
Jungle Adventure

Prince henry wants melissa to be safe no matter what, what all now he wants is to keep her safe, he is trying harder and harder to save the boat from sinking and not to hit the rocks in the middle of the ocean.

The winds are very stronger like they are dragging them from somewhere and it interrupts the way to island.

Its dark, snowy very mid night, the ocean is unpredictable and prince henry is unable to find the way to island as in the ocean, the wheather became icy and the winds are so cold it almost likely killed henry.

He cant find a way because its too hard as its dark ,the one thing that henry can able to see is the moon. So the way is not clear and he forgot the way so now he atleast want melissa to be safe so he tried all the night and slept.

In the morning, the sound of birds chirping and the sound of hitting a rock slowly melissa just woke up to the sounds of the winds and she is yawning and came out.

She rubbed her eyes and looked out, its a beautifull jungle coverd with plenty green tress and leaves and the scenary looks great.

Melissa thought that it was the island that henry mentioned about last night. She is went in search of henry but he's not in his room he is in the captains room, he just slept with his hand on the peddle wheel.

" Wake up!wake up! you have to see this" melissa with excitement.

"Whaat? " prince henry just awakened and yawning.

Then melissa grabbed his hand and take him to out side to show the jungle, henry followed her and henry was in shock, he stood there like a statue. Then melissa called him and asked him "what happened"?

"Where are we?" he is very much confused.

"we are in the island"! melissa told him.

"prince henry looks uncomfortable"!

"What didn't you said that you will take me to the island"! she asked.

"well !its not an island! its a jungle, and i dont know where to go from here"! he told her.

"she is in shock "!

"Okay! lets get out from the boat and we will go and get some things that are usefull to our boat" got it? he's asking while wearing the coat.

"melissa head nodded"!

Melissa left mr.fish in the boat.And they both were went in search, The sand is so clear and white in colour.

Henry is searching for some fuel to his boat as the fuel in this boat was about to finish. Melissa as usually searching and collecting some things in the sand like shell, some old stuff of others.

Henry saw that and thinking like

"God! how did i fell in love with this crazy girl" he's talking to god by looking at the sky.

He's happy that she was childish, warm and kind hearted person.

Then melissa going forward by following the shells and from far away she's smelling human scent so she thought that some one in this place and goes forward, then she saw a boat there. Thats pretty much damaged and also has a big hole to it, and its like some body scratched the boat.

She's ran to the boat, and shouted "henry, henry! come here".

Henry scared very much and started running so fast, and saw melissa. He is relaxed now , he felt that something happened to her.

Melissa and henry is now in the boat of prince george. Melissa worrying very much about prince george .

"what happened to them? there are not in the boat" she asked henry.

"i dont know! may be they too getting lost like us" he said.

" Then lets go, find them"! she's grabbing his hand.

"woah, woah,melissa! he's not a kid he can find his way" he reckless ed.

"Are you insane? he's your brother" she's very angry at him.

henry's thinking that if he cant help her to find george then melissa will definetely wont talk to him, so he decided to find him amd lisa.

Melissa and henry just went to their boat and got covered with knives and rope as it was jungle they dont know what happens there.

"mr.fish ! I will be here soon, dont worry" melissa told him.

"Okay! be very carefull and dont be caught, are you wearing the secret socks?" he questioned.

''yes! i knew it! I love you bye"she is talking in a husky voice.

Then melissa and henry is going in to the jungle there are so many green tress. They just entered the jungle.

Melissa and henry searching for some clues to find them.Melissa found a piece of cloth, that belongs to prince george. Melissa's praying that no harm will happens to prince george.

Henry's hating george very much because melissa giving more attention and showing more affection towards george.

Henry's praying that may george will die in here then he has no disturbance in between henry and melissa.

Melissa and henry are now have to cross the bride that is madeup of wood and the edges are tied by some strong ropes.But the rope is very old and its difficult to cross because the ropes are not well tied and the bridge damaged.

Now melissa and henry are stepped on the old wooden bridge, the bridge is shaking,they were unable to stand stable on the bridge.

They both were feared to cross it, Melissa in hand with henry crossing at the same time. Some how they crossed the bridge and at last the rope of the bridge suddenly the knot of the rope was cutted it self, so they have to find another way to exit from here.

The jungle was huge and dense, the way in the jungle is covered with full of rocks and stone, pebbles. The walking way is too harsh, melissa's slippers are very itchy her soft feet are injured.

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