
Traveling at high speed

"Can you assist, Ms. Harlowe, out of the car? I just have to check on something." Lance instructed Rick, who looked at him curiously.

He stared at the old man to beat it. He did not want to make an issue of something that did not happen. He knew that he almost kissed her, but he did not.

Besides, he was not even sure if he wanted to date her. He had sworn never to go out with anyone from the media business. He just never liked how they operated. 

He believed that the press used their massive influence and social reach to create money, exploiting other people's lives. Then, denied any responsibility when they made mistakes.

"Thanks for the help." She finally found her voice before she stepped out of the car and landed her feet on stable ground.

Her muscles might be a little soar after the few bumps, but she felt ok, much more than she expected after the joyride. However, she felt a little uneasy, finding the place too quiet.

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