
Rakha lover

When isabel's top was tore apart. Isabel couldn't resist her anger so she with her right leg she kicked backwards like a donkey. With her one kick, that guy's manhood's gone.

Shane felt so shocked and surprised. Didn't stop following her.

"Hey, hey! Listen! You're clothes are damaged wear this." shane gave his shirt to isabel.

"Okay, thanks! Stop following me"! she said.

"Please i want that ring at any cost" shane begging her.

"Do you think im money minded like you? Just go!" she didn't even turn her face to see him.

Shane tried to look her but because of her party wear eye mask, he's unable to see her face. Then shane came infront of her. He stopped her.

"Hey what th"! isabel shocked to see his body and closed her eyes she didn't saw his face or hands anything.

"Please, this ring is my dream!" shane stood infront of her and begging her.

Ah, i cant get rid of him, i have to use my power- isabel thought in her mind.

She looked around to check, there's nobody so she thought that she can use her magic. But suddenly shane took her cute pretty face in to his hands and just in blink he kissed isabel. As its so sudden and and her first kiss she closed her eyes and for few seconds she couldn't understand whats happening to her.

After their saliva exchanged into each other's mouth. Isabel understood that she was kissing by a handsome human. So, then she used her magic and shane lost his consciousness.

Then immediately isabel ran away without seeing his face. Then nanny hugged her as she was so worried and looking around curiously for alice.

"Darling! Where is she?" nanny smiled.

"Nanny! Leave her" isabel with disappointment and went to her room.

Nanny also followed her to room and isabel fell on her sleep and looking up at her ceiling.

"Darling, what happened?"

"Nanny? What is first kiss experience?"

"Aww, sweetie! First kiss is not just a experience. Its amazing feeling, and a first kiss is not just a kiss. Its mixed emotion and feeling of two souls. Haha you wont understand it by now. When you find your prince, then you'll understand it" nanny smiled.

Isabel thinking about him now.

"Darling where is she ?" nanny once again asked.

"Nanny, alice is out of our hands!" isabel explained everything also her connection with a human.

"No, no,no,no,no! I dont want to loose you either her!" nanny is worried and cried.

"What are talking nanny?"

"Ah, nothing!" nanny clicks her tongue like she was hiding something.

"What happened nanny?"

" Isabel, I want your sister with us here" nanny ordered.

"No, no, nanny! If you saw her there you wouldn't talk like this. Leave her nanny! I know you love her but she dont need us anymore. Now just its you and me" isabel hugged her.

"No! I said i want her. You fate was tied with her. I dont want to repeat the fate again!" nanny shouted and cried.

"What are you talking nanny!"? isabel didn't understand.

"Darling i want alice. Thats it, please bring her home as soon as possible" nanny crying.

"Okay, okay!Nanny dont worry! please your condition is not good please leave it to me".

The night finished like that.

Shane opened his eyes, and he saw his roof.

Is it my room? - he thought and slowly with scratching his head he woke up. There is glass of water besides his bed he took it emptied the glass.

"Good morning! My hottie" noah naughty smile.

"What happened to me? shane asked.

"That what im thinking about. Last night, without shirt sleeping in the sand. What happened to you? Whats the matter bro?" noah smiled.

"Without shirt?" he recalled the things and suddenly something strikes to his mind.

"The ring?" shane mumbled.

"What ring?" noah asked.


Suddenly shane too her cute little face into his hands and kissed her. When he kissed her, she closed her eyes. Then shane took the ring off from her hand. But later he didn't know what happened to him.


"Oh my god that ring" shane checking his self but didn't found the ring. So, he without his shirt ran away. And noah didn't understand anything. Here isabel also noticed that her ring went missing. So, she went to same spot where she lost it.

Shane without shirt, he took his ferrari car and with jet speed he was going for that place. Some media people and some ladies saw him and followed him. As he was entered , he stepped out from his car then people surround him like ants surrounded the sugar.

The media and girls surrounded him so he couldn't move his feet further. He was few steps far from the sand. Everybody focusing his body and his car and his face. But he was looking at the sand and the beach. Then he saw the same girl with the same mask but with his shirt and no lowers. Isabel slept with that shirt all night and in search for her ring. She came back and took the ring and she wore it to her left hand again and when she saw the ring, a beautifull shiny smile escaped from her lips. She jumped out of happiness because she found what she lost. And then with in a camera click, shane just for second closed his eyes.

Thats it, just with one camera click. His eyes blinked and isabel left from there. Shane then pushed them away and came to the place. The sand showed her foot prints into ocean and shane shocked about her. Now, his business is to find her with that ring and he believed that she is the only reason for his unconsciousness and also she is the answer for his dream.

Then he showed his anger on media people and in his ferrari, he left from there. After he arrived his home. He understood that noah told everything about last night and thats why now his father is worrying.

"Father, you're sick! Why dont you wait for me inside?" shane took him to his room.

"Noah told everything, what happened son? Why did you hurrying in such each hours?" tyler asked.

"Ah, its nothing father. Just a small business work" he lied.

"Oh, so your business held in the beach?" noah laughed and showed a news channel to father.

You're so dead, bastard- shane with killer stares. Noah ran away.

"What is it son! Tell me if there's any problem" tyler kindly asked.

Somehow shane escaped from that. Then shane ran to noah to beat him up. Both of them were fighting near their pent house. There is a horse that was tied. Noah suddenly while trying to escape he went close to shane's favourite horse. Shane's horse name is 'Rakha'. Rakha and noah are some how enemies. Rakha used to hate noah so much.

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