
Never be a mistake but a blessing

"You have to push." A voice penetrated her chaotic brain, feeling her body was about to burst with its already frayed nerves. "Push harder."

Finally, after nine months of waiting, her child is coming. She could not wait to see her baby as her tears dropped in her eyes like a waterfall, blurring her sight. 

She could barely see the white walls around her, the machine that littered the floor, or the people trying to help her. All she could sense was excitement that soon she would become a mother.

But then again, she would be reminded of the pain of giving birth as her doctor shouted at her. "Come on, Sarah. You have to do better than that." The doctor called her attention, bringing her back to the present.

It was easy and pleasurable to create this child, but bringing her baby to the world was a different story as pain shot up in her body, coming from all directions.

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