

"But I want to eat ice cream with you. Let's go c'mon." He said while pulling me from bed.

I sat back in bed and looked at him.

"Please." He said with pleading eyes.

"Fine let's go. Can't say 'no' to you though." I said while ruffling his hair.

He acts like a 5-year kid when he wants something, but he acts mature all of sudden. I doubt if he has a split personality problem, but anyhow I really can't say 'no' to him when he makes those pleasing eyes. He gave a big smile like always and got ready and so was I. We both went to the nearby ice cream store on my bike.

We stood at the counter and Link started going through the menu card to decide what to have. He sure is a kid inside. After going through everything in the menu card for half an hour he finally decided what to have and called the lady at the counter to order. Even that lady looked pissed-off, why wouldn't she? He made her wait this long.

"Finally you decided something," I said rolling my eyes.

"C'mon Kiet. There's always a choice to make and I want the best of it. It takes time." He said with a small smile formed at the edge of his lips.

"What would like to have sir?" the lady asked.

"A plain chocolate ice cream for him and a butterscotch ice cream with extra caramel crunch and add a bit of chocolate sauce on the top of it." He said while looking at her.

I looked at him giving a whimsical expression and even the lady was shocked to listen to the order he gave. I mean who eats butterscotch ice cream with chocolate sauce? He must have gone mad with all the studying.

"You sure?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"Ha?" Link said turning towards me.

"Umm.... nothing. I'm surprised that you still remember the ice cream flavor I eat." I changed the topic. Let him be as weird as he wants but I can't let others see him down because of what I speak or say to him.

"I would never forget. You want chocolate sauce on yours too?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine with the plain one," I answered with a small smile.

He turned towards the lady who was listening to our conversation still making that face. She suddenly changed her expression and took the order.

"Okkay sir, please wait for a while." She said and went inside to make the order.

We both went and sat at one of the tables which were at the far corner. He sat and was checking the phone but, I was still giving him the same whimsical expressions. I know he's strange but never thought he's weird. After some time he kept his phone aside and looked at me.

"I know I look cute, no need to stare at me like that." He said with a small smile while keeping his hands on the table.

I shook my head and came back to reality.

"Stop talking nonsense. I wasn't staring at you because of your cuteness or whatever you have thought of yourself." I said and looked away.

"Then why are you staring at me like that? Is there anything on my face that's so interesting to you?" He asked. Leave him without any interruptions and start answering, he will probably kill you with those questions.

"What? No. I was just thinking how did I befriend this peculiar human." I said looking at him with a strange face.

"Peculiar? You think I'm special?" He asked.

"Who told you peculiar means special?" I asked back. He sure gets a strange meaning out of a normal phrase or sentence.

"If you feel someone is peculiar that means that person has some quality or even personality that's not same as other people and that makes that person peculiar and that means he's special with his unique personality." He explained.

"Woah, that's a hell lotta interpretation. Why do you always interpret things differently than others?" I said while ruffling his hair.

"Can't do anything about it. It came as a package when I was born." He said while setting his hair back to the way before I ruffled it.

"I wish I had that way of interpreting things," I said while looking at him.

"Me too. That makes you see the real world and not the world ruled by money and at least you will find the beauty in it." He said with a smile.

"Don't start again with it. I came out with you cos I need mental peace." I said while looking away.

"Have you been practicing boxing lately? Your knuckle bruises don't seem to heal." He said while looking at my knuckles.

"It's the only way to control my anger. I can't let my emotions take control of myself, it destroys me." I said while rubbing gently at the back of my knuckles.

"Yes, but it depends on the situation. Since the time I know you, you have only chosen logic over emotions."

"Best thing one can ever do," I said with a small head tilt.

"Sometimes it's best to choose emotions over logic. It gives you ways to love things. Maybe then you will understand your mum much better." He said the last sentence in a quiet tone.

"I told you not to talk about her. If I only understand her when I choose emotions, then I would like not to understand her." I said in an angry tone while standing up.

It really pisses me off when I hear the things I don't wanna hear even after I give a warning not to talk about it.

"Wait, where are you going?" Link asked while holding my wrist.

"Away from the shitty conversation which I know would never fucking end. I seriously don't wanna hear any lecture about understanding mum or emotions." I said while freeing my wrist from his grip.

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't talk about it, please don't leave." He said with a sad tone.

I looked at him for a while, sighed, and sat back in my seat.

"If you don't want me to leave, then don't talk about her. Understood?" I said trying to calm down.

"Totally." He said with a big smile.

"You know how to spoil my mood," I said with a sigh.

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