
Chapter 103: Outrage

Lizzie entered the warehouse and headed toward the viewing screen that was set up to the side in a makeshift common area, scanning the rows of seats for Alex and his friend. She didn't really know what she was doing here. But then again, that was the story of her life at the moment - nothing made sense anymore. These two guys at least had kind eyes; she felt like she could trust them.

She spotted them, but before she could approach, Alex turned around in his seat and saw her, his shapely dark eyes brightening with his wide smile. He motioned with a rippling forearm for her to come over, and Lizzie's heart fluttered in a way it hadn't in, well, she couldn't even remember the last time.

They'd saved a seat for her in their row, his equally good-looking darker-skinned friend with the close-cropped hair smiling genially in greeting. What was his name again?

"Deion, scooch over a seat, will you?" Alex requested.

Deion. That was it.

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