
Chapter 34: Betrayal

Alessa was having trouble training her vision on Isaac's irresistible sapphire eyes. Still woozy from whatever the producers had used to knock her out for transport to Isaac's set, she was struggling to focus her mind on anything at all. It was a miracle she'd even made it this far.

But now Isaac - her Isaac - was finally back.

Alessa's body buzzed as she leaned in, hastening the moment when their lips would finally meet after so much time apart. They pressed together, their kiss releasing a dizzy burning that radiated throughout Alessa's being, taking her breath away.

For the first time in over a year, Alessa felt whole once again. She clutched the wall behind her for support as lightheadedness descended over her, her body tingling with the intense turmoil Isaac's touch had induced. She ran her fingers roughly through his thick hair and concentrated on pouring every ounce of her longing into the kiss.

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