
One Step at a Time

My dreams of freedom seem as grand as close to impossible. I feel like any normal human would have had his spirit crushed already. I feel like any normal person would have been broken already. Not me.

I lived a few years in complete darkness. Without a body. Left alone with my thoughts. Well, and an unknown creature that would do odd noises.

The pain is new. I am definitely new to physical torture. However, I am used to the mental one. Knowing that you are in a bad situation. Never having any control over it. Never knowing when or even if it will end. You want to have hope, but it seems impossible.

You then start to talk to yourself. Well, I was talking to Yggdrasil, but I didn't know what he was. I could have been talking to myself it would have almost been the same. I say almost. He did play a key role in me maintaining my sanity.

Maybe not as much at the beginning. But the more it went the more he became important to me. That experience did make me stronger I believe. More mentally resilient.

While at the beginning I am despairing, I get used to it. I start figuring out ways to become faster and faster. Very slowly I am improving the time I can outrun him. A millisecond at a time!

What, you expected the results to be more obvious? Sure if I could improve my stamina it would be. The only thing I can improve is my technique.

People would be looking at me and going: You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like. Seriously at least I am making some progress. Slowly, but surely.

With every run we do, I am improving my awareness and my ability to maneuver. Before I know it, I will be out of here! Well, it is true that this is too slow. I need to find something else.

Actually, I might have an idea. I did already determine that nature magic is useless against my opponent. But what if I used it on myself? I actually did think of the other magic types too, but it would be way too risky.

Here is the plan. Not only will I run, but I also will try and conjure vines from the surroundings. With these vines, I will push myself forward.

Maybe I could try and do like that one guy that lived in the jungle. Try and swing from tree to tree. Perhaps. Let's start slow.

For starters, I probably won't have enough time to climb a tree in 10 seconds. The trees in this place are way bigger than the ones on earth. Well, the ones I have seen at least.

The only thing is everything looks small compared to Yggdrasil himself. Well, that is to be expected. He is a mythological tree after all. At least, I think.

So this is what I do. I use some magic to make the surrounding vegetation grow quickly. Then I use it as a springboard to propel myself. The plants throwing forward at the same time. Launching me across the forest fast and….


Ouch, okay note to self. In a forest there are trees. Crashing into one is easy. Due to this slight misstep, I get caught again.

Sashimi time.

At this point, I am just awaiting the next try. I keep using magic over and over again. Getting better at it. Before I had to focus hard to make it happen. Now I am able to summon plants to my help easily.

I can do it while running. I can do it while dodging. I can even do it while getting tortured. The last one took the most time. The more I practice the more it becomes second nature to me. Now instead of improving a millisecond at a time, I improve my time by minutes.

All the while running for my life, or that's how it feels anyway. In such a manner I keep going. Never giving up.

I may not be the smartest.

I may not be the wisest.

But I am stubborn.

I am clinging to life.

I want to live.

I want to explore this world.

I want freedom.

I want joy.

I want friends.

I want adventures.

I want all of it.

I maybe am greedy but so what.

All my dreams repressed all these years...

All of it is now emerging.

After surviving for years in the dark.

I will be living in the light.

Proudly and standing.

I will complete this training. No matter how long it takes. No matter how painful it is. No matter what. This is my resolution. This is my will.

I will be akin to a phoenix. Well, not the burning part. But from the ashes, I will rise. Even with this weak vessel of mine. I will find ways to become more powerful.

Strangely I do not desire power. Not even one bit. What is the use of it? Oppress others? Why would I ever desire that? Leave behind a legend? I can be forgotten for all I care.

But there is one thing I need power for. I need it to protect, protect myself, protect my disciples, perhaps even protect this forest.

Hilarious how my current foe is part of it. Well, he is well-intentioned I believe. All this torture having a purpose. This makes it easier to endure.

Ah, but don't get me wrong. I will get revenge for this. Nothing will prevent me from getting it. Nothing too drastic. He has been teaching me after all.

But I will definitely teach him a lesson afterward. Should I forgive him on account that he is a guardian? Perhaps, but there is just one thing.

The more this training goes on the more I run out of something. I'm not talking about determination. No, I'm running out of fucks to give. Just watch me.

Soon I'll be done with this training. Then I will be done with the etiquette bullshit. Then there will be some well-deserved revenge. There will be some, right?!


He has been improving way too fast. What would usually take one years of arduous training he accomplishes in hours, even sometimes minutes.

Casting magic while on the move is something that no beginner mage can manage. Yet he does it so casually.

Raining attacks on me, then using it cleverly to boost his speed.

Then there the way he manages to maneuver around the forest. He is already more adept than some that have lived here all their entire lives. This is simply crazy!

For once I truly feel alive! HAHAHAHAHA

Hey, at least he's improving pretty fast haha.

Zombiecreators' thoughts
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