
A Weird Interview: Part-1

"You're late, " Sakura-sensei gave me a death stare.

It wasn't my fault that I was late.

Who would know the C-Block Building would be so hard to find. I just got transferred yesterday. How'd you expect me to locate this building fast?

Sakura-sensei looked pretty tired. She was sweating a little. It seemed like she'd been running around for a while.

Even though the weather was pretty sunny, but the sweat wasn't from the heat. There was a bit of fog on her glasses. It looked like she just came out of an AC room.

She took out a piece of tissue from her pocket and wiped her face.

"How can I be late when you just reached here?" I asked.

The fog would've disappeared if she was here for a while. But there was.

Sakura-sensei looked pretty surprised. But that was all. She didn't answer my question.

"Follow me," She said...no...she ordered.

The C-Block building was quite hard to find or maybe it's because I just got transferred. Since it was pretty early in the morning, I didn't have anyone to ask where it was. The building was at the backside of the school, connected to the road.

I followed Sakura-sensei to the elevator.

"Am I allowed to use this?" I asked. I haven't seen a single student using the elevator.

"Why do you think I told you to follow me?" She said.

Was that a question that was supposed to be answered angrily? I was just being polite.

I stepped onto the elevator. The elevator wasn't that big. The maximum number of people was 5.

She pressed the "b1" button, which indicated the basement floor one. There were 2 other basement floors "b2" and "b3".

"Why are we going to the basement?" I asked.

If we had to go to the basement, we could've met on the first floor. Meeting up on the third floor seemed quite unreasonable to me.

"Stay quiet," She said.

Was that a weird question? I asked myself. At least try to give a hint or something. If it was a weird question, it'd be okay not to answer. But this question wasn't weird nor too personal.

"Sakura-sensei, why am I here?"

"I think you already know the answer." She replied.

"You mean, the E-mail?" I asked.

Sakura-sensei didn't respond to it.

There was some cool air coming through the gap of the doors of the elevator. It seemed like there were some AC on the other side of the elevator door.

"Why did I get that E-mail?" I asked.

"You'll get your answer soon."

"How soon?"

"Umm... Let's see, maybe in three years? or sooner, I don't know." She replied.

I didn't know if she was joking or not. I decided not to ask about it any further. But three years? I'd be graduating at that time.

We reached our destination.

The door opened. I was quite surprised by the atmosphere. It was like an office, office might be the wrong word but a lab sounds too creepy. The whole area was air-conditioned. Some people were running here and there, working on their computers. They looked very busy.

Sakura-sensei me led to a room.

As soon as I entered a room. I got even more confused.

The room contained a table and two chairs, a person was sitting on one of them.

"I've been waiting for you Ashiro Kaname-dono." The person sitting on the chair spoke.

He looked pretty middle-aged, probably was between 40-50. He was wearing glasses and a white shirt. He definitely didn't look like a principal.

"Go sit there," Sakura-sensei ordered.

I sat in front of the guy with a white shirt. He had a big smile on his face. The smile wasn't creepy but rather calm.

"So, what's your name, young one?" He asked. He still had a big smile on his face.

"You just called me by my name," I replied. I was very confused and irritated.

"Haha, you guys are so young," He laughed a bit like I said something funny

Guys? That means some other students like me who also got the same E-mail as me.

"So then, let's start our session," He said.


"You go in first," Sakura-sensei said.

The "session" thingy was that long. I was kind of worried why I was called here but it seemed like there wasn't any reason to be worried about it.

But I was still pretty confused. There were plenty of reasons for me to be confused. For example, the reason I was called there wasn't clear. They didn't show a single hint of a reason. I couldn't remember being a bad boy on the first day of school. I was pretty sure that I didn't break any rules.

I noticed the Sakura-sensei had some document papers she had been holding since I met her.

I was kind of curious to see what was in the document. I was pretty sure that it was somehow connected with me, or the reason why got that E-mail. I might be wrong.

Sakura-sensei held the documents on her chest the whole time. That makes it even harder. I wanted to take a peek at what was in the paper. At least it would've satisfied my curiosity a little. But If I tried peeking Sakura-sensei might get a wrong idea and the situation would be out of hand.

"Why?" I asked.

Even though I could guess why, but I asked like. I just happened to like to annoy people.

"I am very exhausted, I need to grab some water."

I was pretty sweating. After coming out of that room, the heat drained me off. The reason why Sakura-sensei was sweating wasn't running around and doing work, it was the heat.

"Oh," I said as I walked towards the classroom.

Sakura-sensei looked tired. Maybe I was wrong, it wasn't just heat, she'd been doing work since the morning too. She drank a bottle of water from the vending machine before coming upstairs. She also told me that she'd take the last lesson.

I took a step into my classroom. Unlike the other day, no one stared at me. They seemed to lose interest in me already. Well, I am not complaining about it.

Some students looked at me for a second then went back to what they were doing. I tried to find the girl I talked with yesterday but she seemed to be absent today. I put my bag on the desk and sat down. She's taking more time than I thought. The classroom was pretty noisy. I took out my notebook and waited for the teacher to arrive.

Sakura-sensei arrived after a while. She still had the documents.

"Good Morning, Teacher," We all greeted.

"Sit down everyone," Sakura-sensei ordered.

She opened the drawer of the teachers' desk and put the document paper in it.

The class became silent immediately as soon as Sakura-sensei entered. She really is something else. Though some students were still talking, Sakura-sensei didn't care about them at all. It seemed like she'd take revenge on them on the exams.

Sakura-sensei started her lesson.


The bell rang.

"The beginning of the day was pretty weird. I wish the rest of the day stays normal," I murmured while stretching my hand.

It was lunchtime.

Some students had already started munching down their food. They were probably waiting for the break since the first lesson. I could feel them because I was in the same situation as them yesterday. The only difference was, they bought food and I didn't.

I messed up my cooking last night. I wanted to bring lunch today but it wasn't possible after the way I messed the whole thing up. I wanted to bring an omelet and some rice but was too exhausted. I should probably bring food next time. Foods from the cafeteria aren't always hygienic.

I put the notebooks in my bag and slowly got up from my seat. I didn't have any choice other than to go to the cafeteria.

I was walking out of the classroom but the devil inside me gave me an evil urge. I noticed that Sakura-sensei didn't take out the documents from the desk. It may still be there.

I walked towards the teachers' desk and opened the drawer. Since everyone was busy eating and chatting. They didn't have the time to watch over a guy like me.

The documents were there. I took them out and started reading a bit. Most of them were about the teachers' schedule or meeting stuff. But one of the documents caught my eye. My name was on it. Not just mine, there was some other student's name too. My name had a tick sign beside it and so was some other student's one. I suddenly realize that there were CCTV cameras in this room.

I quickly put the documents in the drawer and pretended as nothing happened.

I looked at the clock. I've wasted 5 minutes of my lunchtime. I started running without thinking. I didn't know if I could get a table or not.


The cafeteria was full.

I've always hated crowded places. This wasn't an exception. There was a long line in front of the food section as expected. I stood in the line, there was nothing I could do other than just wait.

I'd notice something different today, they weren't selling the lunch set I bought yesterday. Maybe It was something that would only be sold on a certain day of the week. I guess I was pretty lucky then.

I wasn't that much hungry. I ate a lot in the morning since I had to go to school early. I think I ate a bit too much but I am not complaining about it.

My turn came sooner than I thought. I bought a small lunch set that contained rice, an omelet, and some vegetables. I couldn't find a table just as I thought. I went outside. Since there were some benches outside I thought it'd be a great idea to eat outside.

I went outside the cafeteria. The weather was pretty comfortable. It seemed like the hot weather didn't last long. The weather wasn't too hot nor cold. It was perfectly balanced.

I sat on a bench and was getting prepared to eat. But a certain one didn't let me eat.

"Heyyy!!! Kaname-kun!!" A guy yelled as running towards me. He knew my name which means he was my classmate.

Oh, nice! Here I thought my day wouldn't get any worse.

I wanted to run away but he reached me before I could.

"What are you doing? Kaname-kun?" He asked as he walked closer to the bench.

I ignored his question. If he had a single bit of common sense he could've understood that I was going to eat my lunch. He looked at my lunch.

"Looks good. Can I have some? I didn't bring money today. Haha," He showed me his money bag.

Isn't asking someone whom you just met something like this weird?

He seemed really hungry though, I decided to show some kindness.

"Ok, then. Here are 300 yen. Buy something by yourself."

I went back to eating, it was pretty tasty, the veggies were pretty well cooked.

I thought he'd take some time to buy lunch since the line was pretty long. But he came back pretty soon.

"The fast-food section had a surprisingly small line." He smiled.

I was pretty disappointed. I knew that he'd come back so I was munching down my food aggressively. I thought I'd go to the classroom before he came back. But luck wasn't on my side today either.

"There's a different line for fast food?" I asked.

I didn't notice that there was a fast-food section in the first place.

"Yeah, I bought a burger, and here's the change." He handed me over the money.

I quietly took the money and put them in my moneybag.

"Let's start eating then," He said.

Yeah Yeah, I know it's been like a week. But trust me, this was supposed to come out 2 weeks ago. I have an exam ahead and also a lot of assignments to do. So yeah, that's why the chapter came out late. Chapter 5 is on it's way, stay tuned :)

BigBrainMRMcreators' thoughts
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