
I have him, mum.

The next Sunday, I thought it was Kiet waking me..... but found it was Link. His face went down when he heard what I said. We went for lunch and Kiet fed me the weird ice cream flavor. I heard people saying the Kiet and Link are weird but I guess the rumor is true after all... but trust me the ice cream flavor was really good.

I held Kiet's hand all throughout the movie to escape my fear of a closed area. Being with him..... makes me strong.... so strong that all my insecurities and fears stop at that moment. Kiet wined about the emotions and asked about the pills... Even though we both are close I still don't want him to know my past.

It changes everything. I can't see pity in his eyes.... at least not him. I slept at night but I had this dream that mum kissed me on the forehead, just like she always does before I got to bed. But it was just.....a dream after all. It reminded me of the suffering I haven't felt in Kiet's presence. 

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