
The surprise night

Well, to the prince victory every higher official wants to celebrate the moment. But prince george not showing interest or attention to the victory so to make him cheer up they'd like to give a surprise to him.

So, in the meeting without prince the officials and some men with william and henry are in the meeting.

"Tell me, what's the purpose for this meeting?" william asked them.

"For prince's biggest victory we want to celebrate this." official said.

"Okay! then celebrate it" william allowed them to celebrate.

"No, sire! we'd like to give a special gift to him. So in celebration we will give that gift to him,its very precious and every men will like" official said with confidence.

"A special gift? what is it? " william asked them.

Well, henry was jealous but controlling his self.

"Ah, sorry master.Its a surprise, so we will reveal it at the celebration moment. So please help us sire, prince george will respect you." the official said.

"Okay ! I will make him to attend" william assured.

"Thank you! Thank you sire" every body was happy.

Henry left from there, well william noticed it and he also went after henry.

"Henry! son,son!" william loudly calling him.

He is not stopping, then william grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Son! " william.

"What? father, you really happy for hus victory?" henry questioned him.

"Son! Please calm down. The time has come, leave it to me" william told him.

"What time father, every one is happy. And now they're giving a special gift to this idiot" henry was shouting.

"Shu, stop! Okay come with me" william grabbed his hand and take him to prison to show something.

William and henry went to prison, william showed him a person. Its king of gohar, when he got imprisoned that night william went to prison and offered him something and they both planned something.

Henry shocked for seeing king of gohar like this,

"King of gohar?" henry shocked.

"Yes! we had a deal. George will die in few days" william said.

"How father?" he's afraid.

After a loud laugh," son! dont worry about him. your brother destined to die in a beautiful lady hands.The lady will seduce you, she can make any man like a puppet in her hands. In this world, any man any guy will happen to fall in love with her seductive beauty" king of gohar told henry.

"Who is she?" henry questioned him.

"You will get to know by this night, son. Wait for the night" king of gohar.

Henry's mind now calmed but still worried.

"Okay! king, as our agreement, after his death i will give you what you want" william told him.

" You knew it right? The gift" he's laughing loudly( king of gohar).

"Yes, king! But after all they didn't know that its a really special gift but from hell not from heaven" william laughed creuly.

Henry still dont know about the special gift but after listening to their conversation he was sure that its really not a gift for george.

So as king of gohar said, henry wants to wait till today's night.

Then melissa and rubina are happy for prince george, that their plan worked very well. Even though its danger, they are succeed.

Here, william in prince room, came to persuade him. As he knocks the door, george came to know that its william.

"Yes, come in" george allowed him.

"George, are you alright?" he asked.

"Well, you can see me. Im totally fine, even somebody plans to kill me that wont work on me im not that easy to kill" george words like he is insisting something.

George's weird behaviour didn't understand to william, william is doubting if something is happening.

"Yes, george you are brilliant and tough guy everybody knows your strength" william told him.

"Well,not everybody" george looking right at him seriously.

Then william just smiled at him but he is really not smiling.

"Well, what brings you here? uncle" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Huh,yeah! We planned a surprise so you have to come please george. We want to celebrate this victory" william requesting him.

George looked into his eyes, william is tense.

"Again a plan? Okay, as for you i accept your request, I will come" george told him.

"huh, thankyou george! Thank you so much, its surprise for you from our higher officials" he said them.

"Oh! surprise from them? so why didn't they come?" he asked.

"Yes, george!On behalf of them, I came here" william said.

"Oh, okay uncle ! I will come"george accepted.

Then william left from there.Then george informed a official to come to his room,and asked about the surprise and details. He told him everything and also said that he invites everyone in the palace.

Here, melissa and rubina also going to there tonight. well, bethany came for old lady and they were talking about some thing. Then rubina and melissa also listening to her words.

Bethany is telling that old lady about the surprise to prince george, old lady asked about the surprise but nobody knows it, so bethany also said that she didn't even know.

Now melissa and rubina are confused and thinking about the surprise.

"Sister, do you have any idea about this surprise gift?" melissa asked her.

"Hm, I think may be its another big palace" rubina answered after thinking for a while.

"Shut up, prince already got may palaces and places.I think its something special" melissa is curious about it.

"Okay, leave it! anyways, tell me what will you wear for tonight" rubina asked her.

"Um?" melissa is thinking.

"You wear this, I designed it for you, my sweet little sister." rubina showed her a dress coloured black with white pearls.

Actually melissa hates black colour, rubina intentionally did this for her.

"You're joking right?" melissa is serious about it.

Then rubina with rolled eyes" okay, I will wear this and go infront of george. He will definetely likes me and mesmerised by my beauty" rubina is making fun of her.

"Shut up, this is serious. Give it to me, i will wear this" melissa grabbed the dress from her hands.

And its evening,melissa and rubina even the old lady also getting ready for it.

Prince george unexpectedly wears black colour for today's night. Still he is not happy or interested in it.

Well, everybody is at the main hall. Its big and well decorated and can fit for almost thousand people at a time. Everybody is waiting in the centre for prince, melissa ans rubina are coming from their room.

And reached the main steps, which lead to main hall, as melissa descending the steps like a goddess with black gown she was shining like a star in the sky.

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