is not that easy..."

"Yeah, but isn't harder if you don't know how to fight especially if you're in danger?"

*Darn this kid is smart.*

"Okay then, I'll teach you how to fight."

"Yey!", she jumps in joy.

That's the first time I saw some emotion in her.

It's been seven years since I started to learn how to fight. Maybe sharing my knowledge with others is not that bad.

"Okay, Barbara, let's see how far you can last."

"You... didn't sound cool there Miss Alicia."


"Hehe, just kidding."

*I have no idea that this girl has a bratty attitude. Well, she's still a kid after all.*




Running in the middle of the forest. We're chasing some Outsiders lurking around the forest.

There are two dogs and two gorilla Outsiders.

"I'll take care of the three. Eliminate the other one."

"Eh? How about two for two?"

"No time for that!"

"But it's unfair."

"Ughhh... fine!"

The two of us split direction.

I went to the left while Barbara go to the right.

I run fast but silently for the Outsiders not to notice me.

I spot one dog and gorilla Outsiders.

I jump on the trees and jump on the dog Outsider.


The dog Outsider looks at me.


He looks at me with his deadly eyes.

Before he could do anything, I thrust immediately my knife to his head as I land.

The dog Outsider drops dead. The gorilla Outsiders shout loud and raise his hand.

I pull out my knife to the dog Outsider and jump away.

The Outsider stomps his chest and runs towards me.

When he's in front of me, he raises both of his hands and smashes them towards me. I grab my other knife and slash both his shoulders then spin around and slash his knee. He fell to his knee.


I slash his neck which kills him.

"Miss Alicia!"


"Oh, you already kill them."

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I'm alright."

It's been a year since I taught Barbara how to fight, although she still needs to learn more.

"Wanna go home and eat something?"



The two of us are eating dinner after the fight.

"Hey, Barbara."


"I'm planning for both of us to go to Moirai. Is that okay with you?"

"Maybe I'll pass."

"Huh? Why?"

"I still have to learn many things."

"Yeah, maybe you can learn those things in Moirai."

"I know but there's one thing I wanted."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I want to practice alone."

"Practice alone?"

"Yeah, I'm always dependant on you. I want to stand on my feet."

"I see."

*Wait! Is this what they call 'Rebellion Phase'?!*

"Miss Alicia."


"I don't rebel against you. Got it?"


*She can really read my mind. Kids these days are scary.*

"Ah... I'm going next week. Are you sure you won't go with me?"



"Miss Alicia. I won't go away or something. I'm just staying here. That's all."


*Just how fast time pass.*

"You're really acting weird today..."


Seven days have passed and now I going to Moirai leaving Barbara behind.

"Take care there."

"Hey, you're not really-"

"I'm not."

"But I already pack your things."

"Wait what?!"

"I thought you might change your mind."

"Ugh... Just go already."


"Miss Alicia. I going to visit, so don't worry."


"Also, you might find yourself a boyfriend there."


"My, my."

"I'm still twenty and it's still considered young."

"Yes, yes."


*I'm going to miss this girl.*



I grab my gift for her in my bag.

"Have this."

"A glasses?"


"But I don't have a problem with my eyes."

"Don't worry, think of it as decoration only."

"I see, it doesn't have a lens huh."


"Did you make this?"


"I see. Thank you, this is the first time someone give me a gift."

"Don't worry, that won't be the last time."

"Don't worry, if we meet again. I'll make sure I have a gift."

"My my."

"By the way, when is your birthday?"

"Well... I don't know."

"Hehe, same."


Traveling for three days straight, my adventure is not that easy since many Outsiders lurk around.

The place is so big and the white and blue color also the same as the cloud and the sky.

*I wonder if they going to let me in.*

"So... where's the entrance?"

I look left and right but I don't see any gate or even a person.

"Wait... don't tell me this is behind Moirai?"

From what I hear, Moirai has strict security that's why they only have one way to go inside and outside.

"This place is so big..."

Thanks to that I have to walk for a few hours to reach the gate.

"Ha, ha."

*Why life is always this hard?*

I'm already in front of the gate.

I slowly walk towards. It's only me and some guards are outside.

The guards walk towards me and block my way.

"Who are you and what do you need here."



"I'm a traveler! Yeah, that's right. Traveler."


*Please believe me.*

"I see... you haven't answered my other question."

"Other question? Oh, yeah, my name, I'm Alicia."

"Alicia? You mean the assassin that slaughters so many Outsiders?"

"You know me?"

"The hell we're not! You're so famous."

"Wait really?"

*I have no idea.*

"Well... can I go inside now?"

"Of course! Miss Alicia"

*I become a celebrity without knowing huh.*

I enter Moirai.


The place is truly amazing and huge.

There are so many people around and huge buildings.

*I wish Barbara is here with me.*

"Let's back to business."

I went here because of the things called amulets. They say that this is the most effective way to kill Outsiders. Having one is a great help for me and Barbara.

"I should ask some people here."

I walk around and spotted some people standing in from of a huge building.

"Hello, can I ask something?"

I asked an old woman who's looks like waiting for someone.

"Oh, a pretty young lady. What do you want to ask?"

"Well, I'm here to find something called amulet that use to fight Outsiders."

"Amulet? To fight Outsiders? Why not go to Sage person's house."



"Thank you but where's this Sage person's house?"

"He's living near in the king's place."

"King's place huh."

The old woman pointed to the highest building in the center of Moirai.

"Well, I guess I have to walk again?"

Walking in the street with many people. I spotted so many different shops here.

*I should buy some gifts for Barbara, not just handmade glasses.*

"Sage, Sage, Sage. I wonder where the person is."




A young man who's about a year younger than me standing behind me.

"What is it?"



"You're searching for Sage right?"

"Oh! Yeah. Do you know where I can find that person?"

"Well... I'm actually that guy. I'm Night Sage."

Next chapter