
Full of surprises

"Mom?" Dani called again, finding her parent's room empty. She quickly moved to the bathroom, wondering if she could be taking a bath or something. But she doubted it since she hardly heard any noise coming from that direction.

Where was she? She asked internally, taking on the state of the room. It was clean. The bed sheet had no creased on it as if nobody had slept on it last night. But she was sure that she assisted her mother into her room, even tucked her in her bed.

"Mom." She tried again, but no one responded. Concerned, she checked every available space in the room, even under the bed. 

A little absurd. 

However, she had to be thorough. But the room was empty.

Where could she have gone? Checking again for any sign, but everything in the room was in order. Maybe she was in the garden, and the maids cleaned the room as soon as she had left.

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