
A-1 vs A-2

"We're here!"

Another shout coming from Ernesta. I just notice, she always says that whenever we go to other places or went to back to HQ.

All of the A-1 members including the Commander are here in the stadium near HQ. We're here to participate in some kind of event here. A non-member HQ can join some event like archery, one on one sword battle, and others, while the HQ members are going to participate in the main event. The battle against the other HQ team.

"Um... are we going to fight other HQ teams here?", I asked.

"Only A-2.", Commander's short answer.

"Huh? Why only them?"

"The others have their own battle in another place. If you want to ask why, because it's dangerous if they leave their HQ for long and went to a far place."

"I see..."

"If something happens to their HQ, they can go back there immediately."

"Too bad."

Some part of me wants to meet other teams, but it can't be helped.

As for our HQ, they send other people there to guard it while we're here. To think they going that far just to this event. I wonder what's the purpose of this.

Before going the event start, we went inside and observe that place, the stadium is kind of small for me, I wonder if it is okay to fight in such a place.

After wandering around, we went to our position and ready ourselves to battle. We saw Relaine and her team on the other side.

"Alright! You guys are ready!", someone shouted from the microphone.

It looks like the commentator.

"Let's go to the plan.", Darius said.

Before the match start. A ball of light appears at the center of the stadium. I cover my eyes because it's so bright. After a few seconds, the ball of light disappears.


"Where are we?"

We're already at a different place.

"We're in the forest huh.", Ernesta said without being surprised.

"W-What happen?"

"Oh that, it's one of the superior's. This is his amulet's ability."

"He can teleport us?"

"Ah no, we just inside his ability. It's more likely an imaginary place."

"Imaginary place?"

"Yeah, an illusion. Also with the help of the other superior's amulet which can boost or power up other's amulet, he was able to make this huge place."

"I see..."

"No time to talk, let's go now. Relaine group starts moving now."

All of us except Ernesta move to the east while she went straight ahead. After moving to our position, Rick shot the sky with his gun, creating a sound that makes the birds flew away. All of us hide behind the bushes and trees.

After a few seconds.

"There she is."

The person who appears is Relaine. She walks slowly and observes the place. When she steps of our target place. Darius uses his amulet to trap Relaine inside his wind barrier. The rest of us surrounded her.

"Interesting.", she said without showing anything fear or surprise on her face.

"We got you now!"

"Oh, really. Not bad, but."

She raises her hand.

"Too bad. Electro!"


"Woah! If it isn't Elizabeth."


I'm watching now the battle between my team and Steve's team. He just arrived.

"I am late?", he asked.

"No, it's just started."

"Uh-oh! I can't miss any moment of this. I wonder who's going to win."

Using the screen at the center of the stadium, we watch the match. We saw Ernesta running towards the other members of A-2.

"It looks like it's gonna be fun!", Steve said with excitement on his face.


Before the A-2 makes a move. Ernesta uses her thread to bind them.

"Hehe, got you now!"

"Okay... we give up."

"Urgh....", Steve almost falls to his chair.


"We're not going to win against you so we give up. It's better than to waste energy and time on you."

"Ohhhh. I like that.", Ernesta said while giving them a thumbs up.

"If you want to know where's Relaine, she might be on your team now."

"Well, I already know that but thanks!"

Ernesta went back to find Relaine and her team while A-2 went out of the stadium.

"...What just happen?", Steve couldn't believe what he saw.

"It looks like they're having fun... I guess."

"Ahhhhhh!!!", a long sigh coming from him.

"There's still Relaine in the A-2 group so I think there's still a fight."



It's Hiro and the others.

"W-What happened to all of you? You lose already?", Steve surprise for the second time.

"Yeah, we got toasted by Relaine. I couldn't believe her take us down with just one hit.", Hiro said while scratching the back of his head.

"I see, it's okay. It's Relaine after all."

Before we continue to watch the fight, there's another group approaches us.


This time it's Leo's team, A-2.

"A-All of you did your best there huh."


They agree even though it's supposed to be a joke.

"It looks like Ernesta and Relaine will face now huh."


My team and Steve's team sit and watch with us.

"They're the only one left, so that means the one on one battle will be canceled."

"One on one?"

"Yeah, not only group battle but also one on one. Although the only people who join there are Relaine and Ernesta."

"I see. It will save some time, I guess."

Back to Relaine and Ernesta.

Relaine is running while Ernesta is...

"What is she doing?", Vinna asked.

While standing straight, Ernesta places her hand right to her face covering her right eye. She folds her thumb and little finger leaving the other three straight. After that, she shouted.

"Instant Creation!"

After that, she opens the space between her index and middle finger showing her golden right eye that illuminating.

Multiple daggers and metal sticks appear on her front.

"Wait, she can do that?", Hiro's shocked reaction.

"Yeah, Ernesta not only can manipulate but she can also create metals. Although she only does that in an emergency."


"Yeah. We're talking about Relaine. Being against the strongest Vice-Commander, of course, she needs to do whatever she can to win."

"I see. But why she does that in a weird way?"

"Well, she needs to visualize what kind of object she wanted to make. First, she needs to cover or close her right eye and try to imagine the object she gonna make, then, opening her eye, the object that she visualize will appear on her front. Also, the lesser the finger that folds, the stronger the object was.", I explain to them clearly.

"Oh, that explains her weird pose.", Vinna said.

*Does posture matter in a fight?*

After the dagger and metal stick, she created two swords by doing the same thing, but this time only the little finger is folded.

As for Relaine, she's already near Ernesta's location.

"This is it!", Steve shouted.

All of them are watching seriously to them.

"Who do you think will win? Wanna bet?", Steve said.

"Okay, I go for Relaine."

"Eh? But she's in my team?!"

"She is, but it doesn't mean I can't bet for her."


Back to the fight. Finally, Relaine spotted Ernesta. This is the real battle start.


"There you are, brat!"

After running for some minutes. I finally find Ernesta.

She's holding two swords.


*Even though I don't have any weapon. I think I can still pull this off.*

I can actually create a weapon but unlike Ernesta's metal. Mine cannot last that long. Maintaining it requires great concentration which is impossible if I'm against Ernesta.

"Go easy on me.", she said while smiling.

"Don't worry, I would likely end this immediately."

Dashing towards her, Ernesta didn't move. Before I can reach her, something appears on the ground. I jump back. It's a metal stick. She probably creates them and hides them underground.


I ducked when something almost hit me.

"What the"

It's a dagger that floating in the air.

"It looks like you're well prepared."

"Hehe. Have fun!"

The dagger that floating in the air moves towards me. I jump backward in every dagger that would hit me. While I was busy dodging, Ernesta runs towards me and swing one of the swords that she holds. I lean back to dodge it. She uses the other one to thrust toward my stomach. I change my body position facing the left side to dodge the sword.

"That was close."


The metal stick that was buried on the ground appears and surrounded me. The daggers that floating in the air fly towards me. Ernesta runs and raises her two swords.


Raising my left fist that covers with lightning and punched the ground.


The lightning in my hand moves towards the ground creating an explosion. The daggers in the air and the metal stick on the ground flew away. Ernesta stops running and covers her face with her swords.

"Now, let's start the real battle!"

Covering my hands with lightning. I dash towards Ernesta and punch her. She uses her sword on her left hand to block it then uses the other one to swing towards me. I immediately lean backward. I touch the ground with my two hands.


"Oh no, you don't!"

I feel some metal sticks on the ground. I jump backward before the metal sticks appear.

I dash towards and throw a punch towards her stomach. She jumps backward. I dash again and punch her face. She leans back and swings her sword horizontally. I ducked and spin to kick her feet. She jumps and thrusts her two swords at me. I roll on the ground to dodge it.



"Try to dodge this, brat!"

I create a spear-like object using my lightning and throw it towards her. Ernesta uses her two swords to block it.

That thing wouldn't last long. So before it disappears I dash towards her and jump. I clenched my hand and push it towards her chest. Before the spear-like object disappears, I successfully land my fist causing her to fall on the ground.

"I-It hurts."

"Heh! Now brat, surrender or die."

"Heh.", she grins.


Some metal sticks appear on the ground. I barely dodge it but some of them scratch my leg.


Ernesta stands up and starts running.

"Where are you going-"

The scratch in my leg is hurting causing me not to run properly. Ernesta is getting away and I have no time to cover my scratch.

"Ahhh!!! Jeez, who cares about this crap."

Forcing myself to run. I manage to keep up with Ernesta. The daggers in the air move towards me. I create a stick-like object using lightning and smash the upcoming daggers.

The pain of the scratch in my leg is getting worse.

"Ahh!! Stop running you brat!"

Stopping from running. I create a sword-like object using lightning. I pull my hand that holding the sword-like object. Aiming at Ernesta. I thrust the sword-like object forward to her.

"Lightning Thrust!"

A lightning beam that came from the sword-like object lightning hit Ernesta's shoulder.



While Ernesta still sitting on the ground, I run towards her. After raising my fist, I push it towards her face.

"Heh.", she grins.

Ernesta pulls the sword in her back and tries to slash my neck. I lean back and jump.

"Just kidding."

"You brat!"

Some metal sticks under the ground appear in my front causing me to jump backward. Ernesta stands up and starts running again.


*This brat is getting on my nerve!*

I run as fast I as can to catch up to Ernesta. When I'm near to her, I create another sword-like object. Ernesta stops running and place her right hand on her face covering her right eye.


"Oh no, you don't!"


She opens the space between the index and middle finger showing her right eye that illuminating.

Before my hit land on her, my surroundings become dark.


My attack land on a wall made from metal.

"I see, she trap me huh."

She didn't fold any fingers when she created this. That means this is her toughest metal.

I notice that her creation is not a simple box or cage. It has some pathways.

"Where am I?"


"What is that?"

Ernesta created a huge thing made from metal. It covers almost the entire forest.

"Woah, that means, Ernesta has an advantage now.", Rick said.

"I don't think so.", Steve disagrees.

"How so?"

"Remember, Relaine can make her lightning pass through even it is an insulator. But in this case, it's a whole metal place. That means once Relaine uses her amulet's ability. Ernesta will be toasted inside of that thing."


The sky is getting dark now. That means...

A bolt of lightning from the sky strikes the creation of Ernesta.

"Ernesta is dead now!"

Everyone is tense about what's happening. Although it can help.

"Woah, is that Ernesta."

We saw Ernesta running away from her creation.

She stops running and faces the giant thing that she created. She places her right hand on the front. Then, she closes her hand. After that, the giant thing slowly becomes small. It was like crumbling.

"Aha! I win Relaine!"

A big smile appears on Ernesta's face. Her creation becomes small until it's almost the same size as her.

After that, she looks at us and gives us a big smile. Of course, everyone becomes happy from that.


There's a weird noise coming from the object that Ernesta created. After that, the noise stop.

"Woo. I thought Relaine is still alive.", Rick said.

"I don't think Ernesta would nor can kill her."

Ernesta walks towards her creation. After a few seconds.


A loud huge noise was heard from the surrounding of Ernesta's creation. It explosion causing a huge smoke that blocks our sight in that place. In the smoke, a shadow of a person walking towards Ernesta.

"Oh no."

"Don't get cocky, brat!"

It's Relaine.


I turn to the left, then right, walk straight forward, and left again.

"Argh!!!! Where am I!"

I'm trapped at the place where there are so many pathways.

"Don't tell me Ernesta trapped me into a maze?"

I put my hands on the ground.


Using this, lightning will strike this place. If Ernesta is still inside, she will be hit by this.

A few seconds later, the ground starts to shake.

"What's going on."

It shakes more and more. The metal in my surroundings became smaller and tight. It's like it's getting crumble.

"Aha! I win Relaine!"

"Wait, is that Ernesta?"

*She's outside.*

After few seconds, the ground stops shaking, same with my surrounding.

"I can't move."

I punch the wall several times.

"You leave me no choice."


Covering my fist with my lightning, I punch the wall as hard as I can.

The wall destroys and now I can move freely. I saw Ernesta's show in the smoke.

I walk towards her and stare.

"Oh no."

"Don't get cocky, brat!"

"Oh, hey. Welcome back... I guess."

"Say your prayer, brat!", I said my cracking my fingers.

I dash towards her and aim my fist at her face. She immediately blocks it by extending her two hands. While blocking my fist, I grab her two hands and pull her into me.


"Got you now."

Ernesta didn't resist.

"I win, brat!"


I slightly chop her head using my hand.

"Hehe.", Ernesta slightly laughed.


"What's going on?"

The crowd seems to confuse. I have to do something about this.

Before speaking I take a deep breath.

"Hey!!! Announced it! I already win you moron!", I shouted to the commentator.

"Ah! Right! And the winner is Relaine!"

"It's A-2 not just me!"

"S-Sorry! In this match, the winner is team A-2!"


"Too bad. I thought Ernesta win there."

"Me too."

It seems like they couldn't believe in the result. But I already know who's the winner right from the start.

"That was close. Ernesta almost wins there.", Hiro said.

"I don't think so.", Steve said while holding his chin.

"You disagree again?"

"Of course, after all, Relaine still didn't use her strongest attack. Too bad, I thought she's going to use it."

"That means, Ernesta really has no chance of winning?"


I stand up.

"Let's go, Ernesta is waiting for us."


"We should congratulate her at least"


Few hours pass after the fight. I went to the room where Ernesta is resting. I'm already in front of the door. I touch the doorknob and slightly open it. It's unlocked. I look inside and there's no one there except her. I quietly open the door.

"Oh, Relaine!"

Ernesta notice me immediately.

"H-Hello. I thought you're sleeping."

"Hehe. I was, but my Relaine radar detect you!"

"Relaine radar?"


"How are you? Does anything hurt to you?", I asked.

"Well, noth-, I mean, there's was."


"Yeah, here."

She extends her arm to me showing the back of her hand.

I grab it and look at it.

"I see, let me call the doc-"

"Wait, don't bother."

"Eh? I thought it still hurt?

"Yeah, but let's not bother them."

"I see, then how do we gonna deal with this?"

"Kiss it."


I raise my hand.

"W-Wait! Let me finish. They said that saliva is a great pain killer."

"Really?", I stare at her eyes.


"Ah! I see. Okay, I'll do it."

"Yey! I mean, please."

I kiss the back of her hand. I feel like she shakes for a little when I do that.

"Does it still hurt?", I asked.

"Eh? No. The pain is already gone."

"I see. I think it's done."



"There's still a pain in other parts."

"Eh? Where?"


She grabs my hand and puts my two fingers on her lips. My body becomes hot and my head feels dizzy. I saw her face, she's blushing so much. I almost lose control of myself. After few seconds, I snap back.

"You little!"

I punch her face.


"You pervert."

"Hehe. Sorry."

"Go back to sleep."

I walk to the door and went outside.

"Hey wait-"


*That was close.*

Next chapter