
Chapter 229

On the list of things Derrick shouldn't do, dragging his new therapist into the water was probably one of them.

It's her own damned fault.

Telling him she liked the look of his body. A bald-faced lie. Had to be. What woman would find a man whose legs had lost so much muscle mass, and dangled limper than noodles, sexy?

What of the scars scoring his skin? Red lines. Bold spots. Jagged lightning leaving behind ridged skin. Most of his wounds had healed nicely, except for those drawn with silver. Those took much longer to heal, and they crisscrossed his body, telling a story that he couldn't forget.

And Janine saw them all. Saw all of his imperfections, didn't recoil from them, called him attractive, and then, to add even more insult, she offered him a helping hand.

She thinks I am weak.

Awoo. He almost howled with the indignity of it. Instead, he didn't think. He acted. More like yanked on the hand she dared extend.

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