
He's not my father!

Amelia's poison is great danger than a normal poisonous snake. When that snake bitted her tongue, amelia closed her eyes her nerves got green for one second and her tongue colour changed for few seconds.

When this happened, amelia who saw all this was in shock just staring at her. Well, amelia bitted by a snake she happened to be dead.

But not, infact she is more powerfull because its her nature, from her childhood she was feeding by the poison of great dangerous snakes.

Then watching all these melissa got head ache and scared of her, then amelia coming to her side that means she is on her way to tents.

Then melissa ran away quickly and quietly to her tent. And pretended to be asleep. Amelia checked up on all tents, everybody is sleeping she got no doubts on anyone and she finally checked on her own tent, which is sharing by amelia and lisa. And now lisa also deeply in sleep.

Amelia also slept, but melissa she cant sleep and remembering the scene that she saw. So, melissa quickly wanted to share this things to his uncle simon (prince george's father).

As the sun rises, the birds chirps woke up melissa. Rubina came into tent offering some cookies that made at home.

"Sister, you're okay? Your eyes look dull. Come one eat some cookies" rubina said while with a cookie in her mouth.

"Nothing, i will take a bath and join you" melissa said with touching her hair.(Breaths heavily)

Then melissa with towel and some clothes, went to the water fall. She bath there and in the water she is thinking about amelia still she cant believe her eyes what saw yesterday night.

Then after some time she completed her bath and dressed her self. Coming to the tents with half wet hair rubbing with her towel.

Then old lady again suggested a game that dont know to anybody.

"Again childhood games? no mother" rubina told with lazy voice.

"No, you will like it. Firstly divide into teams" she ordered.

Without any interest prince george is playing this game.

Bethany, henry

Rubina, melissa

Prince george,lisa and amelia are teams.

The old lady will be their host.Now, she is telling them about game rules.

"Now, everybody are ready. This game will be more interesting and you will like it.

In teams, everybody will have one choice to guess." she said.

"Guess? what guess?" rubina interrupted.

"Listen, one member will be blind folded then others will be in standing position with arms folded. The blindfolded one will guess the person by touching him, and no one speaks. If anybody play tricks they will be out of the game" old lady explained.

Everybody liked it, prince george also liked it. He was thinking about melissa looking at her to how to make her jealous . Now he found a way to make her more anger.

But melissa today not in her mood, just participating because rubina begged her to participate. Now, its henry he was blind folded and rubina,melissa,lisa,prince george at last are stood.

Henry was blindfolded, he was searching for the members after sometime he found them, and started touching their faces.

Henry guessed rubina and melissa correctly but out in guessing lisa. So he is out.

Now its rubina's turn she played very well and after rubina its bethany's turn she did well but out because she cheated.

Now its lisa's turn, she got prince george, amelia,rubina. She guessed every body correctly but wasted much time in guessing prince's name cuz she was busy in touching his body,even though she recognised she want to touch him for some more.

Now,its prince turn. He got rubina,bethany,amelia and melissa. Prince george guessed rubina and bethany by touching their hair, now he was at amelia just touching her hair couldn't help him to find and then she touched her lips and immediately guessed her name. Melissa ofcourse very angry and okay, you found her just touching her lips.So you knew her lips very much she thought to her self and angered on him.

Now, he was at melissa, melissa was angry. He was touching her overall face, when he touched her lips he immediately found her but wants to touch her more he cant stop touching her so continued to touch her hair. Her eyes her ears, he was making her tingle with his finger.

But melissa was mad at him and when he is touching her lips, she found that he recognised her so she bite his finger, he screamed and call out her name. But also smiled because he liked it.

Now,its melissa's turn, she have ti find rubina,prince george,henry and old lady.

She guessed old lady and rubina, and she was now at henry,she is touching him. She guessed henry by touching his hair cuz it was short but she intentionally touched his lips and said henry.

Henry was so happy, but george is fuming. Well, she doesn't know prince also here she thought that he will see her but she doesn't know that prince is the next one she has to guess.

Now, she is touching george overall his face. George closed his eyes and feeling her touch that tingling his face, he was smiling so lovely. Melissa spend much time in guessing his name which benefits george but loss to henry, he was jealous of him.

With her small slim fingers she touched his face,then she was slowly recognising the moment she saw him at beach,but she said ,

"Sorry, i dont know!" she told she accepts that she was lost, and opened her blindfolded.

Saw his face with disappointment, george also knew that she recognised him.

After the completion of game, old lady announced that george is the winner. Everybody's happy but melissa thinking about amelia and how to save george from amelia.

She took a decision, and informed simon to come to the forest. He came that night, melissa and rubina at late night went to meet him. He was waiting for them with a lamp.

George also saw both of them and followed them from some foots away. Then he saw a man, but in the dark couldn't find the face. Then rubina take out the lamp then in that light he recognised that he is his father.

Then he immediately came out from hiding, and shouted

"Father?" his face was angry and very angry on melissa and rubina.

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