
Ernesta's Trail 2

"Why do we need to went outside if we're just going back again?!", I shouted.

"I wonder also. I can't really read Cerex's mind.", Zod said.

"It doesn't matter as long as I can kill."

"You just only think about the killing weren't you, Arnil? Do you have any hobby aside from that?", I frankly asked.

"There's no more fun than killing.", Arnil said while raising his one of his arm.


"Be quiet, our enemy might spot us. Why do we have to go outside?"

*That's what I'm asking in the first place.*

I don't quite understand why Cerex asked us to went outside and went back again. The only thing that I remember that he said is 'kill anyone who gets in your way'. Is he expecting someone?



A small girl with black hair and golden eyes appears out of nowhere.



A wide smile coming from the Vice-Commander of A-1 HQ, Ernesta.

"Want to play Outsiders?", she asked.

"You want to fight us three? You must be out of your mind."

*This girl must be up to something.*

"What do you think Zod?"

"I don't see anyone aside from her. She's serious about fighting us all."

We are in a flat open area where there are no trees or anything that where can hide.

"Don't worry, I will slice her into pieces.", Arnil said while walking slowly towards Ernesta.

"Go kill him Arnil."

"Hey, wait!"

I call him but it's too late. Arnil dashes towards Ernesta without thinking.

"That musclehead!"


*Wait, did she just smirk?*


Zod looks shocked for some reason.

"What is it?"

"Step back!"


*Something moving under the ground.*

Both Zod and I jump back while Arnil stops for some reason.

"Oi, you still alive there?", I asked.

"M-My feet. I can't move!"


There's so many metal stick near us.

"Where are these came from?", I asked.

"In the ground. She must be hiding them."

"S-She got me."

Arnil looks like calling for help.

"That's because you always use your muscle, not your head!"

"Hey, let's play more.", Ernesta said.

"Tsk. We have no choice."

"It seems like Arnil can still fight. We just have to go at once."


"Let's go."

The two of us dash towards Ernesta. As we dash towards her, there's so many metal sticks appear in our way.

"Be careful."

"Yeah, yeah!"

*This rat!*

When I'm near to her, I jump and raise my hand. As I land at her, I swing my hand. She immediately moves backward to dodge it. Zod is already at her back and ready to punch her, but some metal stick appears in front of him.

"It looks like we're getting a rough time here."

"Let me handle her.", Arnil said.

It looks like he can fight now.

Arnil runs towards Ernesta. Raising his two upper hands, Arnil smashes his two axes towards Ernesta. Ernesta changes her body position to dodge his attacks. Ernesta grabs her dagger. Arnil try to jump back but he can't because of the thread that Ernesta wrap to him. In this close distance, Ernesta surely gonna hit Arnil with her dagger. Ernesta already place her dagger on her shoulder and was ready to slash Arnil's neck.

"This is bad!"

"Die.", Ernesta said with a grin on her face.


Arnil try to escape but it's useless.

*Just how strong this girl is?*


Ernesta looks to the left. Zod is already there. Ernesta jumps back and let go of Arnil.

"That was close."

"I told you to use your head!"

Arnil removes all the thread that was wrapped around him.

"So, what's the plan?", I asked.

"I think planning is useless against her."

"Huh?! What do you mean?"

"She already put so many metal sticks on the ground. She's good at fighting too. The only way to defeat her is to fight her head-on."

"That's not really like you."


Zod is not to his usual self.

*Is dealing with her is really that hard?*

"Oh my, giving up already? Let's play more!"

A wide smile appears on her face, at the same time, much more metal sticks appear on the ground.

*It feels like we're fighting on her own territory.*


"Hiro is not here yet?", I asked.


We still haven't find the children nor Ernesta.

"There are some reports where some of the metal sticks in one shop are missing."

"Metal sticks?"

"It could be that Ernesta stole them?", Lulu said.

"Eh? Why do you think that Ernesta would do that?"

"Well... it's not that I think of her as a thief but...."

"I get it now, I think what Lulu saying is Ernesta might use it to fight against the Outsiders.", Darius said.

"Y-Yeah, that's what I mean."

"That means that Ernesta already found where the Outsiders are? What is she thinking going to fight alone? Darius, all of you, we're going."

"Wait! Let's wait."

"Wait for who?"


"Huh? But Hiro said that we have to find Ernesta and the children!"

"Let's wait. I know once Hiro came back, he knows where's Ernesta now and the children already."

"Don't worry, I send some of my men to look for Ernesta and the children so that we can wait for Hiro here.", Cedric said.


I sighed.

"Okay. Let's wait for Hiro."


"Ahhhh!!!", Arnil shouted while swinging both his swords and axes.

Ernesta just keeps dodging like it was nothing. Both Zod and I are already at her back. Zod ready his straight palm while I raise my hands. Ernesta notices it, before our attacks land on her, Ernesta jump back and flips. As she lands, Ernesta places her palms on the ground. More metal sticks appear on the ground where we standing. The three of us jump back.


"Calm down, Claire."

"Shut up! How can I calm down in this situation?"

"What's the problem there you three? Tired now? Now then."

Some daggers floating around Ernesta while grabbing one metal stick on the ground. She pointed the metal stick to us, same with the daggers.

"I'll be the one who's attacking now!"

"You two, watch out!", Zod shouted.

She dashing towards us.

*She's fast!*

She's already at our front. She spins the metal stick in her hand and thrust it towards Zod's chest.



*This is bad!*

Arnil raises one arm but Ernesta already spins again the metal stick and smashes it to his face.



She's already at my front ready to swing the metal stick to me. I immediately jump back but she catches me up. She swings the metal stick to the left. I use my hand to catch the attack but she spins the metal stick to her changing the swing from left to right, hitting my arm.


*It hurts*



Ernesta is panting so much.

*Of course, fighting us three is not that easy!*

"It looks like you're on your limit huh."

"Don't worry, I can still fight an old lady like you."

"You little rat!"

Dashing towards her, I raise my left hand and swing it towards her. She uses the metal stick to block my attack. I pull my right hand and thrust it towards her chest. She immediately dodges it and spins her body with the metal stick and tries to hit my face. I duck to dodge the attack, I spin on the ground and try to kick her feet to stumble her but she jumps backward.

*This is my only chance!*

I run towards her. The daggers that floating around her move to my top and fall, while some of the metal sticks appear on the ground where I'm standing. Ernesta grips the metal stick tightly and swings towards my head.

"Here I go!"


I immediately swing my hands towards her before her attacks reach me.


My attack land on her but it's not enough to kill her.

Ernesta would fall to the ground if she didn't use her metal stick.

"I-I see, so your amulet ability is to make anything you touch invisible huh."


I show her one of Arnil's swords that I secretly grab from him before he falls to the ground after Ernesta's attack.

I'm actually using a claw in my fingers before I grab the sword.

"N-No wonder why to swing your hand even though your still far from me."

Her body is bathing now of her blood.

"You still want to fight? If you surrender I let you go."

"Heh. Your being kind now huh?"

"You should decide now before the two wake up."

"Don't worry, because those two won't bother us anymore."


Ernesta throws the metal stick and the daggers that floating around her fall.

Standing straight, she places her right hand to her face covering her right eye where the palm is face to me. After that, she folds her finger except for the index and middle finger.

*What is she doing?*

"Instant Creation!"

After she shouted, she opens the space between her index and middle finger showing her golden right eye that illuminating. After that, the ground shakes so much that I almost lose balance.

"What's going on?"

The place around us is dark and covered with metals. We're like inside a dome.

*How come she can use so many metals? Did she really have so many of them in the first place?*


"Do you really think you're the only one who doesn't know someone's ability?"

"Wait! Don't tell me?"

*It can't be! I thought she can only manipulate metals!*

"What your thinking is right. Not just I can only manipulate metal, but I can also create them from zero."

*I'm screwed now!*

The place around us is completely covered now. Plus both Zod and Arnil are outside, which means...

"I'm dead now."

"Don't worry, even though I have full control of this place I'm still so exhausted right now because of using this. Now, old lady, want to settle this with our bare hands?"

"Yes, also... I'm just 25!!! You little rat!"

Two of us run to each other. Clenching my hands, I push my fist towards her chin but she immediately leans back. She spins clockwise and uses the back of her palm to hit me, I block it using my arms. Ernesta lowered her body and spin counter-clockwise and kick my feet. I lose balance and fall to the ground. Ernesta is going to stomp me so I rollover. I stand up and back to my fighting stance.

"You're good Miss."

"Heh? You're not calling me 'old lady' now?"


"Now then, be ready! Vice-Commander!"


Ernesta spins again and tries to kick my left shoulder, I try to grab using my two hands but she spins again on the opposite side and kicks my right shoulder. It was so fast that I couldn't react to block it.


Ernesta spins again and tries to kick my left shoulder now. I use my arms to block it again. She pulls one leg and pushes it towards my stomach. I use my two hands to it block and jump backward. She dashes towards me and punches my face. I use my two hands to block it. After that, I push her fist and spin to kick her face. She immediately ducks. I look at her, she clenches her hands and stands. Her fist is coming to my chin, I dodge it by leaning back. Ernesta jumps back and spins again towards me. She tries to kick my left shoulder again but I immediately block it. She switches to my right shoulder I block it again. Ernesta starts kicking me left and right.

*This is annoying!*

After her last kick, before her foot land to the ground and kick again. I clench my hands and punch her to the stomach.


"How's that?"

"Darn, it's hurt. You almost hit my wound there."


"Let's finish this."

Both of us raise our fists and runs to each other.



"What the?"

We're about to finish our fight but we heard something.

"Is that an explosion?", I asked.


The dome that Ernesta created to trap me inside is already has a hole now.

"What's going on?"

Someone is approaching us but I can't see it because of the smoke that was created from the explosion.


"Ernesta, you still alive there?"

*This is bad! I'm totally dead now!*

The person who breaks the dome is the Commander of A-1 HQ, Elizabeth.

Next chapter