
I Got Caught?

"You seriously creep me out," said Yamazuki.

"Sorry. I just needed your help for this." I replied.

The reason why I told Yamazuki to come over here is that I needed to talk with Yamamoto Shin through her. It was risky to call him by myself or to tell her to call him since she didn't have any idea of the situation. If I called him by myself, Yamamoto might cause some trouble for Yamazuki. Even though she was more of an acquaintance of mine than a friend, I still didn't want her to get in trouble.

It was also a great way to kind of judge the accuracy of my assumptions. It would be pretty hard to make him think that he's only talking with Yamazuki. By the impression Yamazuki gave me, she might mess things up real quick.

"When should I call him?" She asked while checking her phone. She was tapping on the mobile screen quite often, which indicated that she was scrolling on social media.

"You want to have some snacks?" I offered.

"Mhm? No thanks." She looked at me for a second, then went back to her phone again.

"It's pretty surprising that you are kind of following whatever I am saying to you," I said while taking out a book from the bookshelf.

I was not complaining about it since she helped me a lot with this. I thought about telling her about my mission, but I wasn't sure that she'd help me if I told her the reason for my actions. It'd look like I was sending innocent people to jail for no definite reason. Well, I at least like to think that they're innocent, cause if they did something, it wouldn't be something minor.

"Hmm? I dunno. I just like to help people." She replied, still scrolling on the phone.

"But you seem to dislike me."

"Welp, that's true." She put her phone down. "I'll ask the diary back from you after this. That's why I am helping you."

Well, that makes sense.

"I appreciate that. Now listen," I said.

"Go ahead," she replied, sitting more comfortably on the bed while stretching out her arms.

"I want you to ask him which club he's in, so I can communicate with him somehow."

"Just that? You can just ask him that directly, can't you?" She replied.

"I'll think of some questions while you talk with him, and I couldn't ask her directly. That would've made things suspicious. I can't just approach him without any specific reason."

Though, I think I made him suspect us more while trying to not look suspicious. The idea was pretty rushed, so I can't blame Yamazuki for it.

She shot me with a weird look. She parted her lips to say something but swallowed the words before they could escape her lips.

Picking up the phone, she asked, "So, should I call him?" there was a hint of irritation in her voice. She seemed to be in a rush for something.

"Ok, do it. I can't waste my time anymore."

"I am still not clear about one thing. Why are you doing all of this? Do you have any evil intention behind all of this?"

"I'll explain it to you later, and if you're concerned about if I had any bad intention or not, then calm down. I don't have any bad intentions. An evil deed doesn't always have an evil intention."

"If you say so…" She took out a crumbled page out of her pocket.

"You didn't save the number?" I asked.

"No, why would I?'"

I didn't reply. It was stupid of me to ask such a question. Why'd she save a stranger's phone number who we are just using for our own purpose?

"Alright, I am calling him." She said as she held her phone to her ear.

"Turn the volume up."

"I already did."

After a few rings, the guy picked up the phone.

"Who is it?" I heard a dry male voice from the other end. His voice had some chilly vibes, which indicated that he was awfully calm. Which kind of creeped me out.

"Oh, hey Yamamoto-san. It's Yamazuki." She said in a cheery voice, any normal teenage boy would've immediately misunderstood the situation by thinking that she was in love with them.

"Oh, hey! How are you?" He replied.

"Fine… Actually, I was pretty bored. All this studying and stuffs are so boooring." She said, as she let out a huge sigh.

Mann, I gotta admit, she's pretty good at acting.

"Oh yeah, studying can be boring sometimes. But it's necessary for your life, you know." He replied.

Wow, I didn't know.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Still, you can't say that studying isn't boring."

"Haha, yeah, that's true."

"Well, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Currently talking with two people on the phone." He replied.

There was a moment of silence. But that small moment of time seemed like an eternity to me. The sentence he had just said was the most unexpected answer I could think of. Thousands of questions gathered inside my head. There were two possible answers,

Either he knew that I was with her, or just threw a rock into the darkness hoping to hit the target.

"Heh? What do you mean?" Her voice sounded shaky.

"There are two people on the other end, aren't there?"

There were only two options available for Yamazuki, giving up or continuing to act like she was alone.

Giving up would make this much harder for me. He'd become aware of the fact that someone is trying to do something to him. That would make it so much harder for me to approach him. If incidentally, I was the one who approached him first, right after the call. He'd suspect me, which wouldn't be great at all. It might get hard to successfully perform any plan against him. It's easy to attack someone if they don't know they're being attacked.

Yamazuki parted her lips to say something. The words she said next confirmed which option she had chosen.

This chapter was pretty rushed, so the quality isn't quite good.

I will try to publish 3 chaps a week from now.

I am barely getting any free time, so u can't blame me. you know :)

BigBrainMRMcreators' thoughts
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