
Star - Waking Up In Hell




My head felt like it was going to explode. There was a pounding, throbbing like ache near my left ear that just refused to go away. It was dragging me out of nightmares about dark creatures trying to swoop down and catch me while I ran and ran. The pain had been permeating into my dreams as well since I dreamt that one of the creatures managed to hit me on my head twice.

As the sleep filled fog started to ebb from my brain, even though my eyes were still closed, I was able to think. Thinking led me to remembering. Remembering brought back fear and with that even more pain.

I had been with Chay. I had been in an accident. Uncle Howard found me. He had taken me from the ruined vehicle and carried me away. He got mad at me and dropped me on the ground. He hit me. He knocked me unconscious.

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