
Hateful parents.

Everyone panicked and the girl... P'Pla, Link introduced her. She checked Kiet and we rushed him to the hospital. Only P'Itt and P'Sud went inside and the rest of us stayed out. I saw Link still staring at Kiet from the circular glass.

I hate hospitals, the rooms, the doors everything reminds me of the week I spent and the person I lost. Even P'Wan's room was on the first floor with plants and all so I never got a discomfort feeling. I walked towards Link and placed my hand on his shoulder gently.

"He'll be fine," I said with a soft tone and he sniffed.

"Will he?" He asked as he turned towards me with a sorrowful look.

"Yeah. He's strong." I smiled softly.

We sat on the chairs beside and Link leaned his head on my shoulder. I let him be. All that week I thought at least dad would be by my side... but he constantly accused me.

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